

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 3rd, 2025 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Andrew Swan

Colleen Griewisch

Jeff Griewisch

Michael Shearer

John Kennedy

Louis Pelletter

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Haskins.  Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the February 3rd, 2025 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the minutes of the February 18th, 2025 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 13 including claims numbered 26694 through 26719 in the amount of $186,221.75 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Michael Shearer of Adams Street- Questions to the board regarding the sewer debt payment increases and why we are in arrears. Mayor Hornburg explained that the project started many years prior. Dave Voigt stated that we were mandated to do the sewer plant, water lines, and the sewer lines. The plant was a 6.2 million project alone. Mayor Hornburg explained that the added costs came from the water line project and the I&I project which was done in 5 phases.

The total of the three projects of 6.2 million, 3.4 million, and 3.2 million which is where the almost 13 million in debt comes from. When the debt payments started coming in we calculated the debt charge to cover that portion. After adding the additional phases to that debt we were not taking in enough to cover the total debt payment as determined by our accounting people. We should be able to make the payments with the charge we currently have set. We have been told that the work that was done is good for the next 40 – 50 years. Trustee Tampio also stated that our budget consists of 3 parts, general fund, water fund, and sewer fund that have to be kept separate and revenues can’t be shared between them.

Louis Pelletter – Hanover Town Supervisor – Received calls on Main St. School and part of the wall falling down. We are debating having another meeting regarding battery storage facilities. I am sending a letter of support for the potential Lake Shore Hospital property proposal. Fire department district meetings were held. The discussions are continuing and will work together on them, it seems to be a win for all involved.


New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the membership application of Michael Crouse Jr. for the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the following budget transfers: $25,000 from Reserve account 201.14 miscellaneous to 8160.42 Garbage Pick Up, and $3,000 from 201.30 Rip Rap reserve to 7550.44 Fourth of July. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be held on Tuesday March 25th, 2025 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. Would like to recognize and commend the DPW and Water/sewer departments for all of the work they have been doing during all of the snow events we have had. Thank you to our Disaster team Jeff and Brandyn Griewisch for the work at the mouth of the creek and avoiding ice jam flooding. Met with several companies for website design and public notification programs and will get information to the board members for discussion.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes –  Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio – Happy that we have no flooding. The fire department districting meeting sounds promising and appreciate the work going into it. Attended a meeting at the senior citizen center and explained the new income increase to the senior citizen tax exemption. Happy that the project on Route 5&20 will be starting. We are starting to work on the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

Trustee Haskins – I live near the Griewisch families and seems that they are running to calls constantly. Appreciate the fire and EMS and all they do.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Disaster Coordinator Jeff Griewisch – Update on the creeks. There was nothing that came over the banks. The county machine did a good job to open the mouth and the creeks are flowing well.

Water/Sewer Dave Voigt- We had a water main break on Robert Drive that has been repaired.

Code Enforcement John Kennedy – Appreciate the cooperation of the residents with complaints.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:38 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on February 18th, 2025 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Dwayne Haskins (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Andrew Swan

Mayor Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and  Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Haskins (Excused),  and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 12 including claims numbered 26663 through 26693 in the amount of $46,202.06 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to amend the Village of Silver Creek Senior Citizen Partial Real Property Tax Exemption income eligibility limit by increasing it to $30,000, effective the next taxable status date of March1, 2025, pursuant to Section 467 of the New York State Real Property Tax Law.  Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to authorize the Mayor to sign the Universal Industries Supported Employment Agreement for 2025. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be held on Tuesday February 25th, 2025 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. Would like to recognize and commend the DPW and Water/sewer departments for all of the work they have been doing during all of the snow events we have had. Seems like the majority happens on weekends and holidays. I appreciate Deputy Mayor Tampio for covering the last meeting for me while I was ill.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Would like to thank the DPW and Water/sewer departments for their work.

Trustee Barnes –  Would also like the thank the DPW and Water/sewer, and include thanks to the Fire and EMS departments.

Trustee Tampio – Would also like to echo the thanks to all of the departments. Happy for the increase in tax exemption income increase. If anyone feels they qualify, they need to go to the assessors office by March 1st. The County has also increased theirs to $30,000.

Trustee Haskins – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:18 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on February 3rd, 2025, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Deputy Mayor Kathy Tampio

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Bill Barnes

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Michelle Haskins

Andrew Swan

Michael Shearer

Braden Carmen – Obser

Deputy Mayor Tampio called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Deputy Mayor Tampio: Present: Deputy Mayor Tampio, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Haskins. Absent: Mayor Hornburg (Excused), Trustee Barnes (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the minutes of the January 6th, 2025 Organizational Meeting as corrected to reflect the accurate IRS mileage reimbursement rate of $.70. Trustees Lindstrom, Haskins, and Deputy Mayor Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 11 including claims numbered 26585 through 26662 in the amount of $141,775.80, and Abstract  No. 4 Capital Project I&I claim number 2405 in the amount of $1,790.10 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Haskins, and Deputy Mayor Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Michael Shearer 25 Adams St.- Questions regarding the sewer debt charge increase and wants answers to where the charges came from.

Also questioned the storm drainage on Buffalo St. to Adams St.

Deputy Mayor Tampio stated that she will speak with the Mayor to put something together to explain the debt. We do have the documentation and breakdown of the accounting.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Haskins to accept the resignation of Donna Metzger from the Silver Creek Planning Board.  Trustees Lindstrom, Haskins, and Deputy Mayor Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application for use of the ballpark pavilion and village park areas by the Hanover Garden Club for their annual Garden Faire on May 16th from 4-7pm, and 17th from 6am-5pm, 2025. Trustees Lindstrom, Haskins, and Deputy Mayor Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Haskins to authorize the clerk to sign the annual preventative maintenance agreement with Key Power Systems, Inc. for the municipal building generator effective February 1, 2025 through January 31, 2026 at a cost of $600. Trustees Lindstrom, Haskins, and Deputy Mayor Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the Mayor signing the Fire Protection renewal contract between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. The contract is in the amount of $72,723.00. Trustees Lindstrom, Haskins, and Deputy Mayor Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to transfer $24,853.00 from account 201.21 equipment replacement reserve to account 5110.22 pick up truck for payment  to JIT Toyota for the purchase of a 3 wheel fork truck. Trustees Lindstrom, Haskins, and Deputy Mayor Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the next Village Board meeting change to Tuesday February 18, 2025 at 7:00 pm. Change is due to the Presidents Day holiday on February 17th. Trustees Lindstrom, Haskins, and Deputy Mayor Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be held on Tuesday February 25th, 2025 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm.  The mobile pantry for January was very successful.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you to Donna Metzger for her dedicated service for many years.

Trustee Barnes –  Absent (Excused).

Trustee Tampio – Recognize the month of February as Black History Month.

Trustee Haskins -Thanks to the water/sewer department for the repair of the water main break on Hanover Rd.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:19 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Organizational Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on January 6th, 2025 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Pastor Mark Swan

Andrew Swan

Michelle Haskins

Braden Carmen – Observer

Janet Harmon

Tom Harmon

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Organizational Meeting Prayer given by Pastor Mark Swan of the First Baptist Church.

Swearing in ceremony of Trustee Barnes and Trustee Haskins by Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Haskins. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the December 16th, 2024 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the minutes of the December 16th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.10 including claims numbered 26554 through 26584 in the amount of $75,528.83 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor Hornburg stated the Board Assignments and Appointments for 2025 will be available in the Village Clerks office for review.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the Mayor’s appointments as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to accept the Mayor’s board assignments as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Tom Harmon – Thanked the board for the support of the Kiwanis Club. Everything the club does is for the children. Janet Harmon stated that the Kiwanis has two major fund raisers each year which are the chicken barbeque and golf tournament with all of the proceeds going to the events for the children. This past Christmas we had 67 families and 174 children that we bought gifts for. We host an Easter event, Children’s Fair, Halloween truck and treat, and Christmas in the park. Every penny that we take in goes back to the children. Mayor thanked the Kiwanis for all they do. Tom Harmon asked how the residents will be notified about the increase in the sewer debt charge. Mayor Hornburg stated that the public hearing was advertised, the Observer was given a letter explaining the reason for the increase, it will be on our Website and face book page.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the procurement policy of the Village of Silver Creek as currently in effect and that the Village Board is hereby directed review that procurement policy to make modifications necessary thereto, if any. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Tampio to designate the Dunkirk Observer as the official newspaper of the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, circumstances arise that require the Village Board to convene in addition to the scheduled Regular Board Meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in the event of a Special Meeting being called by the Mayor or Trustees, every member of the Village Board shall be informed by telephone, in person or in writing by either the Village Clerk, Mayor or another member of the Board of Trustees of the date, time, location and subject of the Special Meeting; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the meeting shall be given to the Board Members and The Observer and posted at the Village Municipal Building at least 72 hours in advance unless an emergency exists and otherwise as in conformance with the Public Officers Law, and the other laws of the State of New York. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Silver Creek hold regularly scheduled meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the first and third Monday of the month; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in the event that a Regular Meeting date falls on a holiday in which the Village office is closed, the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the following Tuesday; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Board Workshops will be held in the Municipal Board Room at 172 Central Avenue, Silver Creek NY 14136 as advertised. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Haskins to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that Village Law § 4-412(3)(2) requires the designation of banks or trust companies for the deposit of all Village monies;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board designates the following institutions as depository of all moneys received by the Village treasurer, clerk, and receiver of taxes: Community Bank, N.A. and Evans Bank. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, there is to be held during the coming official year a) the New York State Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting and Training School; b) the New York State Conference of Mayors and Fall Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerks; c) the New York State Conference of Mayors Public Works School, d) county association meetings; etc.; and

WHEREAS, attendance by certain municipal officials and employees at one or more of these meetings, conferences or schools benefits the municipality; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that officers and employees are authorized to attend these schools and meetings with board approval. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage as reimbursement to Village officers and employees who use their personal automobiles while performing their official Village duties; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board will approve reimbursement to such officers and employees at the rate of 70 cents per mile. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to authorize payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges; and

WHEREAS, all such claims must be presented at the next Regular Board Meeting for audit; and

WHEREAS, the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claim are jointly and severally liable for any amount the Village Board disallows. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges.  All such claims must be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claims are jointly and severally liable for any amount the board of trustees disallows. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement for enhanced sheriff patrol between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek effective January 1, 2025. The total contract amount is $602,268.47 with the Village’s portion being $301,134.24. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Brianna Griewisch as acting DPW Supervisor effective Thursday January 2, 2025 through the end of April 2025. She will be paid an additional 1.5 hours per day for working out of class. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the Mayor’s appointment of  Kathy Tampio as Deputy Mayor effective January 1, 2025. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Haskins to authorize the Mayor to sign the Animal Holding Agreement between Eden Veterinary Clinic and the Village of Silver Creek effective January 1, 2025. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to authorize the Mayor to sign the Chautauqua County Humane Society Secondary Contract for the Care of Canines. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Barnes to table the Mayor signing the Fire Protection renewal contract between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to cancel the next regular board meeting scheduled for January 20th, 2025 due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Chiavetta’s Chicken Barbeque in the Village Square on Sunday January 12, 2025 from Noon to 2:00 pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to increase the quarterly sewer debt charge from $65.00 to $86.14 per quarter beginning with the February 2025 billing. This increase is necessary to cover the repayment of the cost of the just completed Inflow & Infiltration project that was a mandated consent order directed by the NYS DEC. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to transfer $200,227 from account 201.21 equipment replacement reserve to 5110.22 pickup truck for the purchase of the 2024 International in May of 2024. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on Tuesday January 28th, 2025, from 11:00am – 12:30pm.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Congratulations to Trustees Barnes and Haskins. The garden club will be holding the Garden Faire in May, they are looking for interested vendors.

Trustee Barnes  – Thank you to the residents that voted for me and I’m looking forward to working with everyone in my third term.

Trustee Tampio – Welcome again to Trustees Haskins and Barnes. Thank the DPW for the holiday decorations in the park. Thank you to Donna Metzger for her 28 years of service on the planning board and 14 years delivering for meals on wheels.

Trustee Haskins – Thank you to the residents that voted for me. We have a great team and I’m looking forward to working with everyone.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Commend the employees for handling two snow events during the month.

Fire/EMS Mayor reported: The month of December had 40 calls that included 2 structure fires, 30 EMS, 3 MVA. For the year of 2024 there were a total of 542 call that included 13 fires, 56 MVA, and 360 EMS calls. Congratulate all of the volunteers for all they do.

Sheriff Mayor reported: We are entering into another contract with the sheriff department through the Town of Hanover. Thank you to Louis Pelletter for all of the work he put in on the new contract.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Commend the water/sewer employees for the time spent on the 10″ water main break on Hanover Rd. It was quickly under control and now repaired.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 16th, 2024, at 7:16 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Andrew Swan

Joshua Burch

Louis Pelletter

Donna Metzger

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Haskins. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the December 2nd, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 9 including claims numbered 26526 through 26553 in the amount of $21,002.81 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Joshua Burch – 248 Central Ave. – I am having an issue with the building inspector regarding parking in the alley between the buildings and behind the building. Mayor Hornburg stated that we are looking into the issue and fire lanes, and will get back to Mr. Burch with findings. John Kennedy stated that we are looking into the issues along with the fire chief and will get back to him with the findings. Trustee Barnes said that the issue would be having enough room to fight a fire should that happen.

Louis Pelletter – Want to get together to discuss some issues. Looking for money to equip the Town vehicles with radios and want to know if the Village would be interested in doing this.

Would like all to be able to communicate with all agencies (County, School, Town, Village)

Still want to get together with the fire chiefs to create fire taxing districts through the Town instead of the individual budgets through each company within the Town.

Sandy Hornburg – Report on the Christmas decorating contest – We had nine people sign up and eight that participated lighting up their houses. We did award 3 prizes and the list of houses is on the Village web site.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the Dog Control Officer Inspection Report completed on 11/22/24 with a satisfactory rating. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the mayor’s appointment of Jeffrey Switzer to MEO effective 12/5/24. Jeffrey will serve the remainder of his probationary period at the MEO class. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be held on Tuesday January 28th, 2025 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. There is no mobile food pantry scheduled for December. The Village received a public notice of a 30 day period where landowners may submit requests to include predominantly viable agricultural land into an existing certified agricultural district. The Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development will accept applications from January 2, through January 31, 2025.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Congratulations to Jeffrey Switzer for getting his CDL. Thank you to the DPW for all of the work on snow removal. Thank you to Sandy Hornburg for spearheading the Christmas decorating contest.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio – The county office for the aging has announced that there are free winter weatherization kits available in three locations. Flyers are in the clerk’s office.

Trustee Haskins – How do we get the news out to the public when there is a problem around the Village.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW- Mayor reported: As Trustee Lindstrom stated: Thank you to the DPW for all of the work they have been doing to remove the snow.

Code Enforcement John Kennedy: We are communicating with the public. Mr. Burch is only giving part of the story. We are working on one piece at a time and will continue to work with him.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Nothing at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:52 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 16th, 2024 at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Andrew Swan

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Louis Pelletter

Joshua Burch

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present – Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Trustee Tampio and Trustee Haskins, Absent – Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the purpose of the hearing is to discuss the increase of Village Dept service charges now that the recent I&I Project has been completed.

The project was state mandated by the DEC and health department, beginning with Phase 1 and 2 which had a cost of $1,113,522, then were ordered to perform Phase 3,4, and 5 that incurred an additional cost of $3,046,167. Since the completion of the I&I projects the new total annual sewer debt cost of $459,294.48 must be spread over the Village’s 1,333 customers. The $65.00 debt charge on the water/sewer bills is to repay the loans incurred from this project. Mayor Hornburg read a statement regarding the recommendation from our accounting firm and extensive review by the Mayor and Board of Trustees the need to increase the sewer debt charge in order to cover the loan payments for the I&I project and will be shared equally among all of our water/sewer customers (1,333). To meet the required sewer debt quarterly charge per customer, the current rate of $65.00 will be increased by $21.14, resulting in a new rate of $86.14. An overall increase to each of our customers of $84.56 per year. This new rate will begin with the February 2025 billing cycle. Mayor Hornburg stated that water rates will not be going up this year because we have funds from the sale of the reservoir to cover the increases, but some time in the future water rates will have to increase. Louis Pelletter stated that Erie County raised the rate by 11% last year and another 11% this year. Considering raising the Town rate a little to help lighten future increases.

Trustee Lindstrom made a motion to close the public hearing at 7:16 pm.                                                           _________________________________

Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 2nd, 2024, at 7:03 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Haskins. Absent: Trustee: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the November 18th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 8 including claims numbered 26397 through 26431 in the amount of $120,741.02 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board: No One Spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the following budget transfers: $3,000.00 from A7110.1 Parks Personal Services to A7140.1 Recreation Centers Personal Services $2,000.00 from A7110.2 Parks Equipment, $1,000.00 to A7140.1 Recreation Centers Personal services and $1,000.00 to A7140.4 Recreation Centers Contractual Expense. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the budget modification to increase the 2024 Highway & Street Admin-Contractual expenditure budget by $27,930 and Maintenance of Roads expenditure budget by $2,070 due to grant money received from Chautauqua County for the Walnut Creek Stream bank Stabilization Project. This will increase accounts A5010.4 Contractual Other Expense by $27,930 and A5110.45 Resurfacing Material by $2,070. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the budget modification to increase the 2024 Recreation Centers expenditure budget by $24,224 due to money received from the summer recreation program. This will increase A7140.1 Recreation Centers Personal Services. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the NYS DEC Annual Comprehensive Inspection of the Silver Creek WWTP for compliance with the conditions and limitations of its SPDES Permit with a satisfactory rating. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the purchase of a used 3 wheel fork truck for the Silver Creek DPW building from JIT Toyota Lift, Frewsburg, NY at a cost of $24,853, with a new battery and a 5 year warranty. The funds will come from reserve account 201.21 Equipment Replacement Reserve. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to declare the current old fork lift as surplus equipment and list for sale when the replacement fork truck is received from JIT. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to call for a public hearing to discuss the increase of Village debt service charges now that the current I&I Project has been completed. The public hearing will be held on Monday December 16th, 2024 at 7:00 pm with the regular board meeting to immediately follow. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will tentatively be on Tuesday January 28th, 2025 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. If there is any change it will be announced and advertised. There is no mobile food pantry scheduled for December. Want to commend the DPW and Water/sewer departments for a fantastic job handling all of the snow from the storm over the past weekend.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – The Silver Creek Kiwanis Club is holding the annual Christmas in the park on December 7th, from noon to 3:00pm.

Trustee Barnes –  Great job with the snow to DPW and Water/sewer, also commend the Emergency squad as they handled many calls.

Trustee Tampio – Also want to commend the DPW and Water/sewer  for a great job in plowing and clearing snow.

Trustee Haskins – I agree with all and commend all of the departments involved, and they did a great job with the snow.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Code Enforcement John Kennedy: Nothing at this time. Discussion regarding a new home on Glenwood, and the status of a condemned property at 305 Central Ave. Also spoke with the person and the person that complained regarding the leaf blowing.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:25 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 18th, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

William Metzger

Andrew Swan

Braden Carmen – Observer

Matt Miller

Katie Ralston

Colleen Griewisch

Brandyn Griewisch

Jim Castiglia

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Haskins. Absent: Trustee: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the November 4th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 7 including claims numbered 26397 through 26455 in the amount of $177,317.77 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor Hornburg introduced Dr. Katie Ralston Superintendent of Silver Creek Central School, and Matt Miller Business Manager of Silver Creek Central School. Dr. Ralston explained the upcoming capital project and vote on December 17th from 1-9 pm. There will be two more community conversations on December 4th at 10:00 am and 6:00 pm to answer any questions regarding the project. The project will include updates to the gym flooring, bleachers, locker rooms, and storage. Five restrooms will be renovated and 18-20 classroom updates will be included. The display cases will be updated to be recessed in the walls. There will also be updates to the pool area and loading docks, and complete renovation to the auditorium to include new seating, lighting, acoustics and ADA compliant seating. The elementary playground is also being updated. The playing fields will be relocated near the playground and will include scoreboard, sound system and dugout updates.

The bus garage will have updates to the masonry on the outside of the building. The project will be funded through state aid, and part of our reserves, and will not include a tax increase.

Trustee Tampio asked for some explanation regarding the IT and security improvements. Dr. Ralston stated the cameras will be updated with CAT 5 technology.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Jim Castiglia – I ran for trustee and have a lot of things on my agenda. I wasn’t elected but I still want to move forward with my plans and ideas. One item that bothers me is an article that was in the paper. Christy Street has a lot of lovely homes and we try to take care of our properties the best we can. My neighbor was slammed for blowing leaves and does not spend six hours at a time as the paper stated. The people that had some complaints do not own their properties and do not take care of them the way that some of us do. That is all I have to say at this time. Mayor Hornburg stated the Code enforcement had a conversation with him as well.

Matt Miller – 46 Robinson St. thank you for fixing the curbing at my driveway entrance.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt a resolution in support of continued and increased state aid for local governments. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the application of Hannah Cotter as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department and approved by the board of fire wardens. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the Mayor to hire Brad Pinsky, an EMS/Firefighter labor attorney to draft a wage proposal for the Silver Creek EMS Department. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday November 26th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. There is no mobile food pantry scheduled for December.

The final brush dump date will be November 30th from 9am-1pm. Received a notice from NYSEG informing that they will be conducting a survey of  transmission lines using drones.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio – Chautauqua County sent out an alert notice that rechargeable lithium batteries do not go in household garbage. They can be taken to Add Lumber, Harbor Freight, Home Depot, You Break I Fix, and Wal-Mart. Old cans of paint can be recycled at Add Lumber in Irving.

Trustee Haskins – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Leaf pick up will continue with weather permitting. November 27th will   be the last heavy metal pick up for the year.

Code Enforcement John Kennedy: Going to be working on annual fire inspections, and short term rental inspections.

Fire Department Chief Griewisch: Have had an increase in membership and are continuing training. Talks of separate districts are ongoing.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Nothing at this time. Mayor Hornburg stated that the Main St. School project is still a go and paperwork is being completed for the proper transfer of the property.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 4th, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Dwayne Haskins (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Andrew Swan

Braden Carmen – Observer

Tammy Wood

Peter Pike

Sandy Pike

John Kennedy

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Barnes. Absent: Trustee Haskins (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the October 21st, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Sandy Pike and Peter Pike of 2 Christy St. complaint of a neighbor that blows leaves for hours up the entire street. Has been asked not to go into our yard but continues to do so. Tammy Wood of 4 Christy St. same complaint about the noise from the blower. Mayor Hornburg suggested the residents fill out a complaint form for code enforcement to look into the complaint. John Kennedy stated that he should not be on private property without permission and once the form is completed we can address the issue. Discussion regarding the noise and air pollution at all times of the day, blowing leaves across the street and continued leaf pick up by the DPW as weather permits.

New Business:


Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday November 26th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. There are no income or residency requirements and is a first come first serve program. We had extra help for the last food drive and got everything done quickly. Feedmore is looking for donations toward their new facility being built in Hamburg. We can discuss this at a later date for action.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Grateful for the extra help with the food drive.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio – The Village received a grant from the Irving Heritage Foundation in the amount of $600 to be used for our music in the park program, and another grant in the amount of $2500 to the Anderson Lee Library for a new program to be set up in Forestville for book lending.

Trustee Haskins – Absent.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: The sidewalk project on Newton St. should be completed this week. Brush pick up is done for the year and leaf pick up will be ongoing as weather permits. The brush dump is open on Saturdays until the end of the month from 9am-1pm. November 27th will be the last heavy metal pick up for the year.

Water/sewer: Purchased some detecting equipment to assist with finding leaks in water lines.

Fire/EMS: Have been extremely busy.

Code Enforcement John Kennedy: Getting more complaints on written forms which make them easier to track.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We did not meet this month and there is nothing to meet for at this time. Has the board discussed the combining the planning and ZBA boards. Mayor Hornburg stated that he has been in touch with Attorney Clark and more information will be coming.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:28 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 21st, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Andrew Swan

Braden Carmen – Observer

Brian Dankert – NYSDOT

Mohammad A, Haque – NYSDOT

Christopher Calle – NYSDOT

Ben Lewis

Linda Dersam

Kristin Pochopin

John Kennedy

Louis Pelletter

Russ Civiletto

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Haskins. Absent: Trustee Barnes ( Excused ), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the minutes of the October 7th, 2024 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the October 7th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 6 including claims numbered 26351 through 26396 in the amount of $161,391.62 and Abstract No. 3 Capital Project I&I claim number 2406 in the amount of $505.80 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Brian Dankert of the NYS DOT – Project manager for a project involving the all of the  ADA ramps around the Village, upgrades to the signal and resurface of the pavement from the Village limits to the bridge on Howard Street. The second part of the project is a culvert project that involves Route 39.  The schedule will start in the spring of 2025 and finish in the fall of 2026.

Kristin Pochopin – The garden club would like to have electric outlets installed on the light posts in the square in order to decorate the posts with lights for Christmas. Mayor Hornburg stated the he would talk to Mike Pagano and get back with an answer. Louis Pelletter – Would like a resolution to allow use the dinning car for and during the same time as the trick or treat festivities. There are a number of solar and wind projects around the Town and Village and I would like to ask for municipalities to receive 10% rebate from these projects. We had our budget meetings and public hearings and for the most part the tax levy will be about the same. The town is not in favor of creating five fire districts but would like to offer one district town wide which will save money. I have asked the fire districts to work together for consolidation of equipment, man power, and training in order to create the district together. Will be meeting with Dianna Carpus of the Grape Festival on Wednesday for next years. We are working on a comprehensive plan and would like to work with the Village Planning Board together. Hope to have the water line on 5 & 20 from Allegany to the thruway done by December.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Tampio to allow the dinning car to be used on Halloween during the trick or treat hours of 5:00 – 8:00pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the membership of Dave Sikorski to the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the application of Simon Barrett for membership to the Silver Creek Fire Department as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the application of Richard Brennan for membership to the Silver Creek Fire Department as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to authorize the clerk to request the contract for fireworks from Young Explosives in order to reserve our July 3rd display date. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday October 29th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. If anyone knows anyone that would like to volunteer to help out please show up at 10:00am the morning of. The sidewalk along Newton Street is being replaced through a grant from the County for walk ability.  November 5th is election day and remind everyone to get out and vote.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Tampio – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Haskins – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: This week is the last pick up for brush in the Village. The brush dump is open on Saturday from 9:00am and 1:00pm. Will be starting leaf pick up soon. Our new employee Jeff Switzer started today and he replaces Autumn Ellis.

Water/sewer: Purchased some leak detecting equipment to assist.

Sheriff: The bill for the enhanced coverage was submitted to the Grape Festival.

Code Enforcement John Kennedy: Getting cooperation

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We did not meet this month and there is nothing to meet for at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:43 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 7th, 2024, at 7:04 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Trustee Kathy Tampio

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Andrew Swan

Braden Carmen – Observer

Anna Frederickson

Carol Rasmussen – CCIDA

Ben Lewis

Caroline Mullen

Jim Castilia

Deanna Borrello

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes,  and Trustee Haskins. Absent: Trustee Tampio ( Excused ), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the September 16th, 2024 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the September 16th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 5 including claims numbered 26306 through 26350 in the amount of $133,793.44 and Abstract No. 2 Capital Project I&I claim number 2405 in the amount of $11,732.80 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Anna Frederickson – complaint regarding the speeding on Division and Burgess Streets. One car was going so fast he missed the turn and went over the curb by my property. There are people in the gorge behind the grapes being loud and disturbing the neighborhood at all hours of the morning. Would like to know if the sheriff could monitor the situation more. Mayor Hornburg stated that he is working with the sheriff on the situation and see what can be done.

Anna also stated that there are many properties that are not kept up and the cars parked on lawns keep increasing.

Jim Castiglia – The planning board sidewalk committee has started a sidewalk replacement program to address some of these concerns. Anna stated the sheriff should know what our code is and should be addressing some of the issues. Ben Lewis stated that there is a yard a couple of doors down from you that has a pile of building material ready to burn.

Caroline Mullen – Discussion regarding proposed upgrades to the little league field on Ward Ave. The majority of work will be done by volunteers. The upgrades will be made to the infield, parking area, and drainage issues. The league would like to work with the Village on a facility use policy to be used by organizations that want to use our field. Deanna Borrello want to remind everyone about the Veterans Walk 22 is on Saturday with registration at 9:00am.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to set trick or treat hours from 5:00 – 8:00 pm on Thursday October 31st, 2024. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Haskins to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual trunk or treat on Thursday October 31st, beginning with a parade at 5:30 pm from the Village Hall to the Village Square. The hours will be from 5:30 – 8:00 pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the application of Rita Stines of 5 Hanover St. for use of the Ball Park Pavilion for a Celebration of Life on October 5th, from 1-5 pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the hiring of Jeff Switzer as a Utility Worker 3 for the DPW effective October 21st, 2024. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday October 29th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. If anyone knows anyone that would like to volunteer to help out please show up at 10:00am the morning of.  The Village was awarded a grant from the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth in the amount of $5500. for complete streets program. Working with Jim Castiglia of the planning board we have decided to use it for replacing 430 feet of sidewalk on Newton Street between Knight St. Ext. to Robinson Street.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Encourage participation in the Walk 22.

Trustee Barnes – Met with a company that can cut the curbing at the driveways in order to meet with the road. Discussion that Oak Street has the same problem.

Trustee Tampio – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Haskins – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: The end of October will be the last brush pick up of the season. Leaves will be starting. The brush dump will be open until the end of November weather permitting.

Fire/EMS: For the month of September 48 total calls that included 3 fires, 31 EMS, 4 MVA, commend them on all they do.

Code Enforcement John Kennedy: Would like to see more participation from residents with complaints to fill out a form in order to be able to follow up and track them. We have had a few of the vacancy properties mowed and continue to follow up on them.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Will be attending a training through NYCOM.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 8:00 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 7th, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Trustee Kathy Tampio (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Andrew Swan

Donna Metzger

Anna Frederickson

Carol Rasmussen – CCIDA

Ben Lewis

Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Caroline Mullen

Jim Castiglia

Deanna Borrello

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present – Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Trustee  and Trustee Haskins, Absent- Trustee Tampio (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the hearing is being held to hear public comment regarding the Hideaway Bay project and introduced Carol Rasmussen who is the Business Development Manager of the Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation. Carol stated that this 2nd public hearing is one of the requirements of the Community Development Block Grant program. Carol further stated that the Village of Silver Creek was awarded Community Development Block Grant Funding through the New York State Office of Community Renewal to assist Adventure Sports Development LLC in developing Hideaway Bay Resort at 42 Lake Avenue. The project is nearly complete and the company has been filling employment positions at the resort. At this time, does anyone have any comments on the project’s implementation including, but not limited to, any construction, financing, and employment opportunities resulting from the project? No one spoke.

Carol said Thank You. There being no comments the public hearing is closed at 7:03 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on September 16th, 2024, at 7:17 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                    Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                         Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                            Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Andrew Swan

Braden Carmen – Observer

Kristin Pochopin

Rose Battleson

Autumn Klisiewicz

Carol Dufresne

Mary Day

Marg Parker

Jim Castilia

Deanna Borrello

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes,  Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Haskins. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the August 19th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 4  including claims numbered 26224 through 26305 in the amount of $236,849.96 with the following exception: Remove sales tax of $59.50 from a Hamburg Overhead Door bill making the final amount $236,790.46 after audit. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 1 Capital Project claim number 2404 in the amount of $24,684.45 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Deanna Borrello – VFW Auxiliary is hosting a Walk a thon on October 12th, 2024 at 10:00am. Jim Castiglia – We have been talking about the width of the sidewalks and in the new code it does state 4 foot for residential walks. Also noticed the cardboard dumpster is gone. Mayor Hornburg stated that the yellow, green, and white recycling dumpster are for both paper and cardboard. Jim Castiglia – noticed that the business on the corner has cars for sale. Mayor Hornburg stated that he has a special use permit to have the cars on his lot but only 4 at a time. Code enforcement will be addressing it.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Tampio to award the bid for Village trash bags to WasteZero for the price of $.32475 per bag. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of Jessica Hernandez for use of the Ball Park Pavilion for a Birthday Party on September 8th, from 11am – 4pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Haskins to allow the VFW Auxiliary Post 6473 to hold the Stop 22 Walk-A-Thon on Saturday October 12th, 2024 at 10:00am. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to call for a second public hearing for Adventure Sports Development, LLC’s Hideaway Bay Resort Community Development Block Grant to be held on October 7th, 2024 at 7:00pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the resignation of Autumn Ellis from the DPW effective September 16th, 2024. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday September 24th , 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. If anyone knows anyone that would like to volunteer to help out please show up at 10:00am the morning of. Congratulations to the Festival of Grapes on a successful event. Autumn Ellis who is our newest hire in the DPW has resigned.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom –  Thank you to the Grape Festival, organizers, and volunteers, they did a phenomenal job. If you have a chance to try the Drift restaurant at Hideaway Bay Resort it is really lovely.

Trustee Barnes – The Festival of Grapes committee did a great job, the parade was well attended as it was in the past.

Trustee Tampio – Festival of Grapes, crafts, rides, concessions, and the parade was very well done. Special thanks to Louis Pelletter for working so hard to find a ride vendor to accommodate. The only complaint was from my daughter who missed having Campi’s Pizza there. Hope they will come back next year.

Trustee Haskins – Went to Campi’s Pizza in Dunkirk and asked if they would come back and they would like to negotiate with the committee to possibly return next year. Would like construction meeting to discuss demolition of the Main Street School building with the neighbors.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Heard good things about Robinson Street.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Had a couple of leaks on Hanover Rd. that were repaired.

Fire/EMS: Commend all of the volunteers. They are on track to do 500 calls this year. Looking for ways to recruit new members.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:44 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on September 16th, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Andrew Swan

Donna Metzger

Mary Day

Marg Parker

Carol Dufresne

Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Autumn Klisiewicz

Kristin Pochopin

Rose Battleson

Jim Castiglia

Deanna Borrello

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present – Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Haskins, Absent- Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the hearing is being held to discuss options for use of the former Revere Inn property now owned by the Village. I have discussed the proposed garden park with Bob Bankoski and using stamped concrete instead of pavers that were on the original plan. There will be tables as originally discussed and still have flags and memorials of some sort. Discussion on planting times and placement. We have an estimate for the concrete, and have to look into the cost of the boxes. Mayor Hornburg stated he would like to get the concrete in before winter and the boxes will be built over the winter. Donna Metzger suggested that the garden club should work directly with the Village to make this happen. Donna also suggested contacting Turnbull Nursery for some suggestions what to plant.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Closed at 7:16 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 19th, 2024, at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Ben Lewis

Braden Carmen – Observer

John Kennedy

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes,  Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Haskins. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the August 5th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 3  including claims numbered 26223 through 26252 in the amount of $148,308.55 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter; Will present the 40th anniversary of the bandstand on Friday September 13th at  5:30 pm. I have asked Senator George Borrello to speak and ask the Village Board to do the ribbon cutting.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Barnes to waive the open container law in the Village Ball Park area during the Grape Festival weekend Friday 9/13 – Sunday 9/15, 2024 during the hours that Merritt Estate Winery has open hours. Merritt Estate Winery will provide security at the 3 exit points from the ballpark during open hours. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Bid Opening for Village Trash Bags:

Bid from WasteZero – $.32475 per bag.

  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Tampio to table the bid for village trash bags for review by Village Attorney Clark. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of the Festival of Grapes to use the Ball Park Pavilion for a dice run on September 7th, 2024 from 10:00am – 4:00pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Barnes to transfer $14,554.44 from Rip Rap Account 201.24 to Highway Expenses Other Account 5010.4 for Walnut Creek bank stabilization. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Tampio to cancel the September 2nd board meeting due to the Labor Day Holiday. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to call a public hearing on September 16th at 7:00pm with the regular board meeting to follow to discuss ideas and options for the former Revere Inn property at 240 Central Ave. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday August 27th , 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. We have also received a donation of juice from Refresco that will be distributed along with the food. Youth rec. is completed for the year and was a success. Thank you to Ashley Howard and all of the counselors did with the program this year. Tomorrow is our last music in the park night with the band Furious George from 6-9 pm.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom –  Thank you to Braden for the article on the flag football. The town will be holding an e waste drop off on August 31st at the town hall from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio – Happy to see the old moose building gone.

Trustee Haskins – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: The paving of Robinson has been postponed until tomorrow due to the weather.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Will be working on a new sewer line for the Grape Festival building and the building next to it. We have been waiting for an easement to do it.

Fire/EMS: Busy as always.

Planning board Donna Metzger: We did not meet last month. I will ask the board members to be at the public hearing next month.

Code Enforcement John Kennedy: Want to note that we are receiving many property maintenance complaints and we have a form to complete so we can address them.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:33 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 5th, 2024, at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Trustee Dwayne Haskins

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Autumn Klisiewicz

Jim Castiglia

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes,  Trustee Tampio, and Trustee Haskins. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the July 15th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Haskins to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 2 including claims numbered 26207 through 26247 in the amount of $154,543.98 following proper audit with the exception of a duplicate invoice in the amount of $296.52, and a sale tax amount of $21.96. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Autumn Klisiewicz – The garden club is dedicated to doing something productive with the former Revere Inn property. We have been hearing backlash and negative comments about the garden that was proposed. Mayor Hornburg stated that nothing has been decided as final, but the property is going to be a park of some sort.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Festival of Grapes to hold their 57th Annual Festival of Grapes on September 13th through 15th, 2024 in the Village Square and Ball Park. Amusement rides will arrive prior to the September 13th start and conclude on Sunday September 15th after 5:00pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of Nicole Neubauer of 67 Hanover Street to use the Ball Park Pavilion on August 25th for a children’s birthday party from 1-4pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve Brandyn Griewisch and baseball team to use the Ball Park Pavilion on August 18th for an end of season celebration from 3-7pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday August 27th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30pm.  The Village has accepted a donation of juice from Refesco in Fredonia we thank them for the donation. The bank stabilization project has been completed. Music in the park will be tomorrow weather permitting. Met with the Grape Festival regarding security and allowing open containers in the ball park during the festival again this year. The replacement camera has been installed at the ball park pavilion and appears to be working fine.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom –  Attended a Hanover Recreation meeting. Flag football seems to be a big success. They are planning a basketball program for September.

Trustee Barnes – Met with Caroline Mullen regarding moving some of the millings around at the little league field.

Trustee Tampio – Looking into the date for demolition of the old moose building. Demo is scheduled to start next week.

Trustee Haskins – Was approached by someone that wants to run a corn hole tournament in the tennis court area during music in the park. It would be ran as a fund raiser for the food pantry.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Paving of Robinson will be done on August 19th.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Thanks to the department for repairing several leaks on Stewart Ave. A new sewer line needs to be installed for the Festival of Grapes building and the building next door. We are waiting for an easement from A Cut Above in order to access the area where the line needs to go.

Planning board Donna Metzger: We did not meet this month. Jim Castiglia: Requested the reimbursement  rate for sidewalk repair be increased. Mayor Hornburg stated that it will be discussed soon. Jim: want to proceed with the sidewalk repair program. Measured the entire Newton Street sidewalks and have an estimate of the cost. Mayor :We have some grant money to be used for sidewalks.

Code Enforcement John Kennedy: Donna Metzger asked what is being done with the properties on Burgess Street. John  stated that they are going through the process.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:45 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on July 15th, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Andrew Swan

Dwayne Haskins

Michelle Haskins

Louis Pelletter

Jim Castiglia

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), and  Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the June 17th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 1 including claims numbered 26153 through 26206 in the amount of $100,303.71 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Dwayne Haskins as Village Trustee to fill the unexpired term of Marv Cummings. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Swearing in of Dwayne Haskins as Village Trustee by Mayor Hornburg.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Donna Metzger: I live next to the grapes at the top of Burgess Street. The grapes are a right of way to a land locked property. The owner of the property has campers and ATV vehicles running continuously through the property. Would like the Sheriff to look into it if something can be done.  Supervisor Pelletter will look into it and see if something can be done.

Louis Pelletter: Welcome Dwayne and thank you for stepping up. The county is looking for damage that may have occurred from the tornado that passed through. They will be submitting it for reimbursement from FEMA. I loaned Hide Away Bay some historic photos to display in the restaurant, would like a resolution to allow me to loan some historical items to them for display. Would like to have a rededication ceremony for the 40th anniversary of the building of the bandstand in the Village Square.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the application of Rev. Mark Swan of the First Baptist Church, 32 Main Street for use of the Village Ball Park for a cook out and waterslide from 5:00pm to 8:00pm on July 24th, 2024. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to application of Philip Sikorski for membership to the Silver Creek Fire Department and approved by the board of fire wardens. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the Municipal Shelter Inspection Report completed June 26th, 2024 with a satisfactory rating. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the resolution to adopt the Chautauqua County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, dated June 7th, 2024, in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday June 25th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30pm. The County soil and water has been working on the stabilization project along the creek to stop the erosion of the bank. The July 3rd fireworks display went very well and was well attended. Thank you to Hideaway Bay for allowing us to shoot the fireworks from their property. Music in the park is July 23rd from 6-9pm with Crash Cadillac and is also a classic cruise night.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes –  Absent (Excused)

Trustee Tampio – Welcome Trustee Haskins and thank our Mayor for coordinating the July 3rd fireworks.

Trustee Haskins – Thank you for appointing me and I am looking forward to working with all of you.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Will be ready for paving by the end of July.

Code Enforcement: John Kennedy – appreciate the input from the public.

Motion made by Trustee Haskins seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to enter into executive session     to discuss matters related to the public employee collective bargaining negotiations and matters  of employment related to the discipline of a particular person. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to close the executive session and re-enter the regular meeting. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Haskins voting aye. Carried.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 8:14 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 17th, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Andrew Swan

Dwayne Haskins

Deanna Borrello

James Tytka

Jim Castiglia

Rose Battleson

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Barnes, and  Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the June 3rd, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 20 including claims numbered 26113 through 26152 in the amount of $52,208.59 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Jim Castiglia – There are many things I see around the Village that need to be corrected. I took some pictures of things that need to be addressed. Buildings in disrepair, sidewalks are being blocked by parked cars, some driveways that have been paved across the sidewalk, grass at some of the abandoned properties that is not being mowed. The property on Monroe St. that is being used as a junk yard, many vehicles that are not licensed. Dwayne Haskins stated that most of these violations were previously addressed when he was zoning officer and are repeat offenders. Donna Metzger asked why these things take so long to get corrected.  The court system doesn’t support our violations and fines at this time. Need to discuss a better way to remedy. John Kennedy stated that code is being more visible and contacting people to help correct the issues. If we can communicate with them the process seems to work better. Deanna Borrello asked what the process is to correct the pavement over the sidewalk. John said they can be ordered to remedy. Jim Tytka complaint of open burning around the Village, putting out trash any time they want. The code says trash is to be put out the night before and no open burning in the Village.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the application of Jessica Woods of 29 Monroe Street for use of the Ball Park Pavilion for a children’s birthday party on June 30th, 2024 from noon to 6:00pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to cancel the July 1st, 2024 Regular Meeting. Trustees Lindstrom, Tampio, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday June 25th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30pm. Received a flyer for 50th anniversary Vietnam-Era Veteran Pinning Ceremony that will be held on Monday July 1st at 2:00pm at the Cassadaga High School Auditorium. The members of the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 142 of Dunkirk will be holding their annual Forget-Me-Not Flower Fundraiser on July 26th from 9:00 am through 5:00 pm.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom –  Attended the ribbon cutting for the new Hideaway Bay Resort. It is certainly an asset to the Village.

Trustee Barnes –  Absent (Excused)

Trustee Tampio – Attended the ribbon cutting. We noticed some issues with the parking on Lake Ave. We will be addressing those in the near future. Clerk Postle is going to see what parking regulations are for that area. Asking the garden club if there are any additional estimates for the proposed garden and appreciate what they do.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Robinson St. has been milled and prepping for paving. We have to wait for the County for use of their paver, hopefully the end of July.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: The pump at the fountain in the square had to be replaced.

Fire Dept./EMS: For May – 43 total calls that included 2 vehicle fires, 24 EMS calls, 5 MVA.  Commend each of them for what they do.

Code Enforcement: John Kennedy – Filling out the complaint form is helpful to get things corrected.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Meeting scheduled for the 24th with the garden club, mayor, and planning board to discuss roles for moving the garden project forward. Jim Castiglia discussed the proposed sidewalk repair program.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 8:02 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 3rd, 2024, at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Andrew Swan

Braden Carmen-Observer

Deanna Borrello

Eli Franklin

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio. Absent:  Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the May 20th, 2024, Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the May 20th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 19 including claims numbered 26091 through 26112 in the amount of $41,754.51 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Deanna Borrello on behalf of my husband, thank you to the Mayor and Board for getting the barb wire fence removed. Mayor Hornburg stated that John Kennedy our code officer contacted the property owner and he removed it. Donna Metzger asked if our trash pick up would remain the same and Mr. Franklin stated it would .

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the renewal of the mowing agreement with Roger Gloss for zombie and other necessary properties for the 2024 season. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of Jacqueline Wassell for use of the Ball Park Pavilion for a children’s birthday party on June 15th, 2024 from noon to 8pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign the renewal agreement with Municipal Solutions effective June 1st, 2024. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the bid from All Out Disposal for trash pick up in the Village of Silver Creek for a 5 year contract beginning July 1, 2024 in the amount of $152,000 with a 4% increase each year of the contract period. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to purchase two dumpsters at a cost not to exceed $6,500. plus shipping charges to be determined. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Tampio to authorize the clerk to advertise for bids for Village garbage bags. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek, and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday June 25th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30pm. The Silver Creek Kiwanis Club annual Children’s Fair was held June 1st. Was a great turnout and had good weather. Our recreation director held sign ups for the summer program and registered 90 plus. The county soil and water will be assisting with the bank stabilization project this year. Music in the Park will begin June 11th with 6 bands on the second and forth Tuesdays in June and July and the first and third Tuesday in August. We will also have music on July 3rd at Borrello Park along with fireworks. Roger Gloss will be mowing some of our zombie properties. Hideaway Bay Resort will have a grand opening on Tuesday June 11th at 3:30 pm.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom –  Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes –  Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio – Glad that we are able to support a local business in All Out Disposal. As noted earlier we are keeping the Village bags to keep our costs down.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: We will be milling Robinson Street very soon. Still looking for an engineering firm to look into Buffalo Street.

Code Enforcement: John Kennedy passed his test for code enforcement.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:26 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 20th, 2024, at 7:13 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Andrew Swan

Braden Carmen-Observer

Rose Battleson

Kristin Pochopin

Autumn Klisiewicz

Josh Freifeld

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio. Absent:  Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the May 6th, 2024, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 18 including claims numbered 26056 through 26090 in the amount of $62,154.63 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Mayor commented that we had a notice in the observer for public comment regarding the proposed community garden and some discussion will be had with the rest of the board. Mayor Hornburg also offered some locations for a larger garden if that would be another option. The garden club stated that the Garden Faire went very well with many vendors in attendance and great weather.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to promote two water/sewer employees to the title of Water/wastewater Operator after completing the required training and exams. Bill Ferneza was effective June 24th, 2023, and Ben Wassell was effective May 1st, 2024. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the water/sewer tap application of Scott Gustavson for 12 Glenwood Ave. as approved by Superintendent David Voigt. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of Kristal Anderson for use of the Ball Park Pavilion on July 6th, 2024 for a children’s birthday party. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of Samantha McWillson for the use of the Ball Park Pavilion on May 19th, 2024 for a children’s birthday party from 3-6pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Tampio to authorize the clerk to advertise for bins on Village Insurance. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Silver Creek Fire Department to hold their annual Letter Campaign for the months of June and July, the annual Boot Drive on Memorial Day weekend at the corners of Main & Central and Central and Howard, and a drive through chicken barbeque on June 7th at the Village Hall parking lot from 3-6pm all as fund raisers. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the addition of Tom Bertino Sr. to the active rolls of the Silver Creek Fire Department as approved by the board of fire wardens. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday May 28th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. We are asking that recipients of the food to return the reusable bags at the next drive. Music in the Park to start on June 11th from 6-9pm and will be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in June and July , and the first and third Tuesday in August. Met with Sam Porpiglia who works for Young Explosives along with Kevin and Christian Cullen (owners of Hideaway Bay Resort) and they have given the Village permission to use the beach for shooting the fireworks on July 3rd.  The festival of grapes has secured rides for this years festival with more to come as we get closer to September.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you to DPW for freshening up the signs coming into the Village they look great. Also registration is going on for youth flag football until June 7th for students ages 5-12 attending Silver Creek or Forestville schools. Thank you to the garden club for all of your work.

Trustee Barnes – Will be speaking to the county again regarding the chevron signs at the top of Burgess Street.

Trustee Tampio – Noting at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported:  Will be milling Robinson Street in June.

Planning board Donna Metzger: Will meet the end of June.

Code Enforcement: Have been busy, and working with Hideaway Bay Resort with the construction progress.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:39 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 20th, 2024 at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Andrew Swan

Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Autumn Klisiewicz

Kristin Pochopin

Rose Battleson

Josh Freifeld

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by clerk Postle: Present – Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio, Absent- Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the hearing is being held  to hear public comments on the Village of Silver Creek’s current Community Development Block Grant Project, and introduced Josh Freifeld the Executive Director of CHRIC. Mr. Freifeld explained the program and presented the project status and financials, and the demographics of the properties that are being rehabilitated through the grant.

Public Comment: Trustee Kathy Tampio asked how the contractors were hired for the rehab. Josh explained that they request bids for the work and are chosen based on the proposals. Mayor Hornburg asked if we would be able to apply for another grant and Josh responded that there is enough need to apply for another.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Tampio.

Closed at 7:12 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 6th, 2024, at 7:03 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Andrew Swan

Sandy Hurliey

Braden Carmen-Observer

Cody Matzner

Patrick Rink

Michael Blake

Elijah Franklin                                                                                                                        Rose Battleson

Matthew Miller

Dr. Katie Ralston

Brent Agett

John Kennedy

Kristin Pochopin

Autumn Klisiewicz

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the April 15th, 2024, Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the April 15th, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the April 29th, 2024 Special Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 17 including claims numbered 26001 through 26055 in the amount of $294,637.48 and Abstract No.10 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 2403 in the amount of $3,037.80 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Dr. Katie Ralston and Mr. Brent Agett from Silver Creek Central presented the School Budget for 2025 Fiscal Year, with no school tax increase this year.

New Business:

  • Bid Opening for Trash/Recycling pick up contract for 5 years beginning July 1, 2024 through June 30th, 2029.

Bid from Casella Waste Systems

1st Year – $210,506

Year 2-5 will be based on the consumer price index.

Alternate bid to include trash toters for each resident and eliminate the need for Village Bags – $183,755

Bid from All Out Disposal, LLC

1st Year 2024 – $152,000

2nd Year 2025 – $158,080

3rd Year 2026 – $164,403

4th Year 2027 – $170,979

5th Year 2028 – $177,818

  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to table the bids for trash/recycling pick up for review by the board and the Village Attorney. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of Shari Mullen for use of the Ball Park Pavilion on August 10th, 2024 for a picnic from 11:00am – 4:00pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Children’s Fair on Saturday June 1st, 2024 from 10:00am – 2:30pm in the Village Ball Park with set up on Friday May 31st. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the clerk to advertise for bids on Village Trash Bags. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the application of Jessica Hernandez for use of the Ball Park Pavilion on June 2nd, 2024 for a children’s birthday party. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday May 28th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. The Walk to End Alzheimer’s will be held on October 5, 2024. Received a thank you from Girl Scout Troop 20221 for allowing them to sell cookies in the Village Square. We received a $250 donation for our youth recreation program from the Michael Boedo Community Foundation. Thank you to Brian, Joyce and all involved in the foundation. Will be meeting with Ashley Howard to discuss this years recreation program. Received a drawing from the garden club of their proposal for the new park at the former Revere Inn property. Receive a resignation letter from Trustee Marv Cummings.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings –  Absent (Excused).

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you to the garden club for sprucing up the park.

Trustee Barnes –  Will miss Marv and wish him the best of luck.

Trustee Tampio – Will miss Marv. Was happy to have attended the Emergency Medical Services and Silver Creek Fire Department installation banquet. We thank all of the volunteers for all they do for the Village.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Met with Bob to discuss the paving of Robinson St. The town is having problems with their paver, so we will be using the county to assist with the project.

Code Enforcement John Kennedy: We are here to help with compliance and permitting issues.

Planning board Donna Metzger:  Discussed the garden club plans for the new park at the former Revere Inn property. A suggestion was made to have a public meeting to get input and ideas.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:48 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Special Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 29th, 2024 at 6:30 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio, Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused).

Mayor Horburg stated the purpose of the meeting is to adopt the Village of Silver Creek operating budget for fiscal year 2024-2025.

Total General Fund Budget is $2,499,781

General Fund Tax Levy is $1,061,471

Water Fund Total Budget is $954,430

Water Fund Tax Levy is $0

Sewer Fund Total Budget is $704,201

Sewer Fund Tax Levy is $0

There are no increases to Village Board Salaries.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt the Village of Silver Creek Budget for fiscal year beginning June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025. Trustees Linstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 6:34 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 15th, 2024, at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were.

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Bill Metzger

Anthony Borrello

Deanna Borrello

Derek Cornwall

Ruthann Rocque

Louis Pelletter

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the April 1st, 2024, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 16 including claims numbered 25974 through 26000 in the amount of $19,604.01 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Anthony Borrello – Would like the barbed wire fence behind his property removed. The former owner of the Petri property put the fence up many years ago. Worried that children going to the creek could be injured by the fence. Mayor Hornburg stated that there have been discussions between himself and Trustee Cummings regarding the removal and will wait for our Superintendant Bob Bankoski to return. Deanna Borrello stated that the fence has been there so long that foliage has grown on it.

Derek Cornwall – Following up on the drainage issue at the Little League Field and Drake Ave. Ext.  property. Mayor Hornburg explained that the board is addressing the issue and will come up with a solution. Mr. Cornwall also asked if there are any groups that could use volunteers. Some organizations such as national honor society and some of the sports groups require volunteer hours.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the Agreement For Enhanced Sheriff Patrol between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek for the year January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. The amount of the contract is $587,579. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the 2024 Elected Officers of the Silver Creek Fire Department as read by Mayor Hornburg and to be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. Went to the Lake Shore Family Center and Proclaimed April as the Month of the Young Child.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings –  Absent (Excused).

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio –  Thank you for the public comments. Just a note that the Village’s portion of the  Sheriff contract $293,789.50 and half of the fuel used by the patrol cars.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Fire Dept./EMS Mayor reported: Total calls for March 36 which include: 2 Structure Fires, 25 EMS call,  1 vehicle fire, 1 MVA. As always I want to commend the departments for all they do.

DPW Mayor reported: We are back to the spring schedule and brush pick up. We plan on paving Robinson Street this year.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Finished the I&I project and we are now on monitoring for the next year.

Planning board Donna Metzger: We met on March 25th. The garden club would like to be involved with the new park ideas for the old Revere Inn property.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:35 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 15th, 2024 at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cumming (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Bill Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Deanna Borrello

Anthony Borrello

Derek Cornwall

Ruthann Rocque

Louis Pelletter

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Mayor Hornburg stated the hearing is being held for the presentation of the tentative budget for fiscal year June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025. We are proposing a tax rate of 12.86 per thousand and of now it is a tax decrease of 2.68% which is a tentative number. The board will be working on the budget and expect to adopt it by May 1st. A copy of the tentative budget will be available in the clerk’s office during normal business hours.

Public Comment: No One Spoke.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:04 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 1, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were.

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Andrew Swan

Deanna Borrello

Thomas Harmon

Mike Dee

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Barnes, and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the March 18th, 2024, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 15 including claims numbered 25934 through 25974 in the amount of $260,466.17, and Abstract No. 9 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 2402 in the amount of $6,645.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Thomas Harmon – Thank you to the Village Board for allowing the Kiwanis Club to hold the annual Easter egg hunt in the Village Square. The basketball court is now completed and would like to have a group photo taken with the Village, Town, and Kiwanis to commemorate it.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the application of Jenna Schwab for use of the Ball Park Pavilion on May 4th, 2024 from 1 – 6 pm for a children’s birthday party. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom,  and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the Resolution In Opposition of Wind Turbines in Lake Erie. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Tampio, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to contract with County Soil and Water in the rip rap project along the back shore of Walnut Creek along the Village Ball Park. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to advertise for bids on municipal liability insurance for the Village that will be due to renew on August 1st. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. We have decided to give the Village employees off on Monday April 8th, 2024 due to the eclipse. There will be a public hearing regarding the tentative budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year on Monday April 15th, at 7:00 pm. The budget will be available in the clerks office to view during regular business hours. from the 10th – 15th.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Hope that residents are planning for the possibility of traffic due to the eclipse.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Tampio – Hope all enjoy the eclipse and wear your glasses. Happy that we passed the resolution in opposition to the wind turbines in Lake Erie.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Ted Braidich had his last day today and I went to wish him well. We will be hiring a replacement.

Planning board: Still working on ideas for the new park area.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:25 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the attached Resolution In Opposition of Wind Turbines in Lake Erie.

Roll Call Vote:            Trustee Cummings                              Aye X

Trustee Lindstrom                               Aye X

Trustee Tampio                                  Aye X

Mayor Hornburg                                 Aye X


I hereby certify that the above resolution is a true and correct copy of the Village Board Decision, held on April 1st, 2024 in the Village of Silver Creek Board Room, Silver Creek NY 14136.

Dated: April 1st, 2024


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

Resolution In Opposition of Wind Turbines in Lake Erie.

WHEREAS, approximately twelve million people live in the Lake Erie watershed, including seventeen metropolitan areas with more than 50,000 residents, an area shared between the United States and Canada, and Lake Erie provides drinking water for approximately 11 million of the inhabitants of this region, and

WHEREAS, the Village of Silver Creek, a village situated in Chautauqua County and in the Lake Erie watershed, recognizes and values the importance of Lake Erie and continues to work diligently to safeguard and improve its own stewardship of Lake Erie and the Lake Erie Watershed, and

WHEREAS, the Village of Silver Creek has great concern that New York State and/or any authority, agency, commission, or department thereof might allow private and/or public entities to construct, place, position, and/or install, with or without permanent bases, pylons, piers, or similar structures, one or more wind turbines in the waters of Lake Erie, and

WHEREAS, the Village of Silver Creek  has great concern that the fresh water of Lake Erie along with the overall health of Lake Erie, the wildlife that depends on Lake Erie, the wildlife that traverses Lake Erie, and the continuing restoration of Lake Erie will be placed at risk if wind turbines are constructed in the waters of Lake Erie, and

WHEREAS, New York State has passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (the Climate Act) calling for 70 percent of electricity in the state to be produced by renewable resources by 2030, and 100 percent of the state’s electricity be generated by renewable resources by 2040; and

WHEREAS, wind energy has been designated by the Climate Act as an essential form of renewable energy and there are several commercial wind energy facilities operating in Western New York, with more in the planning and permitting stages; and

WHEREAS, New York State’s power grid manager New York Independent Systems Operator (NYISO) has determined the Western New York zone of grid to be 89 percent free of carbon emissions in the generation of electricity, and

WHEREAS, NYISO has described the lack of electricity transmission facilities capable of transmitting electricity from Western New York to downstate grid zones which are 90 percent dependent on fossil fuels for generating electricity, and

WHEREAS, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority determined in 2022 that it’s not the right time to consider constructing offshore wind facilities in Lake Erie, and

WHEREAS, the offshore wind industry is experiencing global difficulties related to inflation and supply line shortages as evidenced by the recent New York State Public Service Commission decision denying industry requests for higher power delivery rates, and

WHEREAS, the long-planned Lake Erie offshore wind energy project known as Icebreaker Wind near Cleveland, Ohio, has recently been suspended, and

WHEREAS, questions concerning offshore wind energy facilities in freshwater bodies remain unanswered such as these which are not included in the NYSERDA reports of 2011 and 2022 and including:

+ What assurances are there that toxic industrial wastes in the lakebed will not be disturbed to endanger safe drinking water and enter the food chain of Lake Erie’s fish and bird species?

+ How would the placement of offshore wind turbines in Lake Erie affect the migratory pathways and behavior of economically important game fish?

+ What would be the impact on tourism of placing wind turbines in Lake Erie?

+ Specifically, how would offshore wind turbines in Lake Erie contribute to the emissions reduction goals of the Climate Act?

+ How would the radar interference created by offshore wind turbines in Lake Erie affect the safety of shipping, recreational boating, search and rescue operations, and international border security?

+ How would microplastics and toxic chemicals like BPA and PFAS emitted by wind turbines impact water quality and the ecology of Lake Erie?

+ How much oil and other petroleum products are contained within each offshore wind turbine and how would oil spills from wind turbines be mediated, and other maintenance performed during annual periods of ice coverage on Lake Erie?

+ How would noise and vibrations emitted by wind turbines impact the quiet enjoyment of Lake Erie by fishers, boaters and near shore residents and visitors?

+ What are the effects of vibrations emitted by turbines on organisms living in the lakebed?

+ How would the blinking red lights atop each offshore wind turbine be reconciled with increased interest in preventing light pollution in dark skies?

+ What would be the impact of placing offshore wind turbines in Lake Erie’s migratory flyways of birds, bats and butterflies?

+ What are the cumulative impacts of placing offshore wind turbines in Lake Erie given the already large concentration of onshore wind turbines along the Ontario shoreline and the elevations overlooking the lake in Chautauqua County?+ What restrictions or no-go zones would be imposed on fishers and boaters in Lake Erie?

+ How would the Public Trust Doctrine which serves to protect the interests of all Western New Yorkers in a healthy Lake Erie be honored in the context of primary financial benefits to the offshore wind industry?

+ How would offshore wind turbines impact historic sites such as shipwrecks and lighthouses?

+ Would the rights of the Seneca Nation of Indians to administer water quality standards on the Cattaraugus Reservation be a consideration in placing offshore wind turbines in Lake Erie?

+ Would the high costs of offshore wind energy in Lake Erie be explained to Village of Silver Creek electricity ratepayers in terms of monthly increases to their utility bills?

+ How would property values along the lake shore be impacted by view sheds including offshore wind turbines and their industrial support and maintenance activities?

WHEREAS, some of these questions cannot be answered, or would be cost prohibitive to address, and there are many documented examples of negative impacts of wind turbines on aquatic environments, and

WHEREAS, there are other alternatives which deserve significant consideration as possible future sources of power which do not negatively affect Lake Erie or other large bodies of water, and

WHEREAS, deep concern on the addition of Wind Turbines in Lake Erie has been expressed by elected officials throughout the region including Congressman Nicholas A. Langworthy, who has introduced legislation, H.R. 426, the Lakes Before Turbines Act, which would protect our environment and local economies from ill-conceived wind energy projects on these waters.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Silver Creek Village Board declares that the Village of Silver Creek opposes any efforts to introduce offshore wind turbines in the waters of Lake Erie, and calls for a moratorium on the development and/or construction of any wind turbines in the waters of Lake Erie, and

BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Village Clerk shall forward a certified copy of this Village Board resolution to Honorable Governor Kathy Hochul, Honorable United States Congressman Nicholas Langworthy, Honorable Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Honorable Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt, Honorable Speaker of the Assembly Carl E. Heastie, Honorable Majority Leader of the Assembly Crystal People-Stokes, Honorable Minority Leader of the Assembly William A. Barclay, Honorable New York State Senator Patrick Gallivan, Honorable New York State Senator George Borrello, Honorable New York State Assemblyman Andrew W. Goodell, Honorable New York State Assemblyman David DiPietro, Honorable New York State Assemblyman Jon Rivera, and the Western New York Delegation of the New York State Senate and New York State Assembly, Honorable Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz, Clerk of the Erie County and Chautauqua County Legislatures, Honorable Erie County Legislator John Mills, Honorable Erie County Legislator John Gilmour, Honorable Supervisors of the Towns of Evans, Silver Creek, Eden, Concord, Springville, North Collins, and Dunkirk, Honorable Mayor of the City of Lackawanna Annette Iafallo, and Honorable Mayor of the City of Buffalo Byron Brown.

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 18th, 2024, at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were.

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Andrew Swan

Donna Metzger

William Metzger

Rose Battleson

Kristin Pochopin

Caroline Mullen

Emily Cornwall

Mike Dee

Mary Dee

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the March 4th, 2024, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 14 including claims numbered 25907 through 25933 in the amount of $59,179.63, and Abstract No. 8 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 2401 in the amount of $2,215.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Mike Dee – Spoke on behalf of a group called CAWTILE (Citizens Against Wind Turbines In Lake Erie) whose mission is to protect the Lake Erie environment from having industrial wind turbines installed in the waters of Lake Erie. A copy of the address and sample resolution is attached to the minutes for future reference. Mayor Hornburg did specify that the Village Board is in opposition of wind turbines in Lake Erie.

Emily Cornwall of 12350 Pennsylvania Ave.- Owns property that borders the Silver Creek Little League field. We have terrible drainage in the area where the new parking area is going to be. We have had our land re-surveyed and some of our trees appear to have been removed. Trustee Cummings stated that nothing has been done to address the drainage at this time we have only cleared the area to be used as a parking area. It will be nice when it has been completed. We have not been informed that had encroached your property. As far as the parking are and drainage, the plan is to correct the drainage issue to keep it from going on your property. We will have a discussion regarding the trees that were removed. Mayor Hornburg stated that the board will discuss the entire issue and will work to correct the issue. Trustee Barnes stated that the drainage issue can be corrected.

Kristin Pochopin and Rose Battleson on behalf of the garden club – We have noticed some of the welcome signs that are in need of repair and wanted to bring these to the attention of the board. Interested in areas that can have trees planted and what can be done. The sign at the boat launch at Jackson Street entrance is missing. Also interested to know if the Village Square has another name. Would like to name something in honor of Ed Newman for all the volunteer work he did. Would also like to look at planting at Borrello Park.

Caroline Mullen – Little League may need to upgrade the AED at the Ward Ave. Field at an approximate cost of $3000.00. We have a pile of millings for the current parking lot and ask if the DPW will spread it in preparation of the upcoming season.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the clerks office to temporarily suspend the service charges from 252-256 Central Ave. water/sewer accounts: 18-0335, 18-0340, 18-0350, and 18-0355. The building flooded and was gutted, and not inhabitable at this time. The owner has been in contact with code enforcement and will obtain the necessary permits in order to remodel the building. The owner will also continue to pay one service charge during the remodel. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the clerk to advertise for bids on our trash collection contract which will expire June 30th, 2024. in the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Baskets and Bunnies in the Village Park on Saturday March 23, 2024 from 11:00am – Noon. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the resignation of Theodore Braidich from the Silver Creek DPW effective April 1st, 2024. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the clerk to advertise for a Motor Equipment Operator or Utility Worker 3 dependent on qualifications for the Village of Silver Creek DPW. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow Brandi Winter of Girl Scout Troup 20221 to sell Girl Scout Cookies in the Village Square on Sundays from 11:00am – 2:00pm, beginning March 31st through April 28th, 2024. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday March 26th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. Received an email that the state has approved a grant towards the Main Street School project. We have the Restore NY grant for 1 million still available for the project as well.

Sorry to see Ted leaving and hope we can find a suitable replacement. We will be discussing our schedule for the employees on April 8th for the eclipse.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Thank Ted for his service to the Village and wish him the best.

Trustee Lindstrom – Wish Ted the best. Hideaway is hiring for all positions on Friday April 19th from 2-7pm.

Trustee Barnes – Wish Ted the best in his future endeavors. The curb at the top of Burgess Street will replace signs and are talking about putting flashing light on the 10mph sign. The chevron signs were the Villages and the County will allow us to put them back up.

Trustee Tampio – Wish Ted good luck and hate to see him go. Thank you for the public comments and it is nice to see people in attendance. Good to hear the needs of the little league, and the garden club. I fully support no wind turbines in Lake Erie, and I am sure we will do what we can to help. The state budget is including money for water/sewer improvements.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Will meet on the 25th at 7pm.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:35 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 4th, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were.

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Andre Swan

Donna Metzger

Wayne Hotelling

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Marv Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the February 5th, 2024, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 13 including claims numbered 25800 through 25872 in the amount of $223,304.44 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Wayne Hotelling: Thank you to all who helped and supported over the years. Spoke about             the Laurel Run and some history of the event and Terry Fox who was an inspiration for          the event. Would also like ask the Board for permission to hold the event again this year.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the 28th annual Laurel Run to be held July 19th – 20th, 2024 and use the Village of Silver Creek park areas for the event. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of Maya Osby as a member of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the application of Larry Lazarczyk as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department Hook & Ladder Company as approved by the board of fire wardens. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign an Animal Holding Agreement with Eden Veterinary Clinic effective February 15th, 2024. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom To allow the Hanover Community Chamber of Commerce to hold the 32nd consecutive annual Silver Creek Village Wide Yard Sale on Saturday August 3rd, 2024 from 9:00am – 5:00pm. The Chamber has asked that the rest rooms in the pavilion be open during the sale hours and allow the $10.00 registration fee be used for Chamber funding. Trustees Cummings,  Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of Sally Crisanti for use of the Village Ball Park Pavilion for a multiclass reunion picnic on June 18th, 2024 from 11:00am – 3:00pm. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Tampio to allow Hanover Little League to us the Ball Park for tee ball games on Tuesdays and Thursdays between April 29th to June 14th, 2024 and have the rest rooms available on those days. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday March 26th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. We had some extra help for the mobile pantry last Tuesday. We have been having a mild winter and hope that continues.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Will be working with little league to get the fields ready for the upcoming season.

Trustee Lindstrom –  Thank you to the extra volunteers and all who assist with the mobile food pantry.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio – The County passed a resolution to increase the senior partial property tax exemption up to the state limit of $58,400. Happy to see that the county did this for the seniors.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Department : Agreement has been approved.

Fire Department/EMS:  Made a payment on the new ambulance that is on order.

DPW – The new dump truck has been delivered.

Water/sewer-  Phase 5 of the I&I is complete.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Working on ideas for the park area next to Amvets. The town is looking for people from the planning board to work jointly with the town planning board

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:35 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on February 5th, 2024, at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were.

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio


Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Louis Pelletter

Donna Metzger

Warren Kelly

Bonnie Pfleuger

Paul Bogosian

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused) and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the January 16th, 2024, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 12 including claims numbered 25800 through 25848 in the amount of $74,382.08, and Abstract No. 7 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 240 in the amount of $886.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Warren Kelly 17 Buffalo St. interested in the next steps for the paving project for Buffalo Street. Mayor Hornburg stated that the Village will be looking for an engineer to review the project and will start the process. When the AUD is completed we will know what money we can move into an account toward the project.

Louis Pelletter- The sheriff contract is ready for approval and hope that the Village will sign it. Thank Marv for getting the addresses of the Town Park and hiking trail in Forestville to add to the 911 record. The county is doing a flood study for the shore of Lake Erie including the Town of Hanover. I did find files from 1998 and 2009 flood studies and will be sending to them for the county study. We will be having a joint Town and Village meeting to discuss the eclipse coming in April regarding traffic control and other concerns with many people coming into the area to view it. Looking into shared services between the Town and Village, there is money available through the state.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the resignation of Joseph Reed effective July 28th, 2023. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to appoint Chad Graves as a Utility Worker 3 effective September 26th, 2023. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to promote Chad Graves to the title of MEO effective February 4th, 2024. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Tampio to authorize the Mayor to sign the renewal of the Universal Industries Supported Employment Agreement. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to grant permission to the USDA to place traps for the Box Tree Moth and European Cherry Fruit Fly on Village owned property. The traps will be serviced at least every 3 weeks and will be removed on or before November 30th. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application for use of the ballpark pavilion and village park areas by the Hanover Garden Club for their annual Garden Faire on May 17th & 18th, 2024. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to cancel the February 19th regular meeting due to the Presidents Day Holliday. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday February 27th, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Lindstrom – Congratulations to Eva Tytka for becoming an EMT. Hanover Youth Basketball program will begin February 27th – March 30th for grades 1-6.

Trustee Barnes – Spoke to Brianna about putting some parking blockers around the new pocket park at the site of the old Revere Inn and will meet with her again to finalize the plan.

Trustee Tampio – Provided information to the assessor regarding the Village brush dump to change it to a tax exempt property. Following up on a complant with the code enforcement on a rental property.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Fire Department/EMS: Total of 50 calls for the month of January which include 39 EMS, and 2 MVA calls.

DPW – They will be going out to pick up brush left over from the storm now that we have a truck.

Water/sewer- Phase 5 of the I&I is completed. Some minor clean up to be done when weather permits.

Code Enforcement – Going well.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:39 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Organizational Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on January 16th, 2024 at 7:03 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Kimberly Kuras

Kara Kawski

Louis Pelletter

Pastor Mark Swan

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Organizational Meeting Prayer given by Pastor Mark Swan of the First Baptist Church.

Swearing in ceremony of Mayor Hornburg by Village Clerk Thomas Postle.

Swearing in ceremony of Trustee Sandra Lindstrom and Trustee Kathy Tampio by Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio, Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the December 18th, 2023, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.11 including claims numbered 25730 through 25799 in the amount of $196,745.69 and Abstract No.6 Capital Project (I&I) claim numbers 238 & 239 in the amount of $5,592.80 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor Hornburg stated the Board Assignments and Appointments for 2024 will be available in the Village Clerks office for review.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the Mayor’s appointments as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Tampio to accept the Mayor’s board assignments as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Town Supervisor Louis Pelletter wished congratulations to Mayor Hornburg and Trustees Lindstrom and Tampio. Looking forward to working together to save money. The sheriff contract has been approved by the legislature and has been reduced. Mayor Hornburg congratulated Supervisor Pelletter and look forward to working together.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the procurement policy of the Village of Silver Creek as currently in effect and that the Village Board is hereby directed review that procurement policy to make modifications necessary thereto, if any. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the clerk to sign the renewal of the preventative maintenance agreement for the municipal building generator with Key Power Systems, Inc. in the amount of $500.00, beginning February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2025. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Chiavetta’s Chicken BBQ that has been rescheduled for Sunday January 21st, 2024 in the Village Square. The hours will be from Noon to 2:00 pm. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Brianna Griewisch as temporary Working Supervisor of the DPW effective January 3rd, 2024 through the tentative date of April 30th, 2024. She will be paid at the out of class rate of 1.5 hours per day. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to designate the Dunkirk Observer as the official newspaper of the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, circumstances arise that require the Village Board to convene in addition to the scheduled Regular Board Meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in the event of a Special Meeting being called by the Mayor or Trustees, every member of the Village Board shall be informed by telephone, in person or in writing by either the Village Clerk, Mayor or another member of the Board of Trustees of the date, time, location and subject of the Special Meeting; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the meeting shall be given to the Board Members and The Observer and posted at the Village Municipal Building at least 72 hours in advance unless an emergency exists and otherwise as in conformance with the Public Officers Law, and the other laws of the State of New York. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Silver Creek hold regularly scheduled meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the first and third Monday of the month; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in the event that a Regular Meeting date falls on a holiday in which the Village office is closed, the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the following Tuesday; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Board Workshops will be held in the Municipal Board Room at 172 Central Avenue, Silver Creek NY 14136 as advertised. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that Village Law § 4-412(3)(2) requires the designation of banks or trust companies for the deposit of all Village monies;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board designates the following institutions as depository of all moneys received by the Village treasurer, clerk, and receiver of taxes: Community Bank, N.A. and Evans Bank. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, there is to be held during the coming official year a) the New York State Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting and Training School; b) the New York State Conference of Mayors and Fall Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerks; c) the New York State Conference of Mayors Public Works School, d) county association meetings; etc.; and

WHEREAS, attendance by certain municipal officials and employees at one or more of these meetings, conferences or schools benefits the municipality; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that officers and employees are authorized to attend these schools and meetings with board approval. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage as reimbursement to Village officers and employees who use their personal automobiles while performing their official Village duties; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board will approve reimbursement to such officers and employees at the 2024 IRS rate of 67 cents per mile. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to authorize payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges; and

WHEREAS, all such claims must be presented at the next Regular Board Meeting for audit; and

WHEREAS, the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claim are jointly and severally liable for any amount the Village Board disallows. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges.  All such claims must be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claims are jointly and severally liable for any amount the board of trustees disallows. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on Tuesday January 23rd, 2024, from 11:00am – 12:30pm. We will have 200 boxes of food to distribute on a first come first serve basis. There are no income or residency requirements for this program. The fence around the old revere inn property has been installed. We are working with the Amvets, Hanover Chamber and anyone with input on what we can do with the property. Right now, it will be a type of park and not a parking lot.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Lindstrom – Looking forward to another two years as a trustee. Congratulations to Louie on the election.

Trustee Barnes – Welcome Jeff, Sandy, and Kathy back and look forward to working with you.

Trustee Tampio -Happy to be back for another two years. Shout out to the Chautauqua Habitat for Humanity for the work they do in rehab and building of 7 homes and are now occupied. The total estimated value of these homes is in excess of $740,000. The new build at 26 Buffalo Street will be dedicated in memory of Mike Rickets who was an active member of the organization. Applications for the occupancy tax are now available. Commend the DPW for snow removal efforts as well as the emergency responders for all they do.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Commend them for a good job being done. We will pick up branches from the storm when the weather permits and an available truck.

Fire/EMS Mayor reported: For the month of December there were a total of 44 calls that include 1 fire, 32 EMS, 2 MVA among other alarms and calls.

Sheriff Mayor reported: We will be working on the agreement between the Town and Village.

Planning Board Mayor reported: Have asked the planning board for ideas for the new park area.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 18th, 2023, at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were.

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused) and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the December 4th, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 10 including claims numbered 25697 through 25729 in the amount of $31,772.31 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of Ashley Naperski as a member of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad.  Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to cancel the first meeting in January 2024 due to the New Year holiday and hold the Organizational Meeting on Tuesday January 16th, 2024 due to the Martin Luther King holiday on Monday January 15th, 2024. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, the Village of Silver Creek and Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday January 23rd, 2024 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. Wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Tampio – Wish everyone a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Fire Department: Fire Truck parade is tomorrow night.

Sheriff Department- The Town is waiting for the contract to come from the Sheriff Department. They will then write the contract between the Town and Village.

DPW – Brianna Griewisch will be filling in as DPW superintendent while Bob Bankoski is in Florida until April. The area where Revere Inn was, has been top soiled and we are waiting for Paradise Fence to come and install the fence. No more leaf pick up this season as well as heavy metal.

Water/sewer- Phase 5 is done.

Planning Board is still working on details for the new park area where Revere Inn was.

Code Enforcement – John Kennedy will be in the office at the Village on Tuesdays. He is close to completing the code training.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:14 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 4th, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were.

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Thomas Postle Village Clerk

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the November 20th, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 9 including claims numbered 25684 through 25706 in the amount of $30,211.07 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Sandy Hornburg- I was in contact with the dog control officer regarding complaints on Christy Street. The complaints were answered quickly and resolved.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the Dog Control Officer Inspection Report as submitted by the Animal Health Inspector with a satisfactory rating. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the Contract for Fire Protection District No. 2 with the following change: Remove the Village of Forestville and replace with the area formerly known as Forestville. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The mobile food panty scheduled for November was cancelled due to the threat of stormy weather and would have been short volunteers and Collen McKenna who coordinates the preparation. There is not one scheduled for December but will resume in January on the 23rd. Leaf pick up is done for the season, heavy metal pick up is done for the season, and the brush dump is closed for the season.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Fire Department: 37 calls for November which include 25 EMS, 2 MVA, 2 Structure fires. As always, I commend them for what they do.

Sheriff Department- The Town has approved the sheriff contract.

DPW – Did a good job with the first snow event of the season.

The Planning Board is working on developing the old Revere Inn property.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:15 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 20th, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were.

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Louis Pelletter

Braden Carmen (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the November 6th, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 8 including claims numbered 25653 through 25683 in the amount of $74,429.51 and Abstract No. 5 Capital Project (I&I) claims numbered 236 &237 in the amount of $336,305.25 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter – Asked the Town Board to hold a special meeting to talk about the sheriff’s contract. Discussion regarding the proposed project with the Main Street school property. The initial application has been submitted. Downloading photos of the 2009 flood to be included in the flood study being done of the shoreline. Attended a disaster meeting and will work to renew the red cross contract with the Silver Creek School as a disaster shelter. Will be meeting with Forestville School to see if they can be a shelter as well. I have been given an original survey map from 1877 of the Village. The map is made of cloth and will look into having it restored or copied.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Christmas in the Park on Saturday December 2nd, 2023 from Noon – 3:00pm in the Village Square. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve Local Law #2 of 2023, titled Rental Property Law which replaces section 155 of the Village Code. The law has been reviewed and approved by the Village Attorney and public hearing was held with no negative comments. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the agreement between the Village of Silver Creek and CSEA, Local unit #6315 covering June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2026. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  Our next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on Tuesday November 28th, 2023, from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. We could use some more volunteers to help distribute the food. There will not be a mobile pantry in December.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Tampio – Thank you to all that assisted in the negotiations and settlement of the CSEA contract.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Brush pick up is done for the year. The dump is open on Saturday from 9:00am – 1:00pm until November 18th. The last metal pick up will be November 30th. Leaf pick up will continue as long as the weather permits.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:26 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 6th, 2023, at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were.

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Kathy Tampio (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Braden Carmen (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes. Absent: Trustee Tampio (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the October 16th, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.7 including claims numbered 25602 through 25652 in the amount of $246,169.33 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

  • Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to declare the water/sewer department 2010 Ford F350 truck as excess equipment to be sold at auction. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the approval of the planning board and the approval of the Village Board for the proposed project to rebuild the Main Street School at 60 Main Street, Silver Creek, NY, into Senior Housing. The plans were presented to the planning board on October 23rd, 2023, by Park Grove Realty and STEL. The building will provide 54 units of senior housing. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.
  • Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the Mayor to sign any documents pertaining to funding, grants, and the rebuilding of the Main Street School property at 60 Main Street, Silver Creek, NY. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Our next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on Tuesday November 28th, 2023, from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. We could use some more volunteers to help distribute the food. There will not be a mobile pantry in December. Been in contact with three car charger companies and will share the information as it becomes available. One is an install that we own and charge our rates, another is an install that is maintained by the installer, and we receive a percentage of charges, and the third is a lease that is maintained by the installer and we receive the profits. We are in need of planning board and zba members. We received a year in review letter from the garden club. They do a lot for the beauty of the Village. We also have received a $600. Grant from the Silver Creek Irving Heritage Fund towards music in the park. Had a lot of positive comments after the Grape Festival and being able to walk around the park with a beer.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Brush pick up is done for the year. The dump is open on Saturday from 9:00am – 1:00pm until November 25th. The last metal pick up will be November 30th. Leaf pick up will continue as long as the weather permits.

Fire Department/EMS Mayor reported: For the month of October there were a total of 56 calls which included 27 EMS, 4 MVA, 6 structure fires, and 3 vegetation fires.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:20 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 16th, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were.

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused)

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the minutes of the October 2nd, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.6 including claims numbered 25549 through 25601 in the amount of $117,216.93, and Abstract No.4 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 235 in the amount of $7,395.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business: No new business.

Mayor’s Comments: Our next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on Tuesday October 24th, 2023, from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. The Silver Creek PTSA is sponsoring a Track or Treat on October 24th, 2023, from 5:00-6:30 pm. They are looking for businesses or families to set up trick or treat stations, donations of candy, volunteers to hand out candy, and groups willing to decorate a station and hand out candy. I am researching options for our charging stations for grant money and rebates. The CHRIC program is moving forward and plan to complete 7 houses in the Village. This is the last week for brush pick up, they will be picking up leaves going forward. We are also looking into the possibility of using totes for trash verses bags.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Lindstrom – Participated in Walk 22. The VFW Ladies auxiliary is still accepting donations that go to the Homeless Veterans Project to assist in suicide prevention and awareness.

Trustee Barnes – Met with Bob Bankoski and we will be looking into the drainage issue on Front Street. We will also continue looking into Buffalo Street repairs and paving.

Trustee Tampio – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused). Mayor spoke to him regarding our short-term rental law. He is reviewing and comparing to other areas to make sure we are covered.

DPW Mayor reported: We received our new truck and will be getting rid of another.

Fire Department/EMS Mayor reported: For the month of September there were a total of 49 calls which included 37 EMS, four MVA, one structure fire.

Water/sewer Mayor reported: One employee will be attending operator school in the upcoming months.

Code Enforcement/Zoning: John Kennedy has completed code training. He will be in the Silver Creek office on Tuesdays.

Sheriff Department: Will be meeting to discuss the upcoming contract renewal.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:22 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 2nd, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the September 18th, 2023 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.5 including claims numbered 25519 through 25548 in the amount of $65,301.09 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the clerk to request the contract from Young Explosives and sign it in order to reserve the July 3rd, 2024 date for fireworks. The contract can be cancelled if a suitable shooting location is not available. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of Eva Tytka as a member of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the water/sewer tap application of Dwayne Haskins for 59 Burgess Street, as approved by Superintendent David Voigt. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Tampio to hold trick or treat on Tuesday October 31st, 2023 from 5:00 – 8:00pm. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign the renewal agreement with NOCO for our natural gas at a variable rate of 0.128 for 18 months. NOCO will review quarterly to ensure best pricing. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign the renewal agreement with NOCO for our electric cost at a variable rate of .0035/kwh for 18 months. NOCO will review quarterly to ensure the best pricing. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Our next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on Tuesday October 24th, 2023 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Thank you to the fire and EMS for the work they do.

Trustee Lindstrom – Angola was thankful for our help using our ladder truck the fire at the bike factory.

Trustee Barnes – Had discussions with Bob Bankoski, Union Concrete, and the company I work for. Bob and I think that once the drainage and curbing are in, the DPW could handle the paving.

Trustee Tampio – Welcome to Eva Tytka as a member of the Emergency Squad.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Spoke with Bob Bankoski to discuss the repair of the sewer pipe at the DPW building. Will be repaired by a company named Underground Pipe as recommended.

Fire Department/EMS: Commend for the work they did on the fire at Tri County Country Club.

Water/sewer Mayor reported: Going smooth. Been working with Kevin 42 Lake Ave. to make sure water/sewer lines are working properly.

Code Enforcement/Zoning: Do a good job.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:18 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on September 18th, 2023, at 7:04 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg                                                                                                                                  Donna Metzger

Paul Bogosian

Warren Kelly

Bonnie Pfleuger

Terri Corsaro

Braden Carmen (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the August 21st, 2023 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to amend the minutes of the September 11th, 2023 Special Meeting to correct attendance to include Trustees Cummings and Tampio as present. Roll Call Vote: Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 4 including claims numbered 25474 through 25518 in the amount of $198,142.84 and Abstract No. 3 Capital Project (I&I) claim numbers 233 & 234 in the amount of $9,505.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Warren Kelly- Concerns regarding the condition of Buffalo Street. Would like to suggest a surface replacement to protect the street until it can be done correctly (similar to what Suitcoat did on route 5). Mayor stated that Buffalo Street is on the agenda to be done as some point. Trustee Barnes will be looking into the scope of repair that will be necessary. We will be putting reserves away towards Buffalo Street. Paul Bogosian regarding the drainage and curbs on Buffalo Street. Terri Corsaro regarding the condition of the street and remembers it looking more like Adams Street. Warren Kelly would like Bob Bankoski to speak with Bonnie Pfleuger who works for the state DOT and may have input on doing the job correctly.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the purchase and installation of a chain link fence from Paradis Fence at 240 Central Ave. (Old Revere Inn property) at a cost of $4,050. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Tampio to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual trunk or treat on Tuesday October 31st beginning with a parade at 5:30 pm from the Village Hall to the Village Square. The hours will be from 5:30 – 8:00 pm.   Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the VFW Auxiliary to hold the annual Walk 22 on October 14th, 2023 with registration at 9:00 am and the walk at 10:00 am. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Our next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on September 26th, 2023 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm.  Met with Bob Bankoski and the County Planning Board and looked at the 240 Central Ave. Emma Cook is a junior planner and offered suggestions for use of the property. DPW is working around the boat launch to improve the area. The Grape Festival went well, most comments were appreciative that we have the festival, and some negative comments mostly regarding the lack of mechanical rides.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Thanks to the DPW for all of the work they did for the Grape Festival. Working on getting the bands booked for next year’s music in the park.

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank the Grape Festival Committee and volunteers for all the work they did to make the festival successful.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused)

Trustee Tampio – Thank you to Dave Voigt for the time he spent showing me around the sewer plant, lower reservoir area, and tanks. They are doing a great job maintaining the areas.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Will discuss concerns with Bob Bankoski.

Fire Department/EMS: Still very busy, but a few less calls than last month.

Planning board Donna Metzger: Will meet next Monday at 7:00 pm.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:39 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village C

At the Special Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on September 11th, 2023 at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Deanna Borrello

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Horburg stated the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Festival of Grapes activities and schedule for the annual Grape Festival this coming weekend.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Deanna Borrello – Representing the VFW Auxiliary requested permission to hold the annual Walk 22 on October 14th, 2023 at 9:00am.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the following schedule of events and open container details during the Grape Festival: Pending the completion of the facility use agreement by Merritt.

Friday 9/15

Festival 10am – 10:30pm

Food 2pm – 10pm

Inflatables 5pm – 10pm

Music 7:30pm – 10:30pm

Merritt 6pm – 11pm

Saturday 9/16

Festival 10am – 10:30pm

Food 12pm – 10pm

Inflatables 12pm – 10pm

Music 4pm – 10:30pm

Merritt 3pm – 11pm

Sunday 9/17

Festival 10am – 5pm

Food 12pm – 5pm

Inflatables 12pm – 5pm

Parade 1pm

Music none

Merritt 12pm – 4pm

The Village of Silver Creek will waive the open container law in the Village Ballpark area only to allow Merritt Winery to sell beer and wine in the confines of the Village of Silver Creek Ballpark only. Merritt Winery will provide 4 security people to be stationed at the three (3) exits from the ballpark (Exit onto Park Place, Exit at the Village right of way at the Library, and the Footbridge leading to Rix and Oliver), and one roving security person to patrol the grounds at all times the Beer and Wine tents are open. This waiver applies to Meritt Winery only, no personal open containers will be allowed within the confines of the Village Ballpark.

Discussion: Trustee Tampio asked if this has been reviewed by the Village Attorney, and insurance. Mayor Hornburg stated that the attorney and insurance agreed as long as Merritt signs the Facility use agreement.

The motion has been amended to include Merritt completing the agreement.

Roll Call Vote: Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Tampio, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  The grape festival is moving forward and did secure inflatable amusements, and the parade will be at 1:00 pm on Sunday. Wish them success and good weather.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:20 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 21st, 2023, at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle (Clerk)

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Wayne Hotelling

Elaine Hotelling

Braden Carmen (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the August 7th, 2023 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.3 including claims numbered 25424 through 25473 in the amount of $333,409.27 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Wayne Hotelling: We had our 27th successful Laurel Run. We want to thank the board, DPW, fire department, fire police, and all of the businesses who donate. Thank you also for allowing and participating in the sale of the newspapers. We look forward to the 28th annual run.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Tampio to approve the application of Eva Tytka as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department and approved by the board of fire wardens. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Tampio to cancel the regular board meeting scheduled for Labor Day September 4th and meet the next scheduled meeting on September 18th. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Our next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on August 29th, 2023 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. On Wednesday there will be a picnic in the ballpark pavilion for the classes of the 1960’s. On August 10th, myself, Bob Bankoski, and Dave Voigt met with Rebecca Wurster of the Chautauqua County Planning and Development department along with 5 of her associates. Discussed the needs of the Village and then toured the Village. Andy Johnson of ECO Strategies is in the process of securing a contractor to complete the Bien Weir project. We now own the property where the Revere Inn was and will be making it a park area.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – The final music in the park for the season is tomorrow with Ion Sky from 6:00 – 9:00pm. There will also be a cornhole tournament during the music. Proceeds to benefit the Silver Creek Food Pantry.

Trustee Lindstrom – Thankful for the parking lot and stairs at Mechanic St. and Central Ave.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused)

Trustee Tampio – Thank you to the Hotellings, they always have my support.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Dept. Mayor reported: Doing well.

ZBA: Two hearings are scheduled for August 30th beginning at 6:30 pm.

DPW Mayor reported: Paved William St., the municipal building lot, Mechanic Street lot, and some of the old revere inn area. We are short one employee for the department due to a resignation and are looking for someone to fill the position. The paving of Robinson Street has been postponed and may still get done this year.

Planning board Donna Metzger: Nothing at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:26 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 7th, 2023, at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg                                                                                                                                  Donna Metzger

Matt Bogosian

Paul Bogosian

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and Trustee Tampio. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the July 17th, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee seconded by Trustee to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.2 including claims numbered 25382 through 25423 in the amount of $33,356.38 and Abstract No.2 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 232 in the amount of $136,243.30 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Paul Bogosian spoke regarding a deck at 37 Oak Street. Would like to meet with the board to discuss.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of Jess Hernandez to use the Ball Park Pavilion for a back to school picnic on August 26th from Noon – 6:00pm. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to pass a resolution to hold a joint meeting between the Village of Silver Creek and the Town of Hanover to explore the possibility of forming a joint fire district for the Village of Silver Creek and a portion of the Town of Hanover’s fire protection district presently served by the Silver Creek Fire Department. The date and time of the meeting will be determined. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Our next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on August 29th, 2023 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. The rip-rap project at the boat launch is completed. The gabieon brackets were removed and replaced with riprap. The work was completed by Rock Works.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Music in the park continues with Furious George tomorrow evening.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Tampio – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Dept. Mayor reported:

DPW Mayor reported: Milling has begun on William Street, the right of way between Silver Creek Optical and the Library, and the Mechanic Street parking area. Robinson Street is on hold until September due to scheduling issues. Andy Johnson of Eco Strategies has sent requests for proposals out for the Bein Weir Bank Stabilization Project and expect to begin in September.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: The I&I project is ongoing.

Fire/EMS, Mayor reported: No report at this time.

Planning board: Waiting for approval of the rental law from Peter Clark. He is comparing it to other Towns and Villages laws.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:30 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on July 17th, 2023, at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                Thomas Postle Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the June 19th, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.1 including claims numbered 25314 through 25380 in the amount of $173,358.61 and Abstract No.1 Capital Project (I&I) claims numbered 230 & 231 in the amount of $2,760.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the bid for a new Ford F-250 pickup truck for the water/sewer department at a cost of $61,796.43. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Festival of Grapes to hold the 56th Annual Grape Festival on September 15th through 17th, 2023 in the Village Square, Ball Park, and Pavilion. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of Michael Bayba for the use of the Ball Park Pavilion on July 21st and again on August 11th, 2023 for picnics from 5:30-8:30 pm. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom approve the application of Cree Stevens for the use of the Ball Park Pavilion on July 22nd, 2023 for a birthday party from Noon – 4:00 pm. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Our next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on July 25th, 2023 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. July 3rd Fireworks went great. Celebrated our 175th anniversary, along with the history of the Village from historian Louis Pelletter. The Village has received a grant from the County for creek bank stabilization. It will be used along the banks behind the ballpark.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Had a good turnout for music in the park last week with Crash Cadillac and car cruise night. Received a lot of positive comments. We are expecting a good turnout tomorrow night for first responders’ night and Underground Stampede. Next week will be Barnstorm on the 25th. Thank you to the Mayor, Clerk, and DPW for their assistance with the music. Great to have the food trucks and other options during the music.

Trustee Lindstrom – Had a lot of positive comments about the music and the fireworks. The playground and gaga pit have been a great investment. The kids are really enjoying it.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Tampio – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Dept. Mayor reported: As always very busy.

DPW Mayor reported: Patching holes. Milling to start in 2-3 weeks. Thank you to the DPW for the stairs from the Mechanic Street parking lot up to Central Ave.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: We had a water main break on Hanover Rd. and had to hire St. George to assist with the repair.

Fire/EMS, Mayor reported: 39 total calls for May which includes 32 EMS, and 4 MVA.

Planning board: Waiting for approval of the rental law from Peter Clark. He is comparing it to other Towns and Villages laws.

Code Enforcement, Mayor reported: Taking care of the requests for the Village.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:25 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 19th, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Kathy Tampio

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle Clerk

Sandy Hornburg                                                                                  Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Tampio. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the June 5th, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.24 including claims numbered 25273 through 25304 in the amount of $168,670.11 and Abstract No.12 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 229 in the amount of $621.60 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Bid opening for a new water/sewer pickup truck.

One bid received from West Herr Ford in the amount of $61,796.43

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Tampio to table the bid for the water/sewer truck until it can be reviewed by Superintendent Dave Voigt. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Tampio seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the resignation of Steve Romanik as Village Trustee effective May 15th, 2023. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the resignation of Kathy Tampio from the ZBA. Trustee Tampio abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow volunteers to sell the annual Laurel Run edition of the Observer in the Village of Silver Creek on Friday July 7th, 2023. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to cancel the July 3rd, 2023 regular board meeting. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be Tuesday June 27th, from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. The 27th Annual Laurel Run will be on July 15th, 2023, beginning around 8:30am.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Music in the park is tomorrow with Midnight Recovery. Next week is first responder night with Underground Stampede. The resident at 3 Lincoln St. had a complaint about the plowing of the municipal parking lot and pushing stone on her lawn. The DPW will install parking blocks along the property to prevent future damage.

Trustee Lindstrom – Attended the groundbreaking at the former Hideaway Bay property for 42 Lake Erie, LLC.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Tampio – Thank you to Tom for helping with all of the required paperwork as a new Trustee.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Dept. Mayor reported: As always very busy.

DPW Mayor reported: Paving will not take place until mid-August.

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: I&I project is in the final phase 5 and is ongoing.

Fire/EMS, Mayor reported: Not sure of the total breakdown but 36 EMS calls in the month of May.

Planning board: Waiting for approval of the rental law from Peter Clark.

Code Enforcement, Mayor reported: Had opportunity to work with Rich and John. Very knowledgeable.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:25 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 5th, 2023, at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Kathy Tampio

Louis Pelletter

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the May 15th, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the May 22nd, 2023 Special Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.23 including claims numbered 25221 through 25272 in the amount of $73,984.45 and Abstract No.11 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 228 in the amount of $2,803.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter – Will dedicate the two historic plaques on July 3th. At 6:00 pm at Main and Ward will present the plaque for the settlement of Fayette, then we will go to Borrello Park for the presentation of the plaque for the burning of the steamship George Washington, and a presentation for the 175th Anniversary of the Village. We will have cake and coffee after the presentation. Will need the help of the DPW to install the posts and mount the plaques.

Discussion regarding open containers during the Grape Festival.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve Louis Pelletter’s presentation of the plaques for the settlement of Fayette, the burning of the George Washington, and the 175th anniversary of the Village of Silver Creek on July 3rd. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Kathy Tampio as Village Trustee to serve the remaining term of the seat held by Steve Romanik. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes, voting aye. Carried.

Mayor Hornburg performed the swearing in of Trustee Kathy Tampio.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of Jess Hernandez to use the Ball Park Pavilion for a birthday party on Sunday June 25th, 2023 from Noon – 6:00pm. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the application of Ben Wassell to use the Ball Park Pavilion for a birthday party on Saturday June 17th, 2023 from Noon – 4:00pm.  Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign a purchase contract and any documents needed to purchase a piece of property adjacent to our DPW building from Franklin Pagano at a price of $10,000. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to hire Rich Vasile and Vince Gugliuzza as part time code enforcement officers for the Village of Silver Creek at a rate of $25 per hour. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to hire John Kennedy as part time zoning officer for the Village of Silver Creek at a rate of $22 per hour. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to change the Village’s main savings account to a Money Market Account earning 2.75% with Community Bank. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes, and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt Local Law No. 1 of 2023 revising Chapter 180 Streets and Sidewalks. This was presented by the planning board. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye, Trustee Tampio Abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to purchase materials necessary to build a gaga pit for the Village Ball Park at a cost not to exceed $1500. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes and Tampio voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be Tuesday June 27th, from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. All bids received for the pickup truck for water/sewer were rejected because they did not meet the specifications. A new bid specification for the pickup truck has been written and will be advertised.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Cummings – Youth recreation requested a gaga ball pit for the ballpark. Complaints about the motorcycles speeding through the Village and know who it is, so the patrol has been notified to watch for them.

Trustee Lindstrom – Attended the Children’s Fair and it appeared to be successful and a good turnout.

Trustee Barnes – Welcome Kathy Tampio to the board and look forward to working with her.

Trustee Tampio – Thank you for the appointment and look forward to working with all of you.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Mayor stated the Peter is still working on the short-term rental law.

DPW Mayor reported: Working on some drainage and curbing issues. Bob has submitted a paving schedule request for later in the summer.

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: We have started phase 5 of the I&I project.

Code Enforcement, Mayor reported:  We are using the code officers from the Town of Hanover.

ZBA: Mayor stated that the variance was denied for the shed on vacant property on Beachview.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:50 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Special Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 22nd, 2023 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes. Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Horburg stated the purpose of the meeting is to open bids for a new truck for the water/sewer department.

One bid received from West Herr of Hamburg, NY

Proposed a Ford F250 ¾ ton as alternate to the requested 1ton truck.

Price – $61,796.43

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to table the bids for review by the Village Board and Water/sewer Superintendent David Voigt. Trustees Linstrom, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:08 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 15th, 2023, at 7:10 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Louis Pelletter

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the May 1st, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustee Romanik Abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.22 including claims numbered 25188 through 25219 in the amount of $41,887.76, and Abstract No.10 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 227 in the amount of $741.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustee Romanik Abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter – We have an opportunity to get some volunteer interns to assist with the historical room organization. Would like a resolution from the Village Board to approve.

Received a donation of some post cards that have been framed. Would like to hang them in the boardroom so they can be viewed. Wrote up a program for July 3rd dedication of the historical plaques and celebrate the 175th anniversary with cake and coffee.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to hire David Farley, Gabriel Benedict, Jacob Skeels, and Christian Borrello as seasonal laborers for the DPW and Water/sewer departments. Trustee Romanik abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of Kevin Polowy as a member of the Silver Creek Volunteer Fire Department and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustee Romanik abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of Melissa Pazderski as a member of the Silver Creek Volunteer Fire Department and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustee Romanik abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of Kevin Irvin as a member of the Silver Creek Volunteer Fire Department and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustee Romanik abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of the Silver Creek School to use the Ball Park Pavilion and park area for a concert on June 7th, from 2-8pm. Trustee Romanik abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of the Silver Creek/Hanover Garden Club to use the Village Ball Park and Village Square for their annual Garden Faire on May20th, 2023 from 6:00 am – 6:00 pm. There will be set up on Friday from 3:00 – 7:00 pm. Trustee Romanik abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of Nicole Dipirro to use the Ball Park Pavilion on May 28th, 2023 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm for a birthday party. Trustee Romanik abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of the First Baptist Church of Silver Creek to use the Ball Park Pavilion and park area for a concert on Wednesday June 28th, at 7:00pm. Trustee Romanik abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of the First Baptist Church of Silver Creek to us the Ball Park Pavilion for a kids bible club during the week of July 24th – 28th from approximately 4:00-7:00pm. Trustee Romanik abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the request of the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club for the Village to donate $6,000 to assist in the refurbishment of the Rix Place basketball court. Trustee Romain abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve volunteer interns to assist the Village Historian, Louis Pelletter with organizing the historical room. Trustee Romanik abstained. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be Tuesday May 23rd, from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. The new playground equipment has been installed. A portion of the equipment that was removed will be going up to the little league field. A portion of the funding for the equipment came from a grant from the Ralph C. Wilson Foundation. The fountain was damaged over the weekend. It appears to be accidental, and the water department is going to be able to fix it. Will miss Steve, we have worked together the past 5 years and he was a driving force behind many things we have done. It has a pleasure working together and wish you well.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – This is my last meeting as I am retiring. Would like to thank everyone on the board, it was a pleasure working with you. Thank Jeff as our mayor for what has been done in the last 5 years, as well as Marv, Sandy, and Bill.

Trustee Cummings – Will miss Steve, he will be hard to replace. He has done a lot of work behind the scenes. A great Trustee working for the taxpayers.

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you Steve for your dedication and commitment to the board and taxpayers. You will be missed.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Fire Department Mayor reported: Total of 74 calls during the month of April which 52 were EMS, and 4 fires, and 2 vehicle fires.

DPW Mayor reported: Brush pick up has started and the brush dump is open on Saturdays from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Heavy metal pick up is on the last Wednesday of the month.

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: We have started phase 5 of the I&I project.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Mayor Hornburg said he has spoken to Peter Clark and hope to have something next meeting.

Code Enforcement, Mayor reported:  We are using the code officers from the Town of Hanover.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:36 pm



Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 1st, 2023, at 7:10 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Louis Pelletter

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes. Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the April 17th, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 21 including claims numbered 25170 through 25186 in the amount of $105,439.02, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Presentation of the year end historical report by Village Historian Louis Pelletter and discussion regarding the Village’s 175th Anniversary events including dedication of two historical markers, one marking the settlement of Fayette and the other marking the burning of the George Washington steamship off Front Street. Hoping the DPW can install the Washington one in Borrello Park, and the Fayette one on route 20 on Village property. The presentation and dedication will take place on July 3rd before the fireworks celebration.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the year end historical report as presented by Village Historian Louis Pelletter. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Village of Silver Creek to co-sponsor a rabies clinic with the Town of Hanover on May 13th, 2023, from 1-4 pm at the Town Highway Department. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Hanover Community Chamber of Commerce to hold their 31st annual 14136 area wide yard sale on Saturday August 5th, 2023, from 9:00am – 5:00pm. All sales within the Village are required to purchase a $10.00 permit as a fund raiser to the Chamber with any profits to be invested back into the community in the form of educational scholarships and program funding. Also requesting the rest rooms in the Ball Park Pavilion be available during the sale hours. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize Trustee Lindstrom to sign a services agreement between the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth and the Village of Silver Creek in acceptance of a grant in the amount of $5500.00 to be used toward sidewalks for safe walking routes to school along Webster Street, Knight Street Extension, and Stapf Avenue. Trustee Lindstrom abstaining, Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the final preliminary budget as the operating budget for fiscal year June 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024.

Total Budget: $2,657,689 broken down as:

General Fund: $1,039,307

Water Fund:    $861,366

Sewer Fund:    $757,016

There is no increase in Village Board Salaries.

Tax Rate: 12.901402 (per thousand) which is a decrease of 2.37%

Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Our next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be held on May 23rd, 2023, from 11:00am-12:30pm. There are no income or residency requirements for the event. Hired Ashley Howard to run the recreation program and we are considering CPR training for all of our youth recreation staff. We have been granted permission to use the property at 42 Lake Ave. for shooting of fireworks on July 3rd,  and thank you to Kevin Cullen for allowing it to continue again this year.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Asked the status of the ambulance bid. Mayor stated that we are waiting for information from Bill Gorman.

Trustee Cummings – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Lindstrom – Sign up for flag football will be May 8th through 19th. Open to children within the town.

Trustee Barnes – Will be meeting with Bob Bankoski to discuss plans for Buffalo Street reconstruction and Front Street drainage.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Fire Department Mayor reported: Appreciate what the Fire and EMS do.

DPW Mayor reported: Will meet with Bob to discuss paving schedule. Commend them for getting the streets swept. Brush pickup began this week. Brush dump is open on Saturdays from 9am-1pm.

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: Dave is on vacation this week.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Nothing at this time.

Code Enforcement, Mayor reported: We are working with the Town and their officers at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:50 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 17th 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Tom Harmon

Warren Kelly

Bonnie Pfleuger

Lisa Rohloff

Todd Crandall

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Barnes, and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the April 3rd, 2023 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the April 3rd, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 20 including claims numbered 25135 through 25169 in the amount of $39,386.97, and Abstract No. 9 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 226 in the amount of $6,932.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Tom Harmon County Legislature: General meeting held regarding a possible boat user fee for Chautauqua Lake. Donna Metzger asked if it would be tacking that fee on the marina or launch fees. Tom Harmon stated it is being proposed as an annual fee, but nothing has been decided yet.

Warren Kelly 17 Buffalo Street – Are there any plans to rebuild Buffalo St. with new curbs and paving. Mayor stated that we are working on a plan.

Bonnie Pfleuger 24 Buffalo Street – Do we know if the drainage is connected to the drops along the street.

Todd Crandall – Silver Creek School Superintendent presented the 2023-2024 budget and announced that there will not be an increase in taxes this year.

Lisa Rohloff – Silver Creek Business Office Manager presented details and highlights of the 2023-2024 budget. Voting for the budget is set for May 16th, 2023 from 1:00pm – 9:00pm in the High School Lobby.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to advertise for proposals to mow zombie properties in the Village. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign the Collection Service Agreement between the Village of Silver Creek and Commercial Acceptance Company. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Children’s Fair on June 3rd, 2023 in the Ball Park and Pavilion from 10:00 am – 2:30 pm. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the 27th Annual Laurel Run/Walk to be held on July 15th, 2023 at 8:00am and use the Village Square and Ball Park during the event. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Prior to our meeting I spoke with Dan Hogg who has accepted a position with the county. Dan was willing to stay on and work nights and weekends, but I do not think that will work in the best interest of our residents. Dan was in agreement and after working his first few days he did not think he would have the time needed. I wish him well at his new position and thank him for the time he worked for the Village. We are working on an agreement with the Town to use their code enforcement officers for the time being. Our next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be held on Tuesday April 25th at 11:00am. We give away 300 boxes of food, and there are no income or residency requirements. The First Baptist Church has requested the use of the Ball Park for a choir concert on June 28th, and a back yard bible club during the week of July 24th – 28th. Times of these events will be worked out. Timothy Morris, a researcher at SUNY ESF in Syracuse would like to do a study of the emerald ash borer in our ash trees.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Asked the status of the ambulance bid.

Trustee Cummings – The project at the little league field is progressing. Music in the park is set to go.

Trustee Lindstrom – We have received a grant from the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth in the amount of $5500.00 to be used for sidewalks near the school.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Fire Department Mayor reported: Total of 51 calls for the month of March, 39 were EMS calls. As always, I commend the members of the fire dept. and EMS for what they do. The fire department had the election of officers and Brandyn Griewisch was again elected as chief.

DPW Mayor reported: Bob Bankoski will be returning at the end of the month.  It has been a pleasure working with Brianna Griewisch during his absence. She has done a fine job.

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: Working towards the start of Phase 5 of the I&I project.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Have you heard back from Peter Clark on the previous proposals. Until those are acted on, I see no reason to hold a meeting. Mayor Hornburg will follow up with Peter.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:46 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 3rd, 2023, at 7:07 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom                                                                                                                  Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes, Absent: Trustee Cummings, and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the March 20th, 2023; Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 19 including claims numbered 25104 through 25134 in the amount of $31,894.26 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to transfer $16,019.99 from account 201.19 Turnout Gear Reserve to account 3410.2 Turnout Gear to pay for new turnout gear for the fire department. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to transfer $78,062.51 from account 201.1 Fire Equipment Reserve to account 3410.2 Fire Protection Equipment for the down payment and first lease payment of breathing apparatuses. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Romanik to transfer $48,000 from account 201.14 Miscellaneous Reserve to account 1620.4 Contractual Other Expenses to pay HH Rauh for the demolition of 25 Park Place. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the renewal of the Silver Creek Junior Fire Fighter annual charter in the amount of $685.00 to the Allegheny Highlands Council. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize an additional $10,000 payment to One Beat Medical to cover the upgraded model of Lifepak units due to stocking issues. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Clerk to advertise for bids on a new 1 ton, 4×4, utility bed 2022 or 2023 pickup truck for the water/sewer department. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to allow the Silver Creek 4th grade to use the Ball Park Pavilion on Thursday, June 8th, 2023 for a picnic. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to allow Sally Crisanti as a representative of the Silver Creek Class of 1965 to use the Ball Park Pavilion on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023 for a school reunion picnic from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to allow Shari Mullen to use the Ball Park Pavilion on Saturday, August 5th, 2023 from 11:00am – 3:00pm for a picnic. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the Mayor to advertise hiring 3 summer seasonal laborers (two for DPW and one for water/sewer). Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: We distributed 300 food boxes at the last mobile food pantry. The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on Tuesday April 25th at 11:00 am. The Village brush dump will be opening on Saturday, April 15th from 9:00am – 1:00pm and is for Village residents only. Received an e-mail from Kevin Cullen granting the Village permission to shoot the July 3rd fireworks from his property again this year. Our historian Louis Pelletter will have a presentation of 2 historic marker plaques prior to the fireworks and more information regarding our 175th anniversary celebration will be coming. In the process of interviewing for a Recreation Leader for this season.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Fire Department Mayor reported: No report received but by the sound of the alarm, they have been busy as always. Commend them for all they do.

DPW Mayor reported: Working on the drainage and new parking area at the little league field.

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: Bill Ferneza has been going to sewer school. He has one more   week and will then be an operator.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Did not meet last month.

Code: Dan Hogg has taken a job with the county; he will be staying for a while, but we will be looking for a replacement.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:25pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 3rd, 2023 at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Stephen Romanik

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cumming (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes. Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the hearing is being held for the presentation of the tentative budget for fiscal year June 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024. As of now it shows a tax increase of 1.25% which will most likely change. There will be no increases to the Mayor or Board salaries. The board will be working on the budget and expect to adopt it by May 1st. A copy of the tentative budget will be available in the clerk’s office during normal business hours.

Public Comment: No One Spoke.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:05 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 20th, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom                                                                                                                  Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Mary Poissant

Deanna Borrello

Corey Bistoff

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the March 6th, 2023, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 18 including claims numbered 25065 through 25103 in the amount of $160,323.74 and Abstract No. 8 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 225 in the amount of $1,440.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Corey Bistoff – Concern regarding speeding on Parkway. Trustee Romanik will notify the patrol car to monitor.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to grant NYSDOT permission to enter the property around the Village Square to construct/modify our transportation facilities under project number PIN 5112.01 and maintain them in the future. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to remove the following members of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad: Chris Cook, Dalton Neubauer, Brandon Erick. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to place Todd Johnson on honorary status with the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to add Darrin Tippens to the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on Tuesday March 28th at 11:00 am. Discussion to reorder door hangers for code enforcement. The board decided that a letter would work better in notifying a resident of a violation. We have received the 2023-2024 tentative budget from the Village Clerk and will be working on it. We purchased new playground equipment and will start assembly of it in April.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – The parking area at the little league field is being increased. Kravitz Tree Service has started removing some of the trees. The Financial Trust Federal Credit Union in Irving would like to sponsor one of our Music in the Park nights.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Working on solutions for drainage issue at Front Street.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused) Mayor reported that we have received the contract books to be signed after Attorney Clark reviews.

Fire Department Mayor reported: No report received but by the sound of the alarm, they have been busy as always.

DPW Mayor reported: Repairing equipment, and park benches, preparing for springtime.

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: Will be working on manholes and prep work for Phase 5 of I&I.

Planning Board Corey Bistoff: Meeting this month. Deanna Borrello asked if the parking lot on Mechanic Street by Newbrook will be paved this year, and stairs leading up to the street level will be added.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:25pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 6th, 2023, at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Corey Bistoff

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, and Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the February 6th, 2023, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 17 including claims numbered 24996 through 25064 in the amount of $138,336.40, and Abstract No. 7 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 224 in the amount of $6,042.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Basket and Bunnies Day with the Easter Bunny on Saturday April 1st, from 10:00 am – Noon in the Village Square. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement for Enhanced Sheriff Patrol between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek beginning January 1, 2023 – December 31st, 2023. Trustees Romanik, and Cummings abstained, Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: We had the mobile food pantry last Tuesday and distributed 275 boxes of food in a little over an hour. The next mobile food pantry sponsored by the Silver Creek Food Pantry, Feedmore of WNY, and the Village of Silver Creek will be on Tuesday March 28th at 11:00am. The Hanover Chamber of Commerce is holding a mixer at Merritt on Wednesday evening from 5-7:30 pm. The Alzheimer’s Association is holding a breakfast meeting on March 22nd from 9:00 – 10:00am at the Bemus Point Inn to discuss the Walk to End Alzheimer’s scheduled for September 23rd.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Kravits is going be doing some tree work at the little league field to help alleviate some of the parking issues in that area. The state DOT will be starting a project around the Village Square in 2024 and require the Village’s permission to access the property.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Met with Mike Dee at the end of Front Street regarding a drainage issue.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: Very busy, with 131 incidents in the Village and 251 in the Town of Hanover last month.

Fire Department Mayor reported: January calls total 48 included 39 EMS and 2 Fire calls. Appreciate all that they do for us.

DPW Mayor reported: 2 Employees helped with the mobile food pantry.

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: Phase 5 of the I&I starting soon.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Didn’t meet in February. Asked the status of proposals that Attorney Clark is reviewing.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:25pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on February 6th, 2023, at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom


Trustee Bill Barnes

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Mary Poissant

Russ Civiletto

Corey Bistoff

Kathy Tampio

Danielle Hammer

Daniel Cuccia

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the January 17th, 2023, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 16 including claims numbered 24948 through 24995 in the amount of $87,452.95 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Danielle Hammer – Addressed the board regarding the ongoing issue with the work done on her foundation between the contractor and code enforcement.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Village Clerk to sign the renewal of the annual agreement with Key Power Systems for preventative maintenance on the generator. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to award the Sanitary Sewer Repairs Priority 5 Project bid to National Water Main Cleaning Co. in the amount of $507,600 contingent upon availability of project funding, per the recommendation of GHD Engineers, and the bid documents have been approved by Attorney Peter Clark. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to renew the Village health insurance Silver POS 7100 plan with Highmark WNY at a 7.6% increase effective March 1st, 2023.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Kathy Tampio to the ZBA for a 5 year term. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Mark Sackett as Chairman of the ZBA. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the purchase of a Can-Am Apache 360 LT Track Kit for the 2019 Can-Am Defender HD8 XT at a cost of $7,253.95 from Bucks Motorsports. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to cancel the Village Board Meeting that was moved to Tuesday February 21st, due to the Presidents Day Holiday on Monday February 20th, 2023. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: We had the last mobile food pantry on January 31st, 250 boxes of food were distributed. There is no residency or income requirements and the next one will be February 28th. We are asking that people enter through Jackson Street to Montgomery, and Lincoln and enter the rear driveway to the municipal building. This will alleviate the traffic blockage on Central Ave.Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – There was a grand opening of the new Christmas Store. Looked like it was well attended. I was unable to attend due to work.

Trustee Cummings – I was also unable to attend the grand opening. The Village is sponsoring 3 CPR classes with 10 people in each class and are all full. Finalizing music in the park for the summer. Meeting with Mark Butler and the EMS squad.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nice to see the Christmas Store open, the store front looks nice. Distributed flyers for music in the park and could use more.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: The Town of Hanover has the contract with sheriff, and the Village piggy backs on that. From the reports that I see we have a very busy town and village.

Fire Department Mayor reported: 28 EMS calls, 5 accidents, and several other calls.

DPW Mayor reported: Commend them for the work they do. While weather is good they were able to make repairs to the equipment.

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: We have had a few water breaks where we needed assistance from St. George due to the location of the lines. The roads will be repaired when weather permits.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We met two weeks ago and started talking about projects for this year. If there are specific items that the board would like us to work on, please let me know.

ZBA: Thank you to Kathy Tampio for coming on board, and Mark Sackett for accepting the Chairman position.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:31pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on January 17th, 2023, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes


Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Mary Poissant

Deanna Borrello

Edward Bradfuhrer – GHD

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Swearing in ceremony of Trustee Bill Barnes by Mayor Hornburg.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the January 3rd, 2023, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 15 including claims numbered 24897 through 24945 in the amount of $63,663.83 and Abstract No. 6 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 223 in the amount of $729.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Deanna Borrello- Stated that Christmas Dave has given permission for a mural to be painted on one side of the building. The estimated cost is going to be about $50K. We have a committee including myself, Mary Poissant, and Greg Cole and we will be looking into grant money to help with the cost. We also need to get the word out regarding the Village’s 175th anniversary this year and ways to celebrate. The Dave’s Christmas Store has a tentative opening the first of February.

Bid Opening for I&I Project Priority 5.

Four bids were received as follows:

  1. National Water Main Cleaning – $507,600
  2. Arold Construction Co. – $623,205
  3. United Survey Inc. – $602,300
  4. Kenyon Pipeline Inspection – $1,299,550

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Romanik to table the bids for Priority 5 until they are reviewed by GHD prior to awarding. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign the fire protection renewal contract between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek for 2023. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract and all documents required with the County of Chautauqua for the Village of Silver Creek to acquire the Land Bank Property at 240 Central Ave. for the price of $1.00. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept a $30,000 award from the Chautauqua County Occupancy Tax Program for Lakes and Waterways grant program. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the Mayor’s appointments for 2023. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the Mayor’s board assignments for 2023. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: We have received our renewal for Health Insurance and will review. The two Local Law changes that were presented by the planning board are being reviewed by Attorney Peter Clark. The next Feedmore food give away is January 31st at 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. There are no income or residency requirements.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Trustee Cummings and I have finalized the schedule for music in the park. Met with the emergency squad to discuss some plans for future.

Trustee Cummings – We will be holding several community CPR training classes one on Saturday Feb. 11th from 9am-noon, and Wednesday Feb. 15th from 6pm-9pm, both will be held at Mt. Carmel church hall. If we have interest we will schedule a third class.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Meeting with Brianna Griewisch regarding the bank stabilization on Old Main Rd. with a plan to repair.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: We always appreciate what they do for us.

Fire Department Mayor reported: The fire and EMS departments had 53 calls in December, 2022, 32 of them were EMS calls. We appreciate all that they do.

DPW Mayor reported: Want to commend them for the snow removal during the holiday storm.

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: There was a water break on North Main St. that has been repaired.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Meeting on January 23rd.

ZBA Mayor reported: We are still looking for one person to serve on the ZBA.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:45pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Organizational Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on January 3rd, 2023 at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom


Trustee Bill Barnes

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:

Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Mary Poissant

Danielle Hammer

Daniel Cuccia

Braden Carmen (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Swearing in ceremony of Trustee Marv Cummings, by Mayor Hornburg.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the December 19th, 2022, Public Hearing on Local Law No. 1, 2022 as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the December 19th, 2022, Public Hearing on Local Law No. 2, 2022 as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the December 19th, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 14, including claims numbered 24877 through 24896 in the amount of $56,867.44, and Abstract No. 5 claim number 222 in the amount of $4,018.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Board Assignments and Appointments will be announced next meeting.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Danielle Hammer of 35 Burgess St. – Complaint regarding the work performed on her  foundation. The contractor did not do an adequate job and complained that Dan Hogg did not inspect the work. The entire complaint is in writing and has been submitted to the Village for review. The Mayor explained that the information regarding the complaint is in our attorneys hands for review.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the procurement policy of the Village of Silver Creek as currently in effect and that the Village Board is hereby directed review that procurement policy to make modifications necessary thereto, if any. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Chiavetta’s Chicken BBQ on Sunday January 15th, 2023 in the Village Square. The hours will be from Noon to 2:00 pm. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Boe’s Kennel to hold dogs for the required amount of days prior to the DCO taking to the Chautauqua County Humane Society if unable to locate the owner. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Brianna Griewisch as temporary Working Supervisor of the DPW effective January 4th, 2023 through the tentative date of April 30th, 2023. She will be paid at the out of class rate of 1.5 hours per day. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to designate the Dunkirk Observer as the official newspaper of the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, circumstances arise that require the Village Board to convene in addition to the scheduled Regular Board Meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in the event of a Special Meeting being called by the Mayor or Trustees, every member of the Village Board shall be informed by telephone, in person or in writing by either the Village Clerk, Mayor or another member of the Board of Trustees of the date, time, location and subject of the Special Meeting; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the meeting shall be given to the Board Members and The Observer and posted at the Village Municipal Building at least 72 hours in advance unless an emergency exists and otherwise as in conformance with the Public Officers Law, and the other laws of the State of New York. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Silver Creek hold regularly scheduled meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the first and third Monday of the month; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in the event that a Regular Meeting date falls on a holiday in which the Village office is closed, the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the following Tuesday; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Board Workshops will be held in the Municipal Board Room at 172 Central Avenue, Silver Creek NY 14136 as advertised. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that Village Law § 4-412(3)(2) requires the designation of banks or trust companies for the deposit of all Village monies;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board designates the following institutions as depository of all moneys received by the Village treasurer, clerk, and receiver of taxes: Community Bank, N.A. and Evans Bank. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, there is to be held during the coming official year a) the New York State Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting and Training School; b) the New York State Conference of Mayors and Fall Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerks; c) the New York State Conference of Mayors Public Works School, d) county association meetings; etc.; and

WHEREAS, attendance by certain municipal officials and employees at one or more of these meetings, conferences or schools benefits the municipality; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that officers and employees are authorized to attend these schools and meetings with board approval. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage as reimbursement to Village officers and employees who use their personal automobiles while performing their official Village duties; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board will approve reimbursement to such officers and employees at the rate of 62.5 cents per mile. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to authorize payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges; and

WHEREAS, all such claims must be presented at the next Regular Board Meeting for audit; and

WHEREAS, the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claim are jointly and severally liable for any amount the Village Board disallows. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges.  All such claims must be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claims are jointly and severally liable for any amount the board of trustees disallows. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: We are looking for two people to serve on the ZBA. Want to commend the DPW and Water/Sewer departments for keeping the streets clear during the snow storm over the Christmas weekend. The next Feedmore food give away will be January 31st, anyone is welcome to come and there are no requirements. The Village was awarded a 500K grant for housing rehab that will be administered by CHRIC. The Village has been awarded a one million dollar grant through the Restore NY program for the Main Street School.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Commend and thank the DPW and W/S for the work they did during the snowstorm.

Trustee Cummings – Comment and thank the DPW and W/S for the work they did during the snowstorm. Trustee Romanik and I have been working on the music in the park series and secured all 6 bands. We will be working on getting vendors for those nights.

Trustee Lindstrom – The next board meeting will be on Tuesday January 17th due to the Martin Luther King holiday on the 16th.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Had a water break on North Main St. and had St. George assist with the digging because it was directly over a high-pressure gas line.

Planning Board: Attorney is reviewing the two local laws that were presented.

Fire/EMS Mayor reported: Fire protection contract from Hanover is with the attorney for review.

Commend all of the volunteers for what they do.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:43 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 19th, 2022, at 7:31 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Ruthann Rocque

Deanna Borrello

Jim Castiglia

Mary Poissant

Michael Dee

Paul Crino

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes. Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the December 5th, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 13 including claims numbered 24826 through 24876 in the amount of $55,169.24 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Ruthanne Rocque: We need help keeping our sidewalks clean. I physically can’t shovel my sidewalk. Dan Hogg stated that keeping the walks clear is a safety concern. The responsibility of the sidewalk falls on the residents. Mayor Hornburg stated that we have to maintain the state route sidewalks. Discussion regarding the Village plowing all of the sidewalks.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to table Local Law No. 1 of 2022 amending Chapter 155 Rental Property section of the Village of Silver Creek Code as discussed at tonight’s public hearing. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to table Local Law No. 2 of 2022 amending Chapter 180 Streets & Sidewalks section of the Village of Silver Creek Code as discussed at tonight’s public hearing. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the water tap application of Dale Elwell for the property at 11998 Hanover Road and approved by Water/Sewer Superintendent Dave Voigt. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement CHRIC to administer the new CDBG award for housing rehab. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the Mayor to sign the Supported Employment Agreement with Universal Industries for the employment of Walter Vaughn to work at the DPW shop. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Silver Creek Hanover Garden Club to hold their annual Garden Faire on Saturday May 20th, 2023 from 9:00am – 4:00pm with time to set up and break down as needed. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes approve the changes of the Silver Creek water and sewer rates. The current charge for inside water service charge from $77.55 to $62.55 and the current sewer service charge from $31.37 to $46.37. A change in the water usage rate from $4.78/thousand gallons to $5.08/thousand gallons, and a change in the sewer usage rate from $3.36/thousand gallons to $3.66/thousand gallons. These rates increase water and sewer rates by $.30 each, or an increase of approximately $9.00 per quarter for the average 15K user in the Village. These increases are directly in response of the rate increases in Erie County Water Authority billing of $.17 (2021), $.18 (2022), and the current increase of $.36/thousand gallons (beginning February of 2023), since the last increase was proposed. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Thank you to the DPW for the snow removal efforts during the last snow. Tuesday 12/27 is our next Feedmore food give away from 11:00am – 12:30pm. The annual fire truck parade is tomorrow 12/20. Reminder that there is a low income water assistance program available to help paying water bills.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you to the Planning Board for all the work they have done.

Trustee Barnes – Would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday Season.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: Want to make note that the water/sewer department assists the DPW with snow removal when needed.

Planning Board: Mayor thanked the committees for all of the work they have done.

Code Enforcement Dan Hogg: Have some new construction going on right now.

ZBA Mayor reported: Our chairman Michael Tampio passed away, and our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. He will be hard to replace.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:55pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the second of two Public Hearings of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 19th, 2022 at 7:10 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present: Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent: Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present: Thomas Postle, Clerk

Ruthann Rocque

Sandy Hornburg

Jim Castiglia

Deanna Borrello

Michael Dee

Paul Crino

Mary Poissant

Braden Carmen, Observer

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Said at the first public hearing.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle at the first hearing: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the purpose of the hearing is to discuss proposed Local Law #2 of 2022 that would amend Chapter 180 Streets & Sidewalks of the Village of Silver Creek Code.

Public Comment:

Jim Castiglia explained that the goal of the revision is to have all the sidewalks in the Village repaired. The sidewalk committee has targeted areas where the sidewalks are in need of repair. The plan will notify the residents in these neighborhoods with the need for sidewalk repairs and work out a plan for the repairs. We are hoping residents can get together and repair the entire length of the street which will save money by doing it in bulk. Would also request the Village Board to increase the reimbursement rate. Discussion was had regarding the rates and the need for certain sidewalks if someone did not want. Dan Hogg stated that the decision would be made by the ZBA. Mayor Hornburg asked if there are areas without sidewalks now, would they have to be brought into compliance. Jim Castiglia stated that those areas are not what we are looking into right now, we are concentrating on the areas that are in disrepair. Deanna Borrello asked what we could do to help the low income residents with repair costs. Discussion regarding the possibility of the Village taking responsibility for all of the sidewalks. Trustee Romanik thanked the planning board for all of the work they did on this project.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:30 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the First of Two Public Hearings of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 19th, 2022 at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present: Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent: Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present: Thomas Postle, Clerk

Ruthann Rocque

Sandy Hornburg

Jim Castiglia

Deanna Borrello

Michael Dee

Paul Crino

Mary Poissant

Braden Carmen, Observer

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the purpose of the hearing is to discuss proposed Local Law #1 of 2022 that would amend Chapter 155 Rental Property of the Village of Silver Creek Code.

Public Comment:

Michael Dee explained that the planning board has written code for short term rentals that were not addressed in the code previously. Trying to put accountability on the property owners in order to maintain a problem free short term rentals. There is a modification which will be submitted to the board. Mayor Hornburg stated that the amendment is in the hands of Attorney Peter Clark for review and we won’t be acting on this tonight.

Deanna Borrello asked if the amendment was available for viewing. Clerk Postle stated that it was on file for the past 10 days in the office.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:09 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 5th, 2022, at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:  Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent  Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:  Donna Metzger

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the November 21st, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 12 including claims numbered 24795 through 24824 in the amount of $122,323.42 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board: No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to propose Local Law No. 1 of 2022 amending Chapter 155 Rental Property section of the Village of Silver Creek Code and to set a public hearing for December 19th, 2022 at 7:00pm. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to propose Local Law No. 2 of 2022 amending Chapter 180 Streets & Sidewalks section of the Village of Silver Creek Code and to set a public hearing for December 19th, 2022 at 7:00pm. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: We will be holding a second meeting regarding the 175th Anniversary of the Village on December 8th at 7:00pm. The new playground equipment is in and will be stored until the springtime. We had our 3rd Feedmore mobile food pantry on November 28th and gave away over 250 boxes of food. Want to commend the group of volunteers that come out to help. The next two are scheduled for December 27th and January 31st each at 11:00 am.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Thank you to the DPW for the great job with snow removal during the last storm. Also thank you to the Planning Board for all of their work on the proposed revisions to the rental and sidewalk sections of the Village Code.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you to the Planning Board for all the work they have done.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer, Mayor reported: Repaired a water main break on North Main St.

Sheriff Department, Mayor reported: They have been busy. There were 340 incidents between the Village and Town during the past month.

Fire/EMS Mayor reported: There were a total of 53 calls during the month of November, including 36 EMS, 2 Fires, and 7 MVA. Commend them for all they do.

Planning Board, Donna Metzger: Looking forward to the public hearings for the proposed changes and want to commend the two committees that work on the changes.

Code Enforcement, Mayor reported: Dan is still writing a few permits and taking care of zoning issues.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:19pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 21st, 2022, at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:  Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent: Trustee Steve Romanik (Excused)

Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present: Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Trustee Romanik (Excused), Trustee Barnes (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the November 7th, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 11 including claims numbered 24765 through 24794 in the amount of $33,369.43 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board: No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application to the Silver Creek Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary as approved by the fire wardens for the following:

Judy Hilliker

Wendy Daniels

Natasha Souter

Tiffany Parker

Diane Bauer

Elizabeth Kowal

Jessica Nolan

Payton Wood

Tara Grzasko

Kari Brennan

Tammie Bund

Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold the annual Christmas in the Park in the Village Square on Saturday December 3rd, from Noon to 3:00pm. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize GHD to advertise for bids on Phase 5 of the I&I project on November 28th, to be opened at the Village of Silver Creek Board Meeting on January 3rd, 2023, and plan to award at the January 16th, 2023 meeting. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Will be at the library tomorrow at 11:30 am to accept a grant award of $600 from the Silver Creek-Irving Heritage Fund, to be used for our Music in the Park events. The Village has been awarded another CDBG grant for housing rehab in the amount of $500,000. Received a notice from NYSEG that they do have HEAP available to those in need. We will be moving our January 2nd meeting date to January 3rd due to the New Year holiday, and our January 16th meeting to January 17th due to the Martin Luther King holiday. Would like to commend our DPW for the great job with snow removal during the recent storm, and also thank you to the Water/Sewer department for their assistance as well.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Absent (Excused)

Trustee Cummings – Echo the Mayor’s kudos for the snow removal. Had some positive calls.

Trustee Lindstrom –  Also echo the Mayor’s kudos for the snow removal. Grateful for the job they did.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Thank you to Dave Voigt, Bill Ferneza, and Ben Wassell for their assistance and work at an accident at Central and Washington Street involving a vehicle, fire hydrant, and stop sign.

Sheriff  Mayor reported: They have been very busy.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Assisted with snow removal.

Fire/EMS Mayor reported: Always busy. Appreciate all they do.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:20pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 7th, 2022, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present: Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:  Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:  Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the October 17th, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 10 including claims numbered 24727 through 24763 in the amount of $146,363.99, and Abstract No. 4 Capital Project (I&I) including claim number 221 in the amount of $6,027.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board: No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the clerk to sign the contract to secure the date with Young Explosives Corporation for the July 3rd, 2023 Village fireworks display. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  Reminder that brush pick up is done for the season. DPW is picking up leaves and will continue with weather permitting. The brush dump will be open through November 19th on Saturdays from 9am – 1pm. The last metal pick up will be November 30th. The board is working on the Rental Property and Sidewalk laws proposed by the planning board and should be announcing the public hearings at our next meeting. The next Feedmore food give away will be on November 29th from 11am – 1pm.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Participated in the Stop 22 walk sponsored by the VFW Auxiliary, the Trunk or Treat sponsored by the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club, and the Feedmore food give away held on October 25th. Thank you to Bob Bankoski and the DPW for trimming the trees on Central Ave.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Thank you to Dave Voigt, Bill Ferneza, and Ben Wassell for their assistance and work at an accident at Central and Washington Street involving a vehicle, fire hydrant, and stop sign.

Fire/EMS Mayor reported: The total calls for the month of September was 65 with 51 of them being EMS calls. Would like to commend both departments for what they all do.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Nothing at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:17pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 17th, 2022, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:  Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Absent: Trustee Sandra Lindstrom (Excused)

Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:  Sandy Hornburg

Deanna Borrello

Louis Pelletter

Braden Carmen, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Absent: Trustee Lindstrom (Excused), Trustee Barnes (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the October 3rd, 2022, Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the October 3rd, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 8 including claims numbered 24689 through 24726 in the amount of $76,756.95, Abstract No. 9 including claim number 24688 in the amount of $500.00, and Abstract No. 3 Capital Project (I&I) including claim number 220 in the amount of $18,655.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: Scheduling a meeting regarding the Village’s 175th anniversary for 11/17/22 at 7:00 pm. at the Village Hall. The dining car will be open on Halloween during trick or treat hours. Called the company that is doing the historic plaques for status. Running out of room in the historical area. The school is asking if we are interested in an intern, which would be a big help. Attended a historical talk at the Fredonia Opera house by county historian Michelle Henry regarding the Chautauqua County Poorhouse and it was very interesting. Will be attending another one in November about the underground railroad.

New Business: None

Mayor’s Comments: Would like to have a moment of silence in honor of Norb Czarnecki who passed away on October 11th, 2022. Today began the last brush pick up for the season. We will pick up leaves continuously weather permitting, there is to be no brush mixed with leaves. The Village dump on Old Main Rd will continue to be open on Saturday’s from 9am-1pm until November 19th for brush. There are two more heavy metal pick up days, on October 26th, and November 30th. Feedmore of WNY will be on Tuesday October 25th from 11am – 1 pm while supplies last and will continue once a month on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Treat or treat hours are 5-8 pm on Monday October 31st with the dining car open and truck or treat in the Village Square sponsored by Kiwanis Club.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – We had 3 of our EMS members attend the EMS World Expo in Orlando Florida from the 10th to the 14th. Timothy Bertino, Jeff Griewish, and Colleen Griewish attended.

Trustee Lindstrom – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Preparing for phase 5 of the I&I project.

Planning Board Mayor reported: Presented the board with a new rental property law and a sidewalk law update.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Romanik.

Adjourned at 7:31pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 3rd, 2022, at 7:07 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent: Trustee Steve Romanik (Excused)

Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present: Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Deanna Borrello VFW Aux. 6472 Post

Joan Lisa VFW Aux. 6472 Post

Corey Bistoff

Louis Pelletter

Mary Poissant

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Romanik (Excused), Trustee Barnes (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the September 19th, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 7 including claims numbered 24667 through 24687 in the amount of $42,459.37 and Abstract No. 2 Capital Project (I&I) including claims numbered 218 and 219 in the amount of $23,143.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Deanna Borrello and Joan Lisa of the VFW Aux. 6472 Post requesting permission to once again to hold a 22 minute walk to benefit homeless veterans and suicide prevention. It will be on October 22nd and we are asking for support and participation. Last year we walked on the sidewalk but would like to be able to walk on the shoulder. Mayor Hornburg replied that due to it being a state highway we have to be permitted by the state but will have to look into it.

Louis Pelletter stated that he thinks the vehicle and traffic law states that if there is a sidewalk available you need to use the sidewalk.

Louis Pelletter: Would like to open the dining car again this year during Halloween from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. In June of 2023 the Village will celebrate 175th Anniversary, if we are going to hold any festivities for the event we need to start planning now. Something will be posted on facebook to see if we get any interest. Very concerned about the destruction of historical buildings in the Village. Some of these need to be preserved for historical value or we will be adding parking lots and continue to lose buildings and have no where for business to go.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to resolve that the proposed project to rehabilitate the Main Street School at 60 Main Street Silver Creek, NY 14136 into the Silver Creek School Senior Apartments by the Region Nine UAW Housing Corporation is consistent with the Village’s revitalization outlook. Be it further resolved that the proposed financing is appropriate for the specific project and that the project facilitates effective and efficient use of existing and future public resources so as to promote both economic development and preservation of community resources and where applicable, the project develops and enhances infrastructure and/or other facilities in a manner that will attract, create, and sustain employment opportunities. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold a Trunk or Treat in the Village Square on October 31st, 2022. A parade will start at the Village Hall and proceed to the Village Square. The event will be from 5:30 – 8:00 pm. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to hold Trick or Treat hours from 5:00 – 8:00 pm on Monday October 31st, 2022. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow Louis Pelletter to open the dining car for Halloween during the hours of 5:00 – 8:00 pm. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting ye.

Mayor’s Comments: We are in the last month for brush pick up and the last day will be the 17th or until the entire Village is picked up. The dump on Old Main Rd. will remain open on Saturdays from 9am – 1pm until the 19th of November. The first Feedmore of WNY went well with 150 boxes of food distributed in about 45 minutes, we have requested more food per month and they will continue on the forth Tuesday of the month throughout the year.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik –  Absent (Excused).

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Busy with all of rain and flow control at the plant.

Planning Board Donna Metzger reported:  We have submitted proposed changes to the code regarding sidewalk maintenance and replacement. We had a committee that was specifically working on sidewalk maintenance and development. Corey Bistoff and Mary Poissant handed out letters that will be sent to residents that have sidewalks in need of repair or replacement advising them of their responsibility for the repairs. Also explained some problem areas that need to be addressed asap. The letters will be sent to these areas in hope that they can work together and potentially save some money.

Code: The Hideaway Bay project is beginning to take trees down and site preparation.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:50 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 3rd, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:  Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent: Trustee Steve Romanik (Excused)

Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present: Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Louis Pelletter

Deanna Borrello VFW Aux. Post 6472

Joan Lisa VFW Aux. Post 6472

Corey Bistoff

Mary Poissant

Mark Comroe Region Nine Housing Corp. by video.

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom,

Absent: Trustee Romanik (Excused), Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the purpose of the hearing is to discuss the Village of Silver Creek’s application for Restore NY and property assessment list that must be included in the application for the 60 Main Street Senior Apartment project.

Public Comment: Louis Pelletter stated that he is totally in favor of the project. The school is a historic building that was originally designed by a Village resident. The building should be restored. To many of the historic buildings in the Village have been demolished.

Deanna Borrello stated the building is in her neighborhood and she is anxious and excited to see the project begin and the agrees that the building needs to be restored. Mark Comroe wanted to thank everyone that has assisted and supported the process so far in the project.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:06 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on September 19th, 2022, at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:  Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:  Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:   Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Braden Carmen, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), Trustee Barnes (Excused), and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the August 15th, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the August 29th, 2022, Special Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.5 including claims numbered 24583 through 24596 in the amount of $41,879.39, and Abstract No. 6 including claims numbered 24597 through 24666 in the amount of $132,231.22 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board: No one spoke.

New Business: There was no new business.

Mayor’s Comments: Would like to congratulate the Festival of Grapes and under the circumstances was a successful festival. We all will look forward to the return of the usual festival that we all remember from past years. On September 27th, we will have Feedmore of WNY here for a food give away from 11:00 am through 1:00 pm.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Congratulations to the Festival of Grapes for a successful festival. Welcome to a new business in Silver Creek, Kuppel Tires has opened in the old Damon Motors building. The grand opening was on Sunday with over 250 classic cars on display. Working on music in the park for next year.

Trustee Cummings – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you to all who worked on the Grape Festival to make it a success.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Fire and Emergency Mayor reported: Total of 53 calls for the month of August, with 43 of them being EMS. Thank you for all they do for the community.

DPW & Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Thank you to both departments for all of the preparation work they do for the festival. The Village looked good.

Planning Board Donna Metzger reported: Meeting next Monday. We have given you the new rental law for the Boards review. Will have a presentation next board meeting regarding sidewalks.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:10 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Special Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 29th, 2022, at 6:35 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee MarTrustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:  Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:     Sandy Hornburg

Braden Carmen, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused)

Mayor Hornburg stated the purpose of this meeting is to approve a GHD Engineering Study Proposal for Phase 5 of our I&I project, and miscellaneous items.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the GHD Engineering Study Proposal for Phase 5 of our I&I project. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to cancel the September 6th 2022 Regular Meeting due to the Labor Day Holiday. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and  Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve reimbursement to Steve Romanik for paying ION Sky $500 from music in the park on August 23rd, 2022.   Trustee Romanik abstained, Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve payment to Vintage Iron for the repair of Engine 171 in the amount of $7,053.00. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to set a public hearing for September 19th, 2022 at 7:00pm to discuss the submission of a Restore NY Municipal Grant pertaining to the reconstruction of 60 Main St. (Old Main Street School). Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 6:43 pm,


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 15th, 2022, at 7:03 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Steve Romanik (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Braden Carmen, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Trustee Romanik (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the August 1st, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.4 including claims numbered 24546 through 24580 in the amount of $292,273.97, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board: No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the purchase of a third electric pole and have it wired by Mike Pagano at an approximate cost of $1,350. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to transfer $2,700 from Acct. 201.31 CSEA Labor Lawyer reserve to 1420.43 Law Contractual for invoices to Goldberg Segalla. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to transfer $17,146.50 from 201.11 Camera Reserve to 1620.42 Buildings & Grounds for payment to DFT Communications invoice for camera work. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the membership application of Patrick Grzasko as a member of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to allow the Silver Creek Cheerleading Booster Club to hold a Chicken BBQ fundraiser for the Silver Creek High School Cheerleaders in the Village Square on September 1st, 2022 from 3:30-6:30pm. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract between the Village of Silver Creek and the Chautauqua County Humane Society for dog holding services. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign an extension agreement with EFC for 18 months, in the amount of $827,635 to cover Phase 5 of the I&I project. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of intent to purchase a new International CV515 with Cyncon Equipment from Navistar Inc. at the state bid price of $129,255. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Paving for the Village is done for the season. Brush starts today until picked up. Working with Feedmore NY to hold a food give away in the Village. This is not a final yet but we are talking about doing it.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Absent (Excused)

Trustee Cummings – Continue to work with the Festival of Grapes board and assist where can. We have one more music in the park for the season.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Fire and Emergency Mayor reported: Total of 53 calls for the month of July. Thank you for all they do for the community.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Picked up new Bad Boy mower. Working on hydrants.

Planning Board Donna Metzger reported: Meeting next week.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:20 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 1st, 2022, at 7:00pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Jen Hamler

Wayne Hotelling

Elaine Hotelling

Anthony Dolce, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the July 18th, 2022, Public Hearing regarding the current Community Development Block Grant (CHRIC) project as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the July 18th, 2022, Public Hearing to consider applying for a new Community Development Block Grant for housing rehab as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the July 18th, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.3 including claims numbered 24504 through 24542 in the amount of $283,679.69, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Wayne Hotelling – Thank you to the Village, DPW, and Fire Department, and Fire Police for another successful Laurel Run.  We have been fortunate over the 26 years to have all the police and security agencies assisting and keep it a safe event for all of these years. Thank you also to Senator Borrello, and the Members of the Silver Lodge for sell the papers.

Jen Hamler 53 Parkway – The storm drain at the corner of Karen and Parkway is full of blacktop that caused some back up of water in my basement. Also note that the website doesn’t have the meeting start time.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to declare the 1993 International Rescue Truck as surplus equipment to be sold. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to table a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a letter of intent to purchase a new International CV515 with Cyncon Equipment from Navistar Inc. at the state bid price of $129,255. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of intent to apply for Restrore NY Funding. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of intent to apply for a Downtown Revitalization Initiative and NY Forward grant.   Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the purchase of two new electric poles to replace one at Burt’s Bend, and one behind Silver Creek Optical, and wired by Mike Pagano at an approximate cost of $3,200. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the contract for Enhanced Sheriff Patrol between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek for the calendar year 2022. Trustees Romanik, and Cummings abstained, Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve an application to use the Village Ball Park Pavilion on September 11th,2022 for the Silver Creek Republican Club picnic. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve an application to use the Village Ball Park Pavilion on August 27th,2022 from 10:30 am – 2:00 pm for a library sponsored bee keeping presentation. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to propose the following resolution:

Whereas, the Code Enforcement Officer was directed to inspect the building at 25 Park Place, Section 32.17 Block 5 Lot 23, in the Village of Silver Creek and to report the results of such inspection to the Village Board; and

Whereas, The Code Enforcement Officer provided to the owner a Notice of Condemnation, Order to Remedy, dated September 24th, 2020; and

Whereas, said owner did not take the requested action in a timely manner; and

Whereas, the Code Enforcement Officer issued an appearance ticket to appear in the Town of Hanover Court on June 7th, 2022; and

Whereas, the court issued an order to remedy by July 7th, 2022; and

Whereas, the owner failed to comply with the order to remedy; and

Whereas, the Code Enforcement Officer reported that the building at 25 Park Place is a danger to the health, safety or general welfare of the public and it reasonably appears that there is immediate danger to the life or safety of the public and should be demolished; and

Whereas, said building did collapse on July 12th, 2022; and

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Mayor is hereby authorized to issue an emergency order to have the building located at 25 Park Place, Section 32.17 Block 5 Lot 23, demolished immediately. The demolition will be completed in accordance with all the applicable rules, regulations and conditions set forth as part of the Undertaking on file with the Chautauqua County Department of Public Facilities Division of Solid Waste. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize David Voigt to purchase a new Bad Boy Maverick zero turn mower at a cost of $6500, and trade in of the old zero turn at $2500, net price of $4000.00. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to except the 50% credit and keep the bags from WasteZero for the last order of trash bags that were not consistent orange color as ordered. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to purchase fifty thousand bags made from virgin orange plastic at the original cost of $.33 per bag using the 50% credit from the previous order. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Paving is completed and the DPW is repaying for the shared service of others for the project. We had two catalytic converters stolen from one of the DPW trucks and filed a claim with the insurance and received a check. We will have to replace them in order for it to pass inspection and sold. We are receiving a 50% credit for the off-colored bags we purchased. WasteZero offered the same price on the virgin orange plastic bags if we order now.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Would like to wish Anthony well in his new job. Also ask that he note in the paper that this was a WasteZero error, and they are making it right.

Trustee Cummings – Wish Anthony well. The next music in the park will be August 9th, with 2nd Street Sunset playing from 6-9pm. This will also be a classic car cruise night.

Trustee Lindstrom – Best of luck to Anthony.

Trustee Barnes – Best of luck to Anthony.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: David Voigt has asked for a new zero turn mower and trade in the one they currently have.

Planning Board Donna Metzger reported: Met last week regarding short term rentals. Dan Hogg is writing the code and should be done in two weeks.

ZBA Clerk Postle Reported: The ZBA has a public hearing on August 9th regarding a request for a special use permit.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:44 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on July 18th, 2022, at 7:14 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Louis Pelletter

Anthony Dolce, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), Trustee Lindstrom (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the June 20th, 2022, Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.1 including claims numbered 24443 through 24452 in the amount of $10,664.44, Abstract No.2 including claims numbered 24453 through 24503 in the amount of $120,510.49, and Abstract No.1 Capital Project (I&I) claim 271 in the amount of $10,235.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: Flag football is going well, we have 102 kids involved. Very happy with the way it is organized and number of volunteers that are helping with the program.

Donna Metzer asked if there are any girls playing and Louis responded yes. Donna Metzger stated that the July 3rd festivities went well and the Laurel Run went well.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the application of Paul Frank Trippy Jr. as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the reinstatement of David Sikorski to the Silver Creek Fire Department Huntley Hose Company as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the use of municipal landfill tipping credits to assist in the demolition cost of 25 Park Place, SBL# 32.17-5-23.  Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the renewal of the Fire Protection Contract between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek for 2022. Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Romanik to table the contract for Enhanced Sheriff Patrol between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek for the calendar year 2022. Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the Mayor to sign the amendment to extend the contract with Municipal Solutions dated June 26th, 2017, for the Village’s sewer project. Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the application to use the Village Ball Park Pavilion on August 24th, 2022, for a Silver Creek School Reunion picnic for the class of 1965. The application was submitted by Sally Crisanti and the $150.00 deposit has been paid. Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Youth recreation started July 11th, with 105 children registered and a daily average of 80-90, and the program is going well. The fireworks on July 3rd went well, and Young Explosives provided a good show. Commend Trustee Romanik and Trustee Cummings for arranging the band and food vendors who participated. A portion of the building at 25 Park Place collapsed. We were able to clean up some of the debris and rope the area off. We hired HH Rauh to demolish the building after it was deemed unsafe by Fire Chief Griewisch, and Code Enforcement Officer Dan Hogg. Some of the spindles on the gazebo in the square have been kicked out and we will be viewing the camera footage. Happy that we are applying for another grant through CHRIC. Paving will be completed tomorrow for the season and appreciate everyone’s patience.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – We had music in the park last Tuesday with a classic car cruise night. Thank you to Louie and Pete Pelletter for organizing it. We had Zen City playing, Fat Floyd’s food truck, little league cooking burgers, dogs, sausage, Amvets selling candy bars, Italian Ice, Franklin’s Kettle Corn, and Silver Creek Historical selling ice cream bars. The next music night will be July 26th with Furious George playing.

Trustee Cummings – Absent (Excused)

Trustee Lindstrom – Absent (Excused)

Trustee Barnes – On July 11th, the DPW was unable to get the tack coat and thought paving would be delayed. Bob Bankoski contacted me, and I was able to get some from Oak Grove Construction, and they did not charge the Village for it. This saved the Village approximately $1500.

Village Attorney Peter Clark:  Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported: The contract will be voted on at our next meeting when we have a quorum to vote.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Met with GHD regarding Phase 5 of the I&I project.

Planning Board Donna Metzger reported: Cancelled the June meeting and will be meeting July 25th and discussing short term rentals.

Fire Department Mayor reported: Total of 51 calls for the month of June. This includes 37 EMS calls, 5 motor vehicle accidents, 2 hazmat calls. Would like to commend the volunteers of the Fire and EMS departments for what they do for the Village.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Barnes.

Adjourned at 7:45 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on July 18th, 2022 at 7:06 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Stephen Romanik

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Louis Pelletter

Eileen Powers – Director of Housing Rehab Services

Anthony Dolce, Observer

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Barnes,

Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), Trustee Lindstrom (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the purpose of the public hearing is to consider applying for Community Development Block Grant funding for an owner-occupied home repair program in the Village through CHRIC. The program is being presented by Eileen Powers, Director of Housing Rehab Services.

Public Comment: Eileen Powers explained the program and asked if the Village would like to proceed with the grant application. It is a competitive program and no guarantee of an award. Trustee Romanik stated that we should submit an application for a grant for housing rehabilitation.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes that the Village submit an application for 2022 Community Development Block Grant funding for the purpose of housing rehabilitation through CHRIC. Roll Call Vote: Trustees Romanik, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Barnes.

Adjourned at 7:13 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on July 18th, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Stephen Romanik

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Louis Pelletter

Eileen Powers – Director of Housing Rehab Services

Anthony Dolce, Observer

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Barnes,

Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), Trustee Lindstrom (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the purpose of the public hearing is to hear comments and public input on the Village’s current Community Development Block Grant project CDBG#1076HR373-19 in the amount of $493,000, known as the Silver Creek Village Rehab Program.

Public Comment: Eileen Powers stated that 8 projects have been committed to. Four have been completed and 4 are underway. All funds have been fully committed and will be paid out.

We have 24 eligible applications waiting for rehab if the Village is awarded another grant.

Trustee Romanik stated that he had a number of positive comments from some of the people that we awarded the rehab.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Romanik.

Adjourned at 7:05 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 20th, 2022 at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Anthony Dolce, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the June 6th, 2022 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.25 including claims numbered 24391 through 24442 in the amount of $145,409.11, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to award the trash bag bid of WasteZero at $.33 per bag and change the color to orange with black lettering. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the quote for Playworld playground equipment per state bid and review by the Village Attorney. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to cancel the regular board meeting scheduled for July 5th, 2022. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The 20 SCBA units for the fire department have been ordered from Churchville Fire Equipment and are on the way. I am thankful that Kevin Cullen is going to allow us to shoot the July 3rd fireworks for the 42 Lake Ave. property again this year, but we will have to find a new spot for next year. The Petri building has been sold to Dave’s Christmas World.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Ask that the DPW start sweeping the streets again, and trim the brush back from the street on Stewart Ave..

Trustee Cummings – The Grape Festival Committee is trying to find amusement rides for this year, but are not having any luck. Many of the amusement companies are going out of business due to employee shortages. We appreciate Diana Carpus for the work she devotes to the festival each year. Our next music in the park night will be June 28th and it will be dedicated to all first responders. We will be serving burgers and hot dogs for all the responders. For our July 3rd fireworks display the Kokomo Time Band will be playing in Borrello Park from 6-9pm. Fat Floyd Barbeque, Merritt Slush truck, will be there. The Masons will also be there cooking hot dogs and burgers.  Working with little league to remove some trees at the little league field in order to increase the parking area and keep the cars off of the street during games.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark:  Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported: The Town is still working on a contract.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Repaired a water main break on Hanover Rd. about ten days ago. Due to the location of the line they had to have St. George dig it up.

DPW Mayor reported: The paving has been delayed due to scheduling issues and additional prep work that needs to be done.

Planning Board Donna Metzger reported: Meeting June 27th.

Fire Department Mayor reported: We will be receiving reports from the fire and ems departments. The month of May, ems had 52 calls, fire calls 43 for a total of 85 calls. I appreciate what these volunteers do.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Roger Gloss has been mowing some of the vacant properties. Dan has been busy with permits.

ZBA, Clerk Postle: We have a public hearing on Monday 6/27/22 at 6:00 pm for a variance on fence height.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:25 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 6th, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Tim Ippolito

Anthony Dolce, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the May 16th, 2022 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.24 including claims numbered 24338 through 24390 in the amount of $71,072.03, and Abstract No. 10 Capital Project (I&I) claims 215 and 216 in the amount of $73,184.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Tim Ippolito of 12 Monroe addressed the Board with a complaint about brush pick up.

Sandy Hornburg assisted in handing out items at the Children’s Fair, it was well attended.

New Business:

Bid Opening for Trash Bags:

Clerk Postle read the two bids received.

Bid from Central Poly – $.69

Bid from WasteZero – $.3028

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to table the trash bag bids for review by the Village Board. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Paving is scheduled to begin on June 20th. Met with Young Explosives and the Kevin Cullen at the 42 Lake Ave. property to look at the site for shooting of the fireworks. The fireworks will be on July 3rd at dark with a rain date of July 5th. Youth Recreation has 75 children registered so far, with a max goal of 100. Trying to get life guards for the swimming program and two field trips are scheduled.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Music in the park begins next Tuesday at 6:00 pm. Two weeks from then will be first responder night. July 3rd will be Kokomo Time Band will be playing in front of  Borrello Park. The dump is open on Saturdays at Old Main Rd. for Village Residents to take brush and grass.

Trustee Lindstrom – Attended a NYCOM workshop with Tom Postle and Jeff Hornburg in Ellicottville, it was very informative. The Children’s Fair was well attended.

Trustee Barnes – Met with Bob Bankoski on Old Main Road to look at the erosion and discussed a solution.

Village Attorney Peter Clark:  Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported: The Town is still working on a contract.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: There was a water main break on Hanover Rd. They have been working on the drops and manholes on the streets that were milled.

DPW Mayor reported: Paving will be on June 20th. Replacing one gas pump at DPW with a meter on it which will allow us to bill individual departments.

Planning Board Trustee Lindstrom reported: Meeting June 27th.

Fire Department Mayor reported: Holding a drive through chicken barbeque on June 10th from 3:00-6:00 pm.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Dan is putting together a mowing list.

Moment of silence for former Mayor and Trustee Vince Tampio who passed away recently.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:38 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 16th, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Louis Pelletter

Anthony Dolce , Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Moment of Silence for the victims of the shooting at Tops in Buffalo.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the May 2nd,  2022 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.23 including claims numbered 24292 through 24335 in the amount of $57,493.71, and Abstract No. 9 Capital Project (I&I) claim 214 in the amount of $14,329.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: Asked the water department to put the ramp up, turn the water on, and complete the walkway to the steps on the dining car. Received the grant for two historic markers, one for the settlement of Fayette, and one for the burning of the steamship Washington, and working on the wording for each. Planning to dedicate them during the Grape Festival. Scheduling an ice cream social for Friday September 16th before the grape stomping. Working on a grant for the sewer line to run under route 5 & 20 in Irving, and then the flooding issues in Hanford/Sunset Bay area.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Silver Creek Fire Department to hold their annual Boot Drive on Memorial Day weekend weather permitting, a letter campaign in the coming months, and a drive through chicken barbeque on June 10th at the Village Hall parking lot. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the 26th Annual Laurel Run/Walk to be held on July 16th, 2022 and use of the Village Square and Ball Park.     Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The sale of the reservoir is now complete. Spoke to Kevin Cullen to request permission to use the beach area at 42 Lake Ave. for the shooting area for the fireworks display scheduled for July 3rd. Youth recreation will be starting interviews for counselors, and sign up is June 4th during the Children’s Fair. Meeting with John Curtis of JCD Designs about the upgrades to the playground. Tom, Sandy, and I will be attending a training session by NYCOM in Ellicottville on Thursday.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – The new camera system is up and running.

Trustee Cummings –  This is EMS week and thank you to our emergency squad for their service.

Trustee Lindstrom – The school budget vote is tomorrow Tuesday from 1-9 pm.

Trustee Barnes – The work that was done on Old Main Rd. last year is starting to wash out again. Meeting with Bob Bankoski to discuss options for repair.

Village Attorney Peter Clark:  Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: The kayak launch is in and ready for use. The fountain will be installed soon. Assisting with the drops and manholes during milling.

DPW Mayor reported: Milling Ward, Fenner, Dana Place, Oliver, and Rix.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Nothing at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:30 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 2nd, 2022 at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Mary Poissant

Donna Metzger

Louis Pelletter

Cyndi Sheedy by video

Anthony Dolce , Observer by video

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Cummings (Excused), Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the April 18th, 2022 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 22 including claims numbered 24255 through 24291 in the amount of $98,519.77 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Todd Crandall Silver Creek Central School Superintendent presented the proposed 2022-2023 Budget. The budget vote will take place on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 from 1:00 to 9:00 pm in the High School Lobby.

Mary Poissant announced that the Kiwanis Children’s Fair will be on Saturday June 4th, 2022 in the Village Ball Park. Last year the Village Board was in attendance and someone can let me know if you would be there again this year. Would also like to request that meeting announcements be put on the website as many people do not receive the paper.

Louis Pelletter: Will be meeting with Nate Aldrich to discuss economic revitalization options for Lake Shore Hospital, flooding in Sunset Bay/Hanford Bay area, and putting in a sewer line across route 5&20 in Irving. Hanover Little League will be having tee ball in the Village Ball Park. Youth recreation is looking into a flag football league. Will be opening up the dining car soon.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Festival of Grapes Committee to hold their 55th Annual Festival of Grapes on September 16th through 18th, 2022 in the Village Square, Ballpark, and Pavilion. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow Hanover Little League to use the Village Ball Park, rest rooms, and storage in the pavilion for tee ball between May 9th through June 30th, 2022. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the final preliminary budget as the operating budget for fiscal year June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023.

Total Budget: $2,729,225 broken down as:

General Fund: $1,063,439

Water Fund: $844,079

Sewer Fund: $821,707

There is no increase to Village Board salaries.

Tax Rate: 13.218201 (per thousand) which is a decrease of 1.15%

Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold the annual Children’s Fair on Saturday June 4th, 2022 from 10:00 am through 2:30 pm in the Village Ball Park. Trustees Romanik, Lindstrom, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Will be attending a training being presented by NYCOM at the Holiday Valley Resort in Ellicottville on May 19th. The Silver Creek School football team cleaned up the creek bank around Mt. Carmel and the Forestville walking path. Kristen Foley would like her history class to provide a community project similar to what the football team did on June 2nd. Suggestion was made that maybe provide a yard clean up for some senior citizens in the area. Will be meeting with a provider of playground equipment to discuss additions and upgrades to the playground in the ball park. As mentioned in the last few meetings, youth recreation will be held in the Village Ball Park this year. We will be discussing the swimming program with the school.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Our new cameras should be done by the end of the week.

Trustee Cummings – Absent (Excused)

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you to Girl Scout Troops 20129 and 20312 for cleaning up Borrello Park on Earth Day. The flag football program is a good idea for our area.

Trustee Barnes –  Absent (Excused)

Village Attorney Peter Clark:  Absent (Excused)

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.               ________________________________

Adjourned at 7:55 pm                                                          Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 18th, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Brandyn Griewisch

Donna Metzger

Louis Pelletter

Cyndi Sheedy by video

Anthony Dolce , Observer by video

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the April 4th, 2022 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the April 4th, 2022 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 21 including claims numbered 24215 through 24252 in the amount of $49,006.46, and Abstract No. 8 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 213 in the amount of $2,491.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: At the economic development meeting that was held April 12, at the Town of Hanover Hall. We discussed 17 action items that need to be addressed. The keynote items to be considered are to update the comprehensive plan to include water front development, Parson’s Pond flooding project, Hanford Bay flooding, and installing a sewer line across Route 5&20 to Buffalo Road for the Seneca Nation Development for a possible hotel. Spoke with Senator Borrello regarding the Lake Shore Hospital property and there seems to be some interest in it.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the hiring of two seasonal laborers to work Tuesday through Saturday during the summer season. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the quote from Koester for the replacement of a 3″ Milliken plug valve which feeds the Eutek Teacup Solids Classifer at a cost of $15,950. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the purchase of a John Deere X580 Select Series Tractor with 54″ mower deck, and a John Deere Z930M Ztrak mower at a net cost of $13,172.86 after trade in of a Bad Boy Mavrick and a 2018 John Deere X570 tractor with 54″ mower deck. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the purchase of a 2023 CV515 SFA 4×4 International chassis and a Duraclass SDYB-316 dump body at a state bid total cost of $129,255. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the purchase of 20, MSAG1SCBA model G1FS-442MA2C0LAR from Churchville Fire Equipment at a total cost of $177,300. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow Amy O’Connell of the Anderson-Lee Library to use the Ball Park Pavilion for the kickoff of the summer reading program on Thursday, June 23rd, at 6:00 pm. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Presentation by Village Historian Louis Pelletter: Received a donation from Ron Raska and Jeanne Ebersole from the assessors office. It is a poster showing old Silver Creek National Currency dating 1863 – 1935.

Mayor’s Comments: We have started brush season and reminder to residents that leaves should be in containers, and it usually takes more than one day to get the entire Village picked up. We have been discussing this year’s paving schedule with Superintendent Bob Bankoski and waiting to see what the price of blacktop is going to be. The Hideaway Bay project should be starting soon. We are working on the youth  recreation program, scheduled to start on Monday July 11th and run through Friday August 19th. Registration numbers will be based on the amount of counselors we can get. We are looking into swimming at the school and field trips during the program. Colleen McKenna filled out an application with Feedmore NY for a possible food give away program as we have had in the past.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Thank you to the rest of the board for the support in purchasing the air packs. Spoke with Jim Castiglia regarding sidewalks, some contractor’s we could possibly use, and possible ideas for replacement. These will be discussed at the next planning board meeting.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom –  Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes –  Absent (Excused)

Village Attorney Peter Clark:  Absent (Excused)

Sheriff Mayor reported: The Town is still working on the contract with the Sheriff.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: We can expect the Phase 5 of the I&I project to begin soon.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Will be meeting next week and will be discussing sidewalks and the sidewalk committee’s findings. Would like to have Brandyn at our meeting to discuss concrete pricing and sidewalk replacements.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Dan Hogg is doing a good job and keeps me informed.

Fire Department Chief Brandyn Griewisch: Thanked the board for the purchase of the new air packs.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:42 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 4th, 2022 at 7:06 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Attorney Peter Clark

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Mary Poissant

Donna Metzger

Louis Pelletter

Cyndi Sheedy by video

Anthony Dolce , Observer by video

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Attorney Clark. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the March 21st, 2022 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the March 31st, 2022 Special Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 20 including claims numbered 24193 through 24214 in the amount of $25,569.78, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter – Youth recreation basketball program has ended. The program was run by volunteers. Forestville School is interested in possibly doing a half day program and may approach the Village to discuss. We will be having an economic development meeting on 4/12/22, 9:00 am at the Town Hall. Would like to discuss all of the area projects and what can be done to improve our community. The Junior National Honor Society will be providing 3 volunteers to assist with the historical room. Thinking about opening the dining car and have a cruise night. The parking lot does need work. I was interviewed for the historic marker grant I applied for and hope we are selected from the many applicants.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to adopt the Equal Employment Opportunity policy as required by the OCR grants the Village currently have in place.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the resolution confirming the Americans with Disabilities Coordinator for the Village, and approving the Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Grievance Procedure under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as required by the OCR grants the Village currently have in place. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold a meet & greet with the Easter Bunny in the Village Square on April 9th at 10:00 am.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to close the regular meeting and enter into executive session to discuss a possible litigation. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to close the executive session and  reopen the regular meeting. There was no action taken in the executive session. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The school is going to have volunteer students to provide community service on the 23rd. We will coordinate with some of the residents in need of assistance. Brush pick up began today and reminder to residents that it takes 2-3 days to get around the entire Village. Metal pickup began on March 30th and is the last Wednesday of the month. Submitted a Bed Tax Grant application with the assistance of Andy Johnson of ECO Strategies. The grant will allow us to stabilize portions of the creek banks.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik –  Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – The little league will be in need of assistance from the DPW getting the field ready for the season.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes –  Absent (Excused)

Village Attorney Peter Clark: The sale of the reservoir is ready to close. I would like to go into executive session to discuss possible litigation.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Working with GHD getting ready to go out for bid on Phase 5 of the I&I project.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We have two committees working on different areas and met last week.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: The Hideaway Bay project should be beginning soon. Donna Metzger stated that she hopes the new developer will keep the bay within the vision of a quiet natural space.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:45 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 4th, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Stephen Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Attorney Peter Clark

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Louis Pelletter

Mary Poissant

Cyndi Sheedy by video

Anthony Dolce, Observer by video

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Attorney Clark, Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused)

Mayor Hornburg stated the hearing is being held for the presentation of the tentative budget for fiscal year June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023. A copy of the tentative budget will be available in the clerk’s office during normal business hours. Our plan is to hold workshops on the 14th and 21st at 3:30 pm to work on the budget.

Public Comment: No One Spoke.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:05 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Special Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 31st 2022 at 3:30 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                   Trustee Sandra Lindstrom (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Village Clerk Thomas Postle

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings,  Trustee Barnes. Absent: Trustee Lindstrom (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

New Business: Mayor Hornburg stated the purpose of this meeting is for the Village Clerk to present  the 2022-2023 tentative budget to the Village Board of Trustees to begin the annual budget process, pursuant to Village Law 5-508 (1). There will be a public hearing regarding the tentative budget pursuant to Village Law 5-509 (3), on Monday April 4th, 2022 at 7:00 pm with the regular board meeting immediately following.

Mayor’s Comments:  The tentative budget has been presented and will be available at the clerk’s office for review during regular business hours.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Romanik.

Adjourned at 3:35 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 21st 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Mary Poissant

Corey Bistoff

Louis Pelletter

Tom Harmon (County Legislator District 6)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the March 7th, 2022 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.19 including claims numbered 24152 through 24191 in the amount of $76,680.51, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: The youth basketball program is going well. The summer youth recreation program can be held in the Village. Submitted the grant for the two historic plaques we have been discussing in previous meetings. Attended the Empire State Development Grant meeting in Dunkirk, and also a meeting with the  County Executive. Both are interested in project ideas in our area. There is money available for certain projects. We will be setting up a meeting to discuss ongoing and potential projects in the area.

Tom Harmon: Does anyone have any questions to what is going on at the County. There are many projects scheduled to be done with ARPA funds. Mayor Hornburg asked if there will be Bed Tax Grant money available this year. Short discussion regarding the submission of the grant application and where the Bed Tax money will be used.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt a resolution Calling for an Increase in AIM Funding. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt a resolution declaring the month of April as Fair Housing Month. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the application of Patrick Grzasko as a new member of the Silver Creek Fire Department Hook and Ladder Company as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of Melissa Pazderski as a member of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad and approved by the members of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: April 4th is the first week for brush pick up for the year. Metal pick up begins March 30th. We will be going back to re-levy for unpaid water/sewer bills this year. Notices will be going out with deadlines for payments and information on the new low income household water assistance program (LIHWAP). Received information regarding Partners for a Livable Western New York that work to make streets more vibrant and more accommodating to pedestrians and bicycles. This information will go to the planning board as they have been working on sidewalks around the Village. Had a conference call with the Senator Borrello and the State regarding the cannabis law. The state has not done anything with the law to date.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik –  Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Attended the Youth Recreation meeting on the 16th of March.

Trustee Barnes –  Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark:  Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Department Mayor reported:

DPW Mayor reported: Discussed the paving schedule with Bob Bankoski.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: They will finish the replacement of the sidewalk where the water main break was when weather permits.

Planning Board Trustee Lindstrom reported: The planning board will be meeting on March 28th.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Working on rental and fire inspections. Received plans from Hideaway Bay project.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:35 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 7th, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Lisa Rohloff (Business Administrator Silver Creek School)

Mary Poissant

Corey Bistoff

Louis Pelletter

Kelly Ziegler

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik,  Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Trustee Barnes, (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the February 7th, 2022 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and  Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.17, including claims numbered 20096 through 24112 in the amount of $24,871.66, Abstract No. 18 including claims numbered 24114 through 24148 in the amount of $92,614.29,  following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of bills on Abstract No. 7 Capital Project I&I claim number 212 in the amount of $13,884.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Lisa Rohloff: Capital Project information regarding the repair of the track at the school. Vote regarding the repairs will be held on March 16th from 1pm to 9pm.

Louis Pelletter: Applied for two historic plaques from the Chautauqua Community Foundation. One for the settlement of Fayette, and one for the burning of the Washington steamship. Received a donation from Wells Enterprises for the Ice cream social. Youth Recreation has 135. We have a lot of volunteer coaches from Forestville, and more kids interested then expected. It seems that history repeats itself with the current rise in oil and inflation.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the resolution adopting the Chautauqua County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the following transfer of $15,594.04 from the EMS/Rescue account into the following General fund accounts: $14,234.56 to account 3625.2 EMS Equipment for payment to Stryker (New Stretcher)

$180.00 to account 3625.2 EMS Equipment for payment to Hae Jude (rain coat logos)

$579.48 to account 3625.4 EMS Supplies for payment to Fastenal (rain coats)

$600.00 to account 3625.57 EMS Other expenses for payment to Wayne Heupel (reimburse for copay) Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  Willdan Energy completed the LED upgrades to the EMS building. Forms available for the NYS EFC low income household wastewater assistance program. Helps low income households pay for past due bills. Water main break was repaired and will be finished when the weather permits. Heavy metal pick up begins this month on the 30th. Brush pick up will begin on April 4th. The county received test kits from the state, and we received 4 cases. They are free and available in the clerk’s office.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Informational meeting on Feb. 17th brought some ideas for sidewalks and curbing. Will meet again after discussion with an engineer.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you to Lisa Rohloff for explaining the capital project for the track repairs.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark:  Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: The Town is now the lead agency and working on an agreement.

DPW Mayor reported: We are discussing paving schedule with Superintendent Bob Bankoski.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Met last week and divided into committees. One is for sidewalks, and the other is for code revisions.

Code Enforcement: Dan is doing an admirable job. Plans for the Hide Away Bay project have been submitted and permits were paid for. The project seems to be moving forward.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:39 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on February 7th, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Attorney Peter Clark

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Mark Trask

Daniel Hogg

Corey Bistoff

Louis Pelletter

Anthony Dolce – Observer by Telephone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik,  Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Attorney Clark. Absent: Trustee Barnes, (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the January 3rd, 2022 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and  Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.15, including claims numbered 24015 through 24042 in the amount of $61,594.00, Abstract No. 16 including claims numbered 24043 through 24095 in the amount of $35,324.99, and Abstract No. 6 Capital Project (I&I) claims 210 & 211 in the amount of $69,211.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: Would like to purchase two historical markers through the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation. One for the second settlement of Fayette and the burning of the steamship Washington. The annual historical report has been filed. The youth recreation basketball program will be from March 1st through April 2nd. Thank you to Silver Creek School Superintendent Todd Crandall for printing the flyers.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the Mayor’s appointments as presented. The appointment list is available in the Clerk’s office for review for anyone interested. If anyone would like a copy emailed, contact the clerk’s office. The only changes to the appointments this year are Stephen Romanik has been appointed to Deputy Mayor and Mary Poissant is appointed to the planning board in place of Dan Drozdiel. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign a Supported Employment Agreement with Universal Industries for Brian Thomas at the DPW.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Willdan Energy Co. to replace and/or retrofit lighting to LED in the Silver Creek Emergency Squad Building at a cost of $1,990.70. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign the renewal contract between Municipal Solutions, Inc. and the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Annual Historian Report for 2021 as presented by Village Historian Louis Pelletter. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Village Clerk to sign the contract with Young Explosives to secure the date of July 3rd, 2022 with a rain date of July 5th, 2022 for the Village Fireworks Display. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to cancel the February 21st, 2022 board meeting in observance of the Presidents Day Holiday. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  Thank you to the DPW for the great job during the storms we have had the past few weeks. We have a limited supply of Covid-19 test kits and N95 masks available to Village residents. Brandy Winger of the Girls Scouts to use the Village Gazebo for cookie sales on Sundays during the month of March.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – There will be a public informational meeting on Thursday Feb. 17th at 5:30 pm in the high school auditorium to get residents input regarding sidewalks on Knight St. Ext., and Webster St. in order to provide a safe zone for students to walk to and from school.

Trustee Cummings – Working on the music in the park schedule for the upcoming summer. We will be including two car shows during two of the music nights. Bands and vendors have been scheduled already for the events. Thank you to the residents for clearing the fire hydrants near their homes as well as keeping the sidewalks clear.

Trustee Lindstrom –  Very appreciative of the job that the DPW has done with snow control especially during the last two storms.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: The sale of the reservoir is moving forward.

Water/sewer Mayor reported: Three water leaks on Mechanic Street had to be repaired.

Planning Board Donna Metzger:  We will be meeting on the fourth Monday of the month and will set up committees with the new board.

Code Enforcement Dan Hogg: We have achieved 100% compliance for fire inspections for 2021 and approximately 60% compliant for rental inspections. Working on getting some of the vacant dangerous buildings torn down.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:30 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Organizational Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on January 3rd, 2022 at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Anthony Dolce (Observer)

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Louis Pelletter

Kara Kawski

Kim Kuras

Morgan Kuras

Deanna Borrello

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Swearing in ceremony of Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg, Trustee Steve Romanik, and Trustee Sandra Lindstrom.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the December 20th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 14, including claims numbered 23991 through 24013 in the amount of $55,729.42, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor Hornburg stated the List of Board Assignments have only minor changes. A copy is available in the Clerk’s office for review and also attached to the minutes of this meeting.

The appointments for the upcoming year will be completed for the February 7th, 2022 meeting.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Deanna Borrello- Congratulations to the winners of the election and God Bless.

Louis Pelletter – Youth basketball is ready to start pending covid regulations and will be held in Forestville. We should meet to discuss the changes to the summer program.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Peter Clark as Village Attorney. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the procurement policy of the Village of Silver Creek as currently in effect and that the Village Board is hereby directed review that procurement policy to make modifications necessary thereto, if any. Trustees Romanik, Cummings,  Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to designate the Dunkirk Observer as the official newspaper of the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, circumstances arise that require the Village Board to convene in addition to the scheduled Regular Board Meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in the event of a Special Meeting being called by the Mayor or Trustees, every member of the Village Board shall be informed by telephone, in person or in writing by either the Village Clerk, Mayor or another member of the Board of Trustees of the date, time, location and subject of the Special Meeting; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the meeting shall be given to the Board Members and The Observer and posted at the Village Municipal Building at least 72 hours in advance unless an emergency exists and otherwise as in conformance with the Public Officers Law, and the other laws of the State of New York. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Silver Creek hold regularly scheduled meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the first and third Monday of the month; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in the event that a Regular Meeting date falls on a holiday in which the Village office is closed,  the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the following Tuesday; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Board Workshops will be held in the Municipal Board Room at 172 Central Avenue, Silver Creek NY 14136 as advertised. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that Village Law § 4-412(3)(2) requires the designation of banks or trust companies for the deposit of all village monies;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board designates the following institutions as depository of all moneys received by the Village treasurer, clerk, and receiver of taxes: Community Bank, N.A. and Evans Bank. Trustees  Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, there is to be held during the coming official year a) the New York State Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting and Training School; b) the New York State Conference of Mayors and Fall Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerks; c) the New York State Conference of Mayors Public Works School, d) county association meetings; etc.; and

WHEREAS, attendance by certain municipal officials and employees at one or more of these meetings, conferences or schools benefits the municipality; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that officers and employees are authorized to attend these schools and meetings with board approval. Trustees  Romanik, Cummings,  Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage as reimbursement to Village officers and employees who use their personal automobiles while performing their official Village duties; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board will approve reimbursement to such officers and employees at the rate of $0.45 per mile. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to authorize payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges; and

WHEREAS, all such claims must be presented at the next Regular Board Meeting for audit; and

WHEREAS, the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claim are jointly and severally liable for any amount the Village Board disallows. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges.  All such claims must be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claims are jointly and severally liable for any amount the board of trustees disallows. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Happy New Year. The Polar Bear Swim is scheduled for January 9th, 2022 at noon with the swim happening at 1:00 pm. We will be continuing the mask policy as long as the governor mandates.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – The new camera system is being worked on.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Streets Department Mayor reported: Commend them for the work on the Christmas decorations. Thank you to Deanna Borrello for the donation of the straw for the nativity.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Back to a full crew.

Code Enforcement/Zoning Mayor reported: Dan Hogg is doing an adequate job.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We will be meeting on the 24th and will keep the schedule of the 4th Monday of the month.

Fire/EMS Mayor reported: Both have been very busy.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:34 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 20th, 2021 at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Anthony Dolce – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Moment of silence in honor of former Mayor Nick Piccolo.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik,  Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Barnes, (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the December 6th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom . and Mayor Hornburg voting aye Trustee Romanik abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.13, including claims numbered 23959 through 23990 in the amount of $38,619.57, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the purchase of various hoses for the fire department from Churchville Fire Equipment at a cost of $19,695.00.   Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to transfer $1,218.39 from Fountain & Parks Reserve account 201.12 to Buildings & Grounds account 1620.42 to pay Pagano Electric for new camera system prep work. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to cancel the January 17th board meeting in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The January 3rd meeting will be our Organizational meeting. We were denied the grant for the improvements to Borrello Park. The annual Polar Bear Swim will be held on January 9th, 2022, beginning at noon, with the swim taking place at 1:00 pm. The fire protection contract between the Town of Hanover and the Village has been sent to Attorney Peter Clark for review. Our LED light project has been completed as originally scheduled. We may add the squad building to the project. The DPW and water/sewer departments will be off on Friday and Monday in observance of the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day holidays, and the following Friday and Monday in observance of the New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day holidays.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Noting at this time.

Trustee Cummings –  Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused) Mayor reported the sale is being processed, and there are still discrepancies in the title search. We may have a new survey done and split the cost between the Village and the buyer.

DPW Mayor reported: They are picking up leaves when possible.

Fire Department Mayor reported: The annual fire truck Christmas parade will be held on Tuesday the 21st. beginning in Sunset at 6:00pm.

Planning Board Trustee Lindstrom reported: There will be no meeting in December.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:20 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 6th, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Trustee Steve Romanik (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Trustee Romanik, (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the November 15th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.12, including claims numbered 23911 through 23957 in the amount of $49,892.94, and Abstract No. 5 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 209 in the amount of $3,450.11 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Sandy Hornburg: Responses to EMS calls seem to be taking longer. It seems that the calls are taking 2-3 hours. Trustee Cummings said this is due to the shortages at the hospitals.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept a grant award from the Community Development Block Grant Economic Development Program in the amount of $450,000 as assistance to the 42 Lake Ave. project and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to move $787.30 from the EMS billing funds account to general account 3625.2 EMS Equipment for the purchase of a HP laptop computer. Trustees Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  Leaves are continuing to be picked up. The attorneys are working towards the closing on the sale of the reservoir. There was a discussion regarding the valve at the pump station. Dave Voigt verified that it is closed and it has a bypass function the keeps the valve free from being submerged  under water. The fire department will be holding their annual Christmas   parade around town with the fire trucks on the 21st. Christmas in the Park sponsored by Kiwanis was a success.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Absent (Excused)

Trustee Cummings – Thank you to the Kiwanis Club, and the Bogosian family, Silver Creek Cross Country for the bake sale during the Christmas in the Park event. Thank you to the fire department for the escort of Santa. The EMS received the MiFi boxes, and the new stretcher will be installed this month.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Planning Board Donna Metzger: No meeting for the end of December. Thank you to Trustee Lindstrom as liaison to the planning board for all of the hard work she does.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:20 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 15, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Kelly Ziegler

Louis Pelletter

Anthony Dolce, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the November 1st, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.11, including claims numbered 23869 through 23909 in the amount of $129,210.47, and Abstract No. 4 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 208 in the amount of $643.89 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Kelly Ziegler: Congratulated the winners of the election. While campaigning some of the local businesses had some concerns and suggestions. It would be nice to have a trash can by the bench on Howard Street where the bus stop is. Also suggested doing ribbon cuttings for new businesses. Would like to look for possible grants to add recycling containers to the areas where the Village trash cans are in the business district and around the park areas.

Louis Pelletter: Remind everyone of the meeting regarding the Main Street School project tomorrow 2:15 pm at the Silver Creek Senior Center. Would like to discuss the possibility of a first floor room to display historical items. The Brennan family donated an atlas from 1867 of Chautauqua County. The Dunkirk light house (Dave Briska) has donated historical information of the Silver Creek light houses. Found a history of the Columbia Postal Supply Company which was located around 278 Central Ave. and Silver Creek held the patent for a postage cancelling machine. Youth recreation will have a community meeting at the Town Hall on Wednesday at 7:00 pm.

Sandy Hornburg: Bonnie Long wanted to say thank you for the help getting her cats out of the Tee Shot building.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the purchase of a Power Pro stretcher from Stryker at a cost of $42,703.69 using funds from the EMS billing program. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the approval of the planning board and the approval of the Village Board for the proposed project to rehabilitate the Main Street School at 60 Main Street, Silver Creek, NY, into the Silver Creek School Senior Apartments. The plans were presented to the planning board on October 25th, 2021 by the Region 9 UAW Housing Corporation. The number of units will be 47, and there will be 50 parking spaces created. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt Local Law No. 3 of 2021 which is a local law adopted pursuant to Cannabis Law 131 opting out of licensing and establishing retail cannabis dispensaries and/or on-site cannabis consumption establishments within the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Leaf pick up will continue until the snow flies and the DPW is unable. No parking on Village streets between 2 am and 6 am  begins tonight. I met with Nate Aldrich regarding assistance for a grant for playground equipment.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Comment to Louis, even though the school doesn’t have the history portion, I think it would be beneficial for you to continue to provide that information to the children.

Trustee Barnes –  Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Leaf pick up is continuing and getting equipment ready for snow plowing. Working on a drainage issue on Buffalo Street.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Preparing the reservoir for transfer.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Meeting next Monday. There is a meeting at the South Towns Walleye Hall regarding the turbines in the lake.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:32 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 1st, 2021 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Jeffrey DeYoung

Kelly Ziegler

Louis Pelletter

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the October 18th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.10, including claims numbered 23820 through 23866 in the amount of $71,663.92, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Jeffrey DeYoung: Asked why he has been removed from the fire department being he was on full medical leave. Mayor stated that he would follow up the fire chief.

Louis Pelletter: Look forward to next year and planning some more events at the dining car. I submitted a quote for repair of the refrigerator in the dining car.

Meeting with the State regarding tax credits and historical information for the Main Street School project. I now have water in the dining car and will double check the sewer because it seems slow but working.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with NYSEG Energy Efficiency Proposal Program to convert all remaining standard lighting to LED efficient lighting in the Village, upon recommendation of Attorney Peter Clark. When completed, the project will reduce the Village electric costs by $6,073.32 per year. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the proposal of Strictly Refrigeration and Heating in the amount of $2,695.41 from the dining car reserve account.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Last brush pick up was today. The DPW is now installing the leaf vacuum on the equipment. Leaf pick up will begin as soon as the leaves are out. Leaves may be raked to the curb and will be vacuumed. No brush can be included with the leaves. The overnight parking ban will begin on November 15th and run through April 1, of 2022, which states no parking on any Village street or highway between 2:00 am and 6:00 am to allow for proper snow removal.

There will be an informational community meeting on November 16th at 2:15pm regarding the proposed Silver Creek School Senior Apartments. The meeting will be in person at the Silver Creek Senior Center at 1823 Lake Road, virtually via zoom, or by telephone. Tomorrow is election day and I encourage everyone to vote.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Have been working along with Marv to set up music for next summer. We are looking at 6 nights of music on Tuesdays and a possible cruise night as well.

Trustee Cummings – Working with Little League towards a solution to the parking issues at the ball field.

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you to Kiwanis for Trunk and Treat, well attended. Also nice to see the dining car open for the event.

Trustee Barnes – Trunk and Treat well attended. Also reminder that the  Presbyterian Church is having a spaghetti dinner tomorrow from 4 pm until sold out.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Getting ready for winter.

Fire Department Mayor reported: They are experiencing their usual busy schedule.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We met last week and had a presentation from Region 9 on the Main St. School project.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 18th, 2021 at 6:58 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                              Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee William Barnes

Absent:                                Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                       Sandy Hornburg,

Kelly Ziegler

Louis Pelletter

Donna Metzger

Joshua Leamon

Anthony Dolce (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Jeffrey Hornburg Mayor: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Barnes, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, and Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the October 4th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Barnes, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Lindstrom seconded by Cummings to approve the payment of the bills

Appearing on Abstract No. 9 including claims numbered 23796 through 23819 in the amount of $29,307.76. Trustees, Barnes, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Kelly Ziegler: Asked if there were any updates on the Sheriffs dept paying a portion for the Camera system down town.

Cummings: Stated that the Sheriffs are not paying for the Camera system, that information was given to the under Sheriffs and they will speak to the public safety committee to see if they would be able to fund it and if so He would get information to purchase the LPR.

Joshua Leamon: Had comments on the proposed Splash Pad, concerns on the water that would be used and who would be covering those expenses. He expressed his thoughts on expanding and updating the playground.  Mr. Leamon stated he feels money spent would be better going in to an updated playground, as the Splash pad only gets used seasonally.

Mayor: responded that the Splash pad is in the exploratory phase at the moment, researching costs exc.  Expressed that with the water usage 90% of the water used is captured and reused after being filtered.  Costs of projected water usage at this time are being researched. As far as the playground, this also is being looked at for upgrading using a grant.  The Mayor stated again that the idea of a Slash Pad is still being explored and he would take the upgrade of the playground under consideration. Mr. Leamon brought up the idea of putting a rubber ground under the playground.  At the time of the present playground, the rubber ground material was not yet available.

Lou Pelletter: Dining car will be open for a walk through, and candy will be given out to Trick or Treaters. Water pipes will be converted to copper, cold water only.  Refrigerator was damaged in the flood, and will need to be fixed.  He discussed moving display to first floor of Village Hall to display historical items.

Lou Pelletter: spoke of updating playground at the Village, Town, and School by and getting grants and donations. Also spoke of the old splash pad and new splash pad and how the youth Rec would be able to utilize it and may be help financially with the installation of the new splash pad either in the Town of Hanover, the Silver Creek School, or the Village Park.

New Business:

Motion made by Barnes seconded by Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign the Professional Engineering Service Proposal- Sewer Repairs Priority 5 with GHD. Roll Call Vote: Trustees, Barnes, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye carried.

Motion made by Cummings seconded by Lindstrom to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold Halloween Trunk or Treat in the Village Square between 5:30-8:00 pm. There will be a parade from the Village Fire Hall to the Back Line at 5:00 pm.   Roll Call Vote: Trustees, Barnes, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye carried.

Motion made by Lindstrom seconded by Romanik to allow Village Historian Louis Pelletter to utilize the Dining Car on October 31, 2021 before the parade for trick or treaters.  Roll Call Vote: Trustees, Barnes, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye carried.

Motion made by Romanik seconded by Cummings to adopt local Law No. 04 of 2021 as discussed at the public hearing held prior to this meeting.  Roll Call Vote: Trustees, Barnes, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye carried.

Motion made by Cummings seconded by Barnes to adopt local Law No. 05 of 2021 as discussed at the public hearing held prior to this meeting.  Roll Call Vote: Trustees, Barnes, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye carried.

Motion made by Romanik and seconded by Cummings to go with a fixed rate instead of a variable rate for Electric (NYSEG) and Gas (NOCO) as energy bills will continue   to increase. The fixed rate will last for a period of 24 months. Roll Call Vote: Trustees, Barnes, Romanik. Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye carried.

Mayor’s Comments:

The Village received $600.00 from the Heritage Fund Grant.  This item will be brought up next meeting for a motion to ear mark this amount for music in the park 2022.

GRT tax settlement rebate application and information sent in to Village of Silver Creek attorney Peter Clark.

NYSEG rep was given a tour of the facility for lighting purposes and LED conversion.

Motion made by Cummings and seconded by Romanik to allot $2000.00 for the Dining car. Monies for this will be taken out of the Park & Rec Fund. 7140.2 Roll Call Vote: Trustees, Barnes, Romanik. Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye carried.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – received an email from Todd Crandall, Superintendent of Schools, about adding lighting along the stadium fence so the side walk will be lit. This is being paid for through the Capitol Projects from the School.

Spoke to Fire Chief and while testing last week, a lot of hosing was no longer usable and will have to be replaced.  It has not been replaced since 1992.  Money would be taken out from ARPA accounts 3410.20 turn out hose/ 3410.66 hose

Motion made by Romanik and seconded by Cummings to allot $30,000 to the Fire Dept. $20,000 for hoses, and $10,000 for turn out gear.  Monies will be taken from the ARPA Account for this.  Roll Call Vote: Trustees, Barnes, Romanik. Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye carried

Trustee Cummings – Cross walks needed repainting, working with State DOT.  He wrote a letter to Dot, waiting for a traffic study.  Locations needed Central to Howard, Rite aid to Park, Elm and Central, Hanover and Central.

EMS has been asking for internet to do PCR work.  Steve and Marv have been working to see if they can get this system installed and at this time are waiting for a quote.

Trustee Lindstrom – Thanked Mr. Leamon for attending the meeting and expressing his concerns. Linstrom Participated in the Suicide walk a thon for the VFW, and stated it was

well attended.

Trustee Barnes:  Attended political fundraisers and would like to have shared services with Dunkirk. They are in talks about this.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Court Mayor reported: Leaf box will be put up.  If you have leaves right now, the leaf vac machine is not in use right now.  If you have leaves, put them in a container to be picked up, don’t rake on to the curb and leave them there.

Water and Sewer has pulled out the Kayak launch. A program was put on showing how to remove them by the installers. They were taught how to take out, store, and reinstall in spring.

Fire Dept- all ok

Planning Board- Movement on the Main Street School has begun. UAW and Region 9 Construction will be attending the planning board meeting next Monday at 7 pm; this meeting will be advertised as a public.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 8:10 pm


Colleen A. McKenna., Deputy Clerk


At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October

18th, 2021 at 6:45 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:  Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg Trustee Steve Romanik Trustee Marv Cummings Trustee Sandra Lindstrom Trustee William Barnes

Absent  Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:            Sandy Hornburg, Kelly Ziegler , Louis Pelletter, & Anthony Dolce (Ovserver)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Jeffrey Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Barnes, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Purpose of this hearing is to hear comments and public input regarding proposed Local Law No. 4 & No. 5 of 2021 which are amendments to water section 210 and sewer section 159 of the Village of Silver Creek Code.

Be it enacted by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Silver Creek, County of

Chautauqua and State of New York as follows:

  • 159-53 of the code of the Village of Silver Creek and titled “Payment; penalties.” Shall read as follows:

Sewer rates shall become due and payable quarterly on the first day of February, May, August, and November in each year. The Village Clerk’s office shall quarterly cause a statement to be prepared as part of the water bill, setting forth the amount of sewer rents for each of the properties subject thereto and the name of the person in whose name such real property is assessed, which shall be mailed to said person in advance of the aforesaid due dates. Such amounts unpaid thirty (30) days after mailing of said statement shall be collected and enforced, together with a penalty of 10%. Such amount of rents as remain unpaid on May 15th of each year shall be collected and enforced in the same manner and at the same time as provided by law for collection and enforcement of Village taxes, together with a re-levy fee of $200.00.

Be it enacted by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Silver Creek, County of

Chautauqua and State of New York as follows:


  • 210-27 of the code of the Village of Silver Creek titled “Establishment of water rates; late

charges.” shall read as follows:

  1. Establishment of rates. The Board of Trustees shall from time to time establish water service charges and water consumption charges for both resident consumers of water within the village and nonresident consumers of water outside of the village.
  2. Late charges. In the event that a resident or nonresident consumer shall not pay a water bill within thirty (30) days from the date of said bill, an additional ten percent (10%) of the total charge shall be added to the amount due as a late charge.


  • 210-28 of the code of the Village of Silver Creek and titled “Terms of payment.” shall read as follows:
  1. Water service charges. Water service charges shall be due and payable at the office of the

Village Clerk on the first day of February, May, August, and November of each year. [Amended 9-18-1989 by L.L. No. 4-1989]

  1. Water consumption charges. Water consumption charges based on three (3) months

previous consumption of water shall be due and payable at the office of the Village Clerk on the first day of February, May, August, and November of each year. [Amended 9-18-1989 by L.L. No. 4-1989]

  1. Nonpayment. If any water bill is not paid within thirty (30) days from the due date, the water shall be turned off.
  2. Billing. Bills will be sent out to consumers, but the failure of any consumer to receive a bill promptly shall not excuse nonpayment of the same.


  • 210-30 of the code of the Village of Silver Creek and titled “Consumption periods; computation if meter not read.” shall read as follows: All water consumption charges will be based on three (3) months consumption, and whenever water is supplied through a meter, the meter rate for a period of three (3) months will be charged. If for any reason a meter is not read quarterly, the charge will be based on average consumption.

No questions, comments, or concerns were made.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 6:58 pm


Colleen A. McKenna., Deputy Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 4th, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Anthony Dolce, Observer by phone

Kelly Ziegler

Tim O’Rourke

Louis Pelletter

Corey Bistoff

Mark Maraschiello

Deanna Borrello, VFW Auxiliary

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the September 20th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.7, including claims numbered 23700 through 23748 in the amount of $82,388.13, Abstract No. 8, including claims numbered 23749 through 23793 in the amount of $170,536.31, and Abstract No.3 Capital Project (I&I) claim 207 in the amount of $1,269.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Deanna Borrello – Representing the Silver Creek VFW Aux. following up on traffic control for the walk on October 16th at 10 am. Trustee Cummings stated that the fire police are all set for that date and time.

Louis Pelletter – The open house for the dining car during the grape festival went very well. I will be working on the out side of it next year. The refrigerator needs to be fixed and the water department will connect the water. I will have it open during Halloween and will work with Kiwanis coordinating times and parade. We need to start thinking if we want to do something festive for our 175th anniversary coming up in 2023. I am still interested in doing a splash pad, and when all interested parties decide to move forward we can meet. Mayor Hornburg thanked Louis for the work he did with the dining car, and the open house was well attended.

Mark Maraschiello 8 Front Street – Ask for an update on the plans for Borrello Park. The last plans showed restrooms right at the property line and had concerns with the location. Mayor Hornburg stated that we have not been awarded the grant at this time and since we have had so much beach erosion, that the plans had changed and the restrooms would be incorporated into the pavilion and located towards the center of the property.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize Pagano Electric to install upgrades in lighting and wiring in the Village Ballpark area at a cost not to exceed $4,000.00. The electrical upgrades are needed for our new cameras, and will be replacing a number of sodium vapor lights with new energy efficient LED bulbs. This will be taken from our Fountain and Parks reserve account # 201.12. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize a 30% down payment of $4,348.50 from camera reserve account to DFT Communications in preparation for new camera installation. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to introduce local law No. 4 of the year 2021 to amend various parts of water section 210 of the Village Code and set a public hearing for October 18th, 2021 at 6:45pm.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to introduce Local Law No. 5 of the year 2021 to amend sewer section 159 of the Village Code and set a public hearing for October 18th, 2021 at 6:45pm. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to set Halloween Trick or Treat hours in the Village of Silver Creek from 5pm – 8pm on October 31st, 2021. Kiwanis will be holding their normal parade beginning approximately at 5:30pm from the fire hall. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The Grape Festival went well. It was a little different from what we are used to, but gave the Village a sense of relaxation from what we have been through the past year or so. I’m sure it will be back next year bigger, stronger, and more of what we have been used to. I would like to thank the DPW, and Water/Sewer departments for cleaning up, and preparing for the festival and their assistance to Louis Pelletter with the dining car. Paving has been completed for the season, was a little overdue, well received, and finally done, they did a great job.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Thank you to the board for approving the camera upgrades. Met with DFT,  and Michael Pagano to coordinate the preparation and set up of the equipment.

Trustee Cummings – Thank you to Frank Gugino of the NYS DOT, Bob Bankoski, and the DPW for rebuilding the embankment in the area of 137 Main St. that has been eroding part of the road. Thank you to the Silver Creek Fire Department, Chautauqua County Fire Police for the assistance during the 5K Liv Run this past Sunday. Thank you to the Silver Creek Emergency Squad and all of the volunteers for the job they have been doing for all of us.

Trustee Lindstrom – Asked Louis Pelletter if he would consider doing a cemetery tour as in the past. Mr. Pelletter said he would consider doing it in the future. Will also be doing a walking tour before the end of the year.Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Spoke with Superintendent Voigt regarding three hydrants on Hanover Rd. that are inoperable. He will be rebuilding two of them, but the third one is not able to be rebuilt.

Planning Board Trustee Lindstrom reported: Continuing with LWRP presentation from the committee assigned to that task.

Zoning and Code Mayor reported: Zoning has been continuing with keeping yards mowed and trash removed. Code has been busy with permits and home maintenance.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:45 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on September 20th, 2021 at 6:55 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Anthony Dolce, Observer

Kelly Ziegler

Thomas Harmon

Louis Pelletter

Andrea Spengler

Deanna Borrello, VFW Auxiliary

Warren Kelly

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the August 16th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes  to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.6, including claims numbered 23672 through 23699 in the amount of $104,116.02, and Abstract No.2 Capital Project claims 205 & 206 in the amount of $45,787.51 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Deanna Borrello – Representing the Silver Creek VFW Aux. walk in support of veteran suicide prevention and awareness on October 16th, 2021 at 10:00 am. A $1 registration fee will go to the homeless veterans project. We are asking for Village Board support and resident participation.

Louis Pelletter – Mike Randall from WKBW Channel 7 will be at the diner Thursday at 10am. to do a feature for Channel 7. Cancelling the history walk and have an open house at the diner instead. Dave Voigt is going to spray the outside  and around the parking lot. The wheelchair ramp was donated by Grace Ann Smith in memory of her husband Richard R. Smith. History of the diner has been added to the historical page.

Tom Harmon – If the diner will be open for Halloween it would be nice for the kids to stop in before the parade that Kiwanis sponsors each year.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to rescind the resolution from March 15th, 2021 for the purchase of a P-Lift-50 wheelchair lift for the dining car. The Village has received a wheelchair ramp that was donated by a resident. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the membership application of Daniel Schwab as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the membership application of Eva Tytka as a Junior Fire Fighter with the Silver Creek Fire Department and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign a broker of record letter for policy FLD2427202, flood insurance at 162 Central Ave. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the Mayor to sign a broker of record letter for policy FLD1328967, flood insurance at 172 Central Ave. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign a broker of record letter for policy PTP N17940624, fire fighter cancer policy. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the Mayor to sign a broker of record letter for policy VFP-4233-10543E-1, fire fighter accident policy. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the quote from DFT for replacement camera equipment at a cost of $7,000.00. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the quote from DFT for installation of camera equipment at a cost of $14,495.00. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The kayak launch will be removed on Monday 10/4/21. The ACL Lab is coming back at 327 Central. The Village was approached by Tim Crino of Kiwanis regarding a splash pad. We are looking into locations and have been putting away funds towards this along with the Town of Hanover. We will also be contacting the Silver Creek School to include them as a joint project. Louis Pelletter commented that when the spray pool was in operation we had our own water, but when we went to Erie County Water, we would have had to put in a recirculation system and the board at that time did not do that.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Thanks to the board for approving the camera upgrade with DFT. We have been working on this project since June and finally have it ready to move forward.

Trustee Cummings – Thanks to Steve for the work he put in regarding the new camera system. DPW is done with paving. They did a great job, and appreciate the assistance of the Town of Hanover and the other municipalities who assisted with the paving project.

Trustee Lindstrom – We are having dumping issues with the dumpsters at the lot on North Main St. There is one for cardboard only, the other two (Abitibi) are for newspaper and magazines only. If there is cardboard in the Abitibi dumpsters they will not empty them. We are also finding televisions there as well. Cardboard should also be broken down before placing in the dumpster.

Trustee Barnes – Attended the Dunkirk Republican Committee fundraiser with Mayor Hornburg. Met most of the candidates and had a chance to speak with State Assemblyman Andy Goodell, County Executive PJ Wendel, and State Senator George Borrello. They are looking forward to attending our fundraiser on October 3rd.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

DPW Mayor reported: Thank you to the DPW for all that they do.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Will meet next week and will have a report from our committee regarding joining the LWRP.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:45 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on September 20th, 2021 at 6:50 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Stephen Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Louis Pelletter

Sandy Hornburg

Warren Kelly

Kelly Ziegler

Donna Metzger

Thomas Harmon

Andrea Spengler

Deanna Borrello -VFW Auxiliary

Anthony Dolce, Observer

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg stated the purpose of the hearing is to hear comments and public input regarding proposed Local Law No. 3 of 2021 to opt out of licensing and establishing retail cannabis dispensaries and/or on-site cannabis consumption establishments with the Village of Silver Creek.

Public Comment: Warren Kelly asked if the Village opts out, can they opt in. Mayor stated that if you don’t opt out you are automatically in and can’t opt out, but you can opt in at any time.

With no other comments motion was made by Trustee Romanik, seconded by Trustee Barnes to close the public hearing.

Adjourned at 6:55 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 16th, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes


Absent:           Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:  Thomas Postle Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Anthony Dolce by telephone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the August 2nd, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.5, including claims numbered 23623 through 23671 in the amount of $129,284.11, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter waiving the 30 day advance notice of intent to obtain a liquor license for the Village Inn of Silver Creek. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the offer of William P. McFadden for the purchase of the reservoir located on Route 39 & Hopper Rd. in the amount of $515,000. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to introduce Local Law No. 3 of 2021 to opt out of licensing and establishing retail cannabis dispensaries and/or on-site cannabis consumption establishments within the Village of Silver Creek. A public hearing will be held on September 20th, 2021 at 6:45pm. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to cancel the September 6th, 2021 regular board meeting. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: NOCO has advised that the variable rate for our natural gas has been going up, but is still within what the fixed rate would be. Our representative will watch the rates for the next month and advise. Attended the senior citizen picnic last week, they thanked the Village for the contribution each year.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Remind everyone about the music in the park tomorrow night. Thank you to Ted Sedarski for bringing the erosion damage on Old Main Rd. to our attention, and hope we can get it repaired quickly.

Trustee Cummings – Thank you to Richard Smith for bringing the erosion damage on Old Main Rd. to our attention. Reminder of the music in the park with 2nd Street Sunset from 6-9pm. There will be some vendors there as well with weather permitting.

Trustee Lindstrom – Attended the senior citizen picnic and thank you for the invitation.

Trustee Barnes – Thank you to the DPW for putting the sod in front of the dining car, they did a good job and it looks good.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: Contract has been signed by the Town and waiting for the County to sign. The contract between the Village and Town has been signed also.

DPW Mayor reported: We have been notified of a portion of Old Main Rd. that is eroding. Bob Bankoski has been in contact with the state DOT and County Highway and have a solution to repair it. The Village has blocked it off for the time being until all of the departments have time to work on it.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Been working with DPW repairing some storm sewer lines.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Will be meeting next week.

Code/Zoning Enforcement Mayor reported: Thank you to both departments for the work they are doing. Now that courts are open, more can be done.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:15 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 2nd, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Louis Pelletter

Kelly Ziegler

Jeff Parisio

Warren Kelly

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the July 19th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.4, including claims numbered 23597 through 23622 in the amount of $69,279.12, and Abstract No.1, Capital Project (I&I) claim 204 in the amount of $139,705.76 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Jeff Parisio 2 Monroe Street – Complaint that zoning officer is writing up violations that have been corrected or do not exist. Mayor said he would look into the violations and respond to Mr. Parisio. Donna Metzger noted that the planning board gave Mr. Parisio 30 days to put the fence up. Warren Kelly: Asked if the Village has determined the ownership of the boat launch. Mayor Hornburg stated that we are researching the property in order to determine ownership. Louis Pelletter: May be asking the Village to assist the town in pouring a concrete floor in the pavilion at the Hanover Town Park. Will be doing a walking tour and have the dining car open for the Grape Festival. Have asked the school for an intern to assist in the historical room and one for the Town. Want to purchase a historical marker for the Fayette Settlement. Youth Rec. is going well. We should budget money each year to go towards a new splash pad.

New Business:            No new business.

Mayor’s Comments: Been receiving calls regarding the milled streets. As a reminder, we have additional work to do once the milling is done. We also have to work with the Town schedule as we use their paver and ask for patience while all of this is being completed. Youth Rec. has been going well. Will be meeting with GHD Consultants for Phase 5 of the I&I project. We will need to decide if we will move our first meeting of September to Tuesday the 7th or cancel it, due to Labor Day Holiday.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Apologize for having to cancel music for last week. Met with DFT security regarding a new camera system.

Trustee Cummings – Remind everyone of the music in the park tomorrow evening. Hoping to have a couple of vendors. Crosswalks across portions of Main and Central will be painted before fall. Working on internet access for the ambulances in order to speed up the reporting process. Working with little league regarding the parking issues at the field.

Trustee Lindstrom – Looking forward to the music in the park tomorrow evening. Also have been looking into the parking situation at the little league field.

Trustee Barnes – Tentatively have two trucks coming to the music in the park.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: Very busy between Village and Town.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Dave has been working with Kevin of Adventure Sports regards the water service and such.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Nothing at this time.

ZBA: Clerk Postle reported: An area variance was approved at 3 Front Street.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on July 19th, 2021 at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Louis Pelletter

Ron Miller

Linda Sattler

Sharon Sattler

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the June 21st, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.1, including claims numbered 23528 through 23538 in the amount of $34,908.87, and Abstract No.2, including claims numbered 23539 through 23595 in the amount of $148,331.66 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye.  Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Linda Sattler complaint regarding the parking on Ward Ave. Cars are parking on her

property and damage has been done. Would like the no parking regulations enforced and

more signage placed in that area. The board advised that the Village will place more signs

and have the sheriff department enforce the parking restrictions.

Louis Pelletter: The school is having an internship program and I will be requesting one for

Historical and one for Town Councilman. The Grape Festival contacted me and I would like

to do something during the festival with a walking tour and the dining car. Youth recreation

started today and went as well as expected. I purchased a book of the Holland Land

Corporation 1804-1824 land purchases. I have also heard of the Lee building that never was

built. It was supposed to be a community center on 105 acres back in 1946 but never

happened. The assessor is trying to locate information on the property and where exactly it

was, but it will be interesting to find out.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to rescind the resolution to hold a fall festival hosted by Merritt Winery and instead allow the Festival of Grapes to hold the 54th Annual Grape Festival on the weekend of September 24th, 25th, and 26th, 2021 in the Village Square and Ball Park. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the application of Nicole Irish as an EMT for the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and  Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the application of Kory Irish as an EMT for the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and  Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of Kathryn Krisch as an EMT for the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve a resolution to submit a Consolidated Funding Application to secure funding for upgrades to Borrello Park and authorize the Mayor to execute all of the necessary documents with NYS DOS and/or the OPRHP should the Village be successful in securing said funding. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Paul Crino as a member of the Silver Creek Planning Board. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to change the Village’s insurance to HCC Public Trust through the Evans Insurance Agency effective August 1st, 2021. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  Thank you to the Fire Department, DPW, and Water/Sewer department for the assistance this past week during the heavy rain. The disaster coordinator said we had some high water in the creeks but no damage to the Village. The DPW has milled Lake Ave., Jackson, Maple, Rumsey, and Tew Streets. They are working on the storm drainage before continuing with the paving. There will be a public hearing tomorrow at 10:00 am being put on by the county regarding the development of the hideaway property by Adventure Sports.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – The entire length of Ward Ave. is supposed to be a no parking zone. We will have to work on adding Drake Ave. to the code as well.

Trustee Cummings – Remind everyone that we are having music in the park on Tuesday the 27th from 6-9 pm. We have a few vendors and the Zen City band, hope for good weather.

Trustee Lindstrom – Looking forward to the concert in the park.

Trustee Barnes – Thank you to the departments and volunteers for the assistance during the rain event. Hope for a good turnout in the park next Tuesday.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Thank you for filling the open spot on the planning board. The meeting next week will be cancelled.

ZBA: Clerk Postle reported the there is a public hearing for an area variance for 3 Front St. on Tuesday the 27th at 7:00pm

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:33 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 21st, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present: Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg
Trustee Steve Romanik
Trustee Marv Cummings
Trustee Sandra Lindstrom
Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent: Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present: Thomas Postle Clerk
Bill Kuppel
Sandy Hornburg
Louis Pelletter
Warren Kelly
Mark Lilley
Leroy Herbstritt
Cyndi Sheedy by phone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the June 7th, Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the June 7th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.25, including claims numbered 23469 through 23527 in the amount of $180,618.54, and Abstract No. 16 Capital Project (I&I) claim 203 in the amount of $1,039.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:
Mark Lilley Commander and Leroy Herbstritt 2nd Vice Commander of the AmVets Post
6473: Want to be more involved in the Village. We are interested in the vacant property
next to our building to make a memorial park area. We would also like to be involved
in the fall festival. We are also is discussion of interest in the Damon Motors property and
move our post there.
Louis Pelletter: I was advised by Warren Kelly that the dining car may be exempt from the
ADA regulations for handicap access. This was confirmed by the code enforcement officer
do to the historic nature. I am going to look into the same for the historical room.

The parking lot around the car is in poor shape and the front area blacktop could be removed
and grass could be planted. We also need to get the steps and deck built so it can be opened.
I will do a walking tour of the downtown area during the fall festival. I would also like to
open it up for a mini breakfast as done in the past for the Grape Festival and during
Halloween for cider and donuts for the kids. I did five virtual classes at Silver Creek Central
on the war of 1812 and our Chautauqua Malisha was involved but not in the history. I will
continue to research it and expand on it. Youth Recreation has 72 kids registered, and a
waiting list due to the shortage of counselors. We usually have 100 kids and as we hire more
counselors we can add to the current number. The next meeting is on Thursday at the Town
Hall 6:00pm.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to remove the blacktop from in front of the dining car and plant grass in that area. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to authorize the renewal of the clerk’s office postage machine lease at a cost of $74.48 per month. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the DPW to purchase a 2022 Chevy Silverado 2500HD pick up with plow and lift gate at state bid cost $45,575 Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the DPW to purchase a utility trailer at state bid cost of $3,275.73 Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to cancel the July 5th Regular Board Meeting. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the 2021 sheriff contract between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek for police protection. Trustees Romanik and Cummings abstained, Trustees Lindstrom, Barnes, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: We will be having fireworks this year on July 3rd and rain date of the 5th, with viewing areas at Borrello Park and the Silver Creek Boat Launch area. The firehouse beach will be closed and no one will be allowed to view from that area. Parking will be available in the municipal lot and street.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – The 2022 pick up will be replacing a 2009 which will be declared surplus.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported:

DPW Mayor reported: Brush pickup and preparing for black top.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Lower reservoir is almost completely done. They have some concrete to remove.

Planning Board Bill Kuppel: Working with code officer and residents for possible variances.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.
Adjourned at 7:33 pm

Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 7th, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Attorney Peter Clark

Absent:                                    Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle Clerk

Bill Kuppel

Sandy Hornburg

Louis Pelletter

Warren Kelly

Donna Metzger

Michael Dee

Wayne Hotelling

Elaine Hotelling

Bill Merritt

Sylvia Patterson

Mary Poissant by phone

Cyndi Sheedy by phone

Anthony Dolce (Observer) by phone

Carol Rasmussen by phone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Attorney Clark, Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the May 17th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.24, including claims numbered 23432 through 23468 in the amount of $70,668.32 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye.  Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Wayne Hotelling: The 25th Annual Laurel Run will be held on July 17th, 2021. Thank you for the support of the Resource Center.

William Merritt: Request concurrence in hosting a fall festival. We would like to bring in food vendors, and amusements. This would not be replacing the Festival of Grapes only a one year fill in unless the grape festival chooses not to return next year. The dates would be September 24th, 25th, 26th, and there are no plans for a parade.

Warren Kelly: Discussed applying again for a grant to improve Borrello Park. Spoke with Nate Aldrich and he advised we need to add more to the project to better our chance of an award, possibly the boat launch area. We should get together to discuss possible areas.

Louis Pelletter: Youth recreation meeting will be on Wed. evening for registrations. The program will begin on July 19th  from 9am-3pm at the Silver Creek School. Mike Randall of channel 7 news would like to do a story on the dining car, so we need to get the area around it cleaned up. I do like the idea of the fall festival and would like to have an open house at that time. Would like to purchase a historical marker through a grant for either the burning of the Washington and the Silver Creek Harbor, the Hideaway Bay area, or the Military park on Main street which was the settlement of Fayette.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the purchase of a Village of Silver Creek banner at a cost of $175.00. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom,  voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to allow the Laurel Run to hold the 25th Annual Laurel Run/Walk on July 17th, 2021 and use of the Village Square and Ball Park. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and  Lindstrom,  voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize a fall festival to be hosted by Merritt Winery and held in the Village Square and Ball Park on September 24th, 25th, &26th Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the resolution of Authorization to Submit a Grant Application to the New York State Office of Community Renewal for Community Development Block Grant Funding for Adventure Sports Development LLC.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom,  voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Commend the Board for moving on the proposal for the Laurel Run and Fall Festival. The DPW has been putting out door hangers as a reminder to follow the code for specific items.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Do we have any applications for summer laborers?

Trustee Cummings – Congratulations to the Hotellings on the 25th anniversary of the Laurel Run. Thank you to the Merritt’s for presenting the fall festival, and thank you to the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club for successful Children’s Fair.

Trustee Lindstrom – The Children’s Fair was very successful.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Sheriff Mayor reported: Contract between the County and Town of Hanover so we will enter into a contract with the Town for our portion.

DPW Mayor reported: Working on drainage on Tew and Rumsey St.

Fire Department Mayor Reported: The new ladder truck was at the Children’s Fair.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: The board met with Dan Hogg regarding a variance for a resident and discussed what would need to be done in order to comply. Meeting again at the end of the month to decide.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:37 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 7th, 2021 at 6:50 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Stephen Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Attorney Peter Clark

Absent:                                   Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle, Clerk

Louis Pelletter

Sandy Hornburg

Warren Kelly

Bill Kuppel

Donna Metzger

Michael Dee

Wayne Hotelling

Elaine Hotelling

Bill Merritt

Sylvia Patterson

Mary Poissant by phone

Cyndi Sheedy by phone

Carol Rasmussen, by phone

Anthony Dolce, Observer by phone

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Attorney Clark, Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused).

Mayor Hornburg introduced Carol Rasmussen, Business Development Manager of the Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation to state the purpose of the Public Hearing. Carol stated this public hearing is being held pursuant to the requirements of the Community Development Block Grant Program. Municipalities intending to apply for CDBG funding are required to hold a public hearing prior to submitting the application. The purpose of the hearing  is for soliciting public input regarding community development and housing needs in the municipality and soliciting public comment regarding any specific activities proposed for submission. The Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corp. has asked the Village of Silver Creek to apply for a grant in the approximate amount of $450,000 from the OCR that will be provided as a grant to the CREDC, which will use the funds to provide a loan or loans to Adventure Sports Development LLC to assist in financing a project within the Village. Adventure Sports Development LLC is proposing to acquire property located at 42 Lake Ave. Silver Creek, NY and develop the property as the Hideaway Bay Resort at an expected cost of $1.4 million and create approximately 30 full time equivalent jobs.

Public Comment:

Michael Dee: Asked if the public will have access to the waterfront. There was mention of a footbridge to cross the creek and if so will it be public or gated. Will someone be allowed to walk along the beach and go to the mouth of the creek to fish? Will be riparian rights be granted to those wishing transit the property along the lake. There is a certain distance from the water that is allowed for walking along the shore. Carol stated that these questions will be addressed and answers will go back to the board.

Bill Kuppel: If there are going to be riparian rights they also would apply to the creek bank.

With no other comments, Carol closed the public hearing.

Adjourned at 6:58 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 17th, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Deanna Borrello

Bill Kuppel

Sandy Hornburg

Louis Pelletter

Warren Kelly

Anthony Dolce (Observer) by phone

Carol Rasmussen by phone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the May 3rd, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.23, including claims numbered 23390 through 23429 in the amount of $91,629.71 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye.  Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: The LED lighting will have a payback of $35K over a five year period. Sent letters to Senator Borrello and Assemblyman Goodell for assistance. Also looking for grant money to assist.  Sent the historical information on the Main St. School to the Observer. Will be doing an article on the park benches and would like any information about the newer ones to include. Youth Recreation information is being collected regarding the protocol and covid restrictions. Warren Kelly: spoke with Nate Aldrich regarding the application for the grant for  Borrello Park and he would be interested in submitting it again if we are interested. The fire escape stairs look great.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the application of  Bryan Berek as an EMT for the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt Local Law #2 of 2021 to rezone the entire property know as 60 Main Street, SBL# 49.06-3-43 as commercial/business and will be exempt from Section 215-29 Additional standards for permits for specific uses, (D) Multiple dwelling. For a multiple dwelling, the following shall apply: (1) Lot area shall contain 7,000 square feet per dwelling unit. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their Annual Children’s Fair on Saturday, June 5th, 2021 from 10 am to 2 pm. State Covid protocol will be followed. They are asking to have entrances to the park blocked from traffic and would like the use of the pavilion and trash barrels also. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the resolution calling for a public hearing at 6:45 pm on June 7th, 2021 for a Community Development Block Grant Planning Application to fund a portion of Adventure Sports Development, LLC’s Hideaway Bay Resort project planned for 42 Lake Ave. Silver Creek, NY. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to transfer the following from unallocated funds to reserve accounts:

Turn Out Gear Reserve $10,000

Scott Air Pack Reserve $2,000

Emergency Equipment Reserve $66,000

Equipment Replacement Reserve $236,000 (2 New Pickups DPW& Sewer) (New Single Axle DPW)

Camera Reserve $10,000

Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Ed Newman of the Silver Creek Garden Club with a suggestion to move the welcome sign on Howard Street in order to make it more visible. Would also like to put a spot light on the monument in the square. The AM Vets, and VFW will hold a memorial service on Monday 5/31/21 at 11:00 am at the monument in the square. The kayak launch has been installed at the Jackson St. boat launch and is ready for use. There will be a formal dedication on Thursday 5/20/21 at 11:30 am at the Hanover Boat Launch. Contacted by Kristen Foley from Silver Creek School with a request to clean up the park and beach as a project.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – We met with DFT to evaluate the security camera system and additional cameras. There will be a proposal on the school budget vote for lights on the property along  Webster.

Trustee Cummings – The Village will have an information booth at the Children’s Fair and could use help with set up and manning.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes –  Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported: Been busy in both the Village and Town of Hanover.

DPW Mayor reported: Brush started again today. Additional sidewalk has been added along Webster.

Fire Department Mayor Reported: Been busy as usual.

Code and Zoning Mayor Reported: Sending out notices for mowing and other compliance issues.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:45 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 17th, 2021 at 6:50 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Stephen Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Deanna Borrello

Louis Pelletter

Sandy Hornburg

Warren Kelly

Carol Rasmussen, by phone

Anthony Dolce, Observer by phone

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused)

Mayor Hornburg stated the hearing is being held to consider Proposed Local Law #2 of the year 2021. The purpose and intent of this local law is to include the whole Main Street School property known as 60 Main Street, SBL# 49.06-3-43 to be totally zoned as commercial/business.

Public Comment: Deanna Borrello asked what portion of the school property is not zoned as commercial. Mayor Hornburg explained that Main St. and Central Ave. are zoned commercial but the center line distance only goes back so many feet. The school is about two thirds zoned commercial  but the other third and parking lot area is in residential area. Deanna Borrello asked what type of housing is going to be in the building. Mayor stated that it will be senior assisted living housing.

Deanna Borrello asked if anything else would be going into the building. Mayor explained that no outside business will going in the building.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Romanik.

Adjourned at 6:52 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 3rd, 2021 at 7:12 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Village Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Todd Crandall Superintendent of Silver Creek School

Lisa Rohloff Business Official of Silver Creek School

Anthony Dolce (Observer)

Mary Poissant by telephone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the minutes of the April 19th, 2021 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the April 19th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.22, including claims numbered 23351 through 23389 in the amount of $23,588.19 and Abstract No.15 Capital Project (I&I) claim 202 in the amount of $159,536.98 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye.  Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Mary Poissant asked when the minutes on the website would be updated. Mayor Hornburg stated that he would look into it and get them updated.

Todd Crandall and Lisa Rohloff of Silver Creek School presented the budget for the 2021-2022 school year. Todd Crandall announced that they would like to host a community event for welcome back to school and conquering covid in August.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Municipal Shelter Inspection Report as submitted by the Animal Health Inspector with a satisfactory rating.   Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the resolution introducing Local Law #2 of 2021 that would rezone the entire property at 60 Main Street to commercial/business. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt the final tentative budget as the operating budget for fiscal year June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022.

Total Budget: $2,662,856 broken down as:

General Fund: $1,076,890

Water Fund:    $851,761

Sewer Fund:  $734,205

There is no increase to Village Board Salaries.

Tax Rate: 13.310378 (per thousand) which is a decrease of 7.04%

Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the Silver Creek Emergency Squad to proceed with an upgrade to the stretcher for the ambulance through Stryker Medical at a cost of $2459.47. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to close the regular meeting and enter into executive session to discuss a contractual matter. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to close the executive session with no action to be taken and reopen the regular meeting. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The kayak launch is scheduled to be installed on Thursday and thank you to the state for the grant that made it happen. Met with Kevin Cullen of Adventure Sports Development regarding the development of the Hide Away Bay property. There is movement on the development of the Main St. School and will continue to move forward. The Governor is going to start opening things up towards the end of this month and looking forward to see what is going to happen going forward.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Thank you to Marv for organizing the meeting at the Ball Park. It was well attended and many ideas were discussed.

Trustee Cummings – Happy for the turn out. The board and sheriff were able to answer many of the questions.

Trustee Lindstrom – Happy to have the community conversation and excited with the projects that are coming to fruition.

Trustee Barnes –  Thank you to Marv for organizing the meeting, it was an excellent turnout.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nice to see everyone again.

DPW Mayor reported: Preparations for the kayak launch and moving forward with the sidewalk on Webster St.

Fire Department Mayor Reported: The board attended the installation banquet this past Saturday night. It was a pleasant evening.

Code and Zoning Mayor Reported: Both of the areas have been busy.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 8:14 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 19th, 2021 at 6:55 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Village Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Cyndi Sheedy by video

Anthony Dolce (Observer) by video

Caroline Mullen (President of Hanover Little League)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the April 5th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.21, including claims numbered 23313 through 23349 in the amount of $44,032.27, and Abstract No.14 Capital Project (I&I) claim 201 in the amount of $8,591.32 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye.  Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board: Caroline Mullen: Thank you to the Board for the donation. This donation put us over the amount we needed for the hand washing stations. We will use the additional donations for additional stations or water containers.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to donate $1,000 to Hanover Little League towards hand washing stations to be used at the Forestville and Silver Creek ball fields. The donation is being taken from our Youth Recreation budget line 7140.2. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the application of Rodney Brinkman as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department Huntley Hose Company and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the Village of Silver Creek Code Fee Schedule as amended to include an exemption from operating permits for churches. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the application of David Wasmund as a member of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the application of Christopher Manning as a member of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the application of Christine Manning as a member of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the purchase of a shed from Ervin Miller to be placed at the dump site on Old Main Rd. at a cost of $1,198.00. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to renew the agreement with NOCO for natural gas at the variable rate, with a review of the pricing in mid summer. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to allow the Silver Creek School to use the Ball Park Pavilion on Friday May 28th for a 4th grade picnic. The state covid-19 protocol and guidelines must be followed at the time of the event. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion mad by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Silver Creek Fire Department to hold their annual boot drive, and letter campaign, in the coming months and a drive through chicken barbeque on June 25th. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to purchase a replacement computer system to run our security cameras at a cost of $6,956.36 from our parks and recreation reserve account. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The NOCO agreement for natural gas is up for renewal. The fixed rate is at .46 per ccf and the variable is at .1150 per ccf . Chris Doyle has recommended that we go with the variable rate for now and we can review mid summer. We have a request from the school to use the pavilion for a picnic. We have a request from the fire department regarding their annul fund drive and a chicken barbeque. We have a quote from FSC to replace the computer system that runs our security cameras. The work on the sidewalk on Webster St. will resume when weather permits. The water department will remove the hydrant that is not needed and cap the line so they can continue the sidewalk.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – It is nice to see the tennis and pickle ball nets are up and people are using them. The benches that we refinished and placed around the Village look very nice.

Trustee Barnes –  Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: The Town had entered into an agreement with the Sheriff department. The Town of Hanover is now the lead agency and we will enter into an agreement with the Town to provide police protection to the Village.

DPW Mayor reported: The DPW has been out picking up brush. Met with Bob Bankoski to review the damage at the pavilion since it was broken into. The minor damage has been repaired except for the burn mark on the floor where they tried to start a fire. The DPW also replaced some boards on the footbridge the were rotted.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Will be repairing some hydrants.

Planning Board Donna Metzger reported: The planning board met the end of last month. We have split up into two committees, one to review code (mainly property maintenance and sidewalks), and the other to work on the LWRP.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported:

ZBA Clerk reported: Application for a variance hearing scheduled for Wednesday at 7pm.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:20 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 19th, 2021 at 6:45 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                             Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Stephen Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:                           Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:               Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Cyndi Sheedy by video

Anthony Dolce, Observer by video

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused)

Mayor Hornburg stated the hearing is being held for the presentation of the tentative budget for fiscal year June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022. Once again the Village Board Members are not taking a pay increase. There will be pay increases to other departments but we are still in negotiations with the CSEA. We are expecting a reduction of approximately 7.48% from last year. The brings the tax rate from 14.03 to 13.31. This is mainly due to the board working to dissolve the Village Court, the LED Lighting program has decreased our street light charges by about 50%, and we have been able to receive some savings on the Sheriff contract for the upcoming year. I would like to thank the board for their time and effort in putting this tentative budget together. We will adopt the final operating budget on May 3rd.

Public Comment: No One Spoke.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Romanik.

Adjourned at 6:52 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 5th, 2021 at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:  Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent: Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present: Village Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Bill Kuppel by telephone

Caroline Mullen (President of Little League)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the March 15th, 2021 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the March 15th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.19, including claims numbered 23258 through 23267 in the amount of $17,614.37, Abstract No. 20, including claims numbered 23268 through 23312 in the amount of $70,786.87, and Abstract No.13 Capital Project (I&I) claim 200 in the amount of $2,443.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye.  Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Caroline Mullen, Little League President: The little league will be proceeding with a baseball season this year and will follow Covid-19 guidelines. As part of the protocol we will need hot water hand washing stations. We will have to purchase two of them for the fields in Forestville. We are asking for a donation from both the Village and Town to assist in the cost.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to table the request of the school band and chorus to use the ball park for a concert on June 2nd, 2021. We will need to research the Covid-19 protocol in order to safely proceed with approval. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the membership application of Duane Carry-Moccasin as an active EMT for the Silver Creek Emergency Squad.   Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to accept the membership application of Aaron Weiskerger as an active member of the Silver Creek Emergency Squad.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Hanover Community Chamber of Commerce to hold their 29th annual 14136 area wide yard sale on Saturday July 31st with a rain date of Sunday August 1st, 2021 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. All sales within the Village are required to purchase a $10.00 permit as a fund raiser to the Chamber with any profits to be invested back into the community in the form of educational scholarships and program funding. Also request the rest rooms in the ball park pavilion be available during the sale hours. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the water tap application of Richard and Kari Brennan for 12124 Hanover Road. This approval is contingent upon the approval of water/sewer superintendent David Voigt. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Presented the tentative budget for fiscal year 2021-22 to the Village Clerk to have on file in the office for review. There will be a public hearing on the tentative budget on Monday April 19th at 6:45 pm. The library would like to use the ball park for a reading program, but will have to research Covid-19 protocol and the youth recreation program schedule. The recreation committee will be meeting to discuss the program for this year.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes –  Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: We have one car for Village and Town combined.

DPW Mayor reported: The DPW has been out to sweep the streets for the season and preparing the benches and tables to be put out. Brush will be starting this week if we have the personnel to get it done.

Planning Board Trustee Lindstrom reported: The planning board met last week. Will try to get back to the regular schedule.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Dwayne has been working on violations. Dan passed his certification for Code Enforcement and working on flood mitigation training.

ZBA Clerk reported: Application for a variance submitted, no hearing date set.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:32 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 15th, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Village Clerk : Thomas Postle

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Warren Kelly by video

Bill McFadden by video

Deanna Borrello by video

Jack Sheedy by phone

Anthony Dolce (Observer) by video

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused),  Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the March 1st, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.18, including claims numbered 23219 through 23257 in the amount of $67,155.45, and Abstract No.12  Capital Project (I&I) claim 199 in the amount of $5,671.38 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye.  Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve Local Law #1, 2021 regarding the LWRP as discussed at the public hearing held prior to this meeting. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and  Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the renewal of the certificate of deposit for another 6 months with Evans Bank. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and  Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to table allowing the Hanover Community Chamber of Commerce to hold their 29th annual 14136 area wide yard sale for Saturday July 31st and Sunday August 1st, 2021 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The reason for tabling is to clarify the reason for two days instead of the usual one day sale. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to adopt the resolution recognizing April as Fair Housing Month. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve an ACH payment to Deluxe for a new endorsement stamp used for deposit of check payments to the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the purchase of a P-Lift-50 wheelchair lift for the dining car from Discover Your Mobility at a cost of $3,578. The funds for this purchase were reimbursed by FEMA after the 2009 flood. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  Girl Scout Troop 20221 would like permission to use the Village Square for a drive through cookie booth on Saturday March 20th between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. The DPW has been out cleaning up plow damage. They will be out with the street sweeper after that. Thank you to the DPW for the great job in keeping up with plowing over the winter, especially on the weekends when it seemed to be the most. We need to start thinking about fireworks for the upcoming summer. The Northern Chautauqua Soccer Association has asked permission the use the ball park for soccer over the summer. We will look into this to see if it can be done. We are also looking into the youth recreation program for this summer.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – The fire department has received approval to hold the annual inspection and banquet at the Fireman’s club on May 1st.

Trustee Cummings – Commend the emergency squad for the work they have been doing. Received a call from Eli Franklin requesting permission to rent space at the lot where the old DPW was for two parking spots. Wanted to know if we will be proceeding with the change to LED lights as the town is doing? Mayor Hornburg stated that when the Town is completed, the organization will be coming to the Village to give us a recommendation.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: We are finalizing the contract and changed to have the Town be the lead agency and we will pay the Town.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: I&I should be completed within a week to ten days.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We would like to have a meeting next Monday and get the planning board started up again.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Dan Hogg will be taking his final test this week and will then be certified.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:32 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Public Hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 15th, 2021 at 6:45 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey HornburgTrustee Stephen Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Trustee Bill Barnes (Excused)

Also Present:                          Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Bill McFadden by video

Warren Kelly by video

Deanna Borrello by video

Jack Sheedy by phone

Anthony Dolce, Observer by video

Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Hornburg.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom.  Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused), Attorney Clark (Excused)

Mayor Hornburg stated the hearing is being held to consider Local Law #1 of  2021 which will provide a frame work for the agencies of the Village of Silver Creek to incorporate the policies and purposes contained in the joint Eastern Lake Erie Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), when reviewing application for actions or direct agency actions located within the waterfront revitalization area of the Village of Silver Creek and to assure such actions and direct actions undertaken by village agencies are consistent with the LWRP, policies and purposes.

Public Comment: Donna Metzger stated that the advantage of joining the group is to provide consistency in the way development is done along the Chautauqua County border of the lake and complies with the DEC and EPA.

Motion to close the hearing made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 6:52 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 1st, 2021 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee William Barnes

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                          Village Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Warren Kelly by video

Anthony Dolce (Observer) by video

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Barnes, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Barnes seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the February 1st, 2021 Organizational Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.16, including claims numbered 23129 through 23168 in the amount of $21,411.75, Abstract No. 17, including claims numbered 23169 through 23218 in the amount of $102,677.81, and Abstract No. 11 Capital Project (I&I) claim 198 in the amount of $5,729.62 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye.  Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the Final Silver Creek Court Report for the month of December, 2020. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to introduce proposed Local Law #1 of 2021 entitled Village of Silver Creek Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Review Law, and set a public hearing for March 15th, 2021 at 6:45pm. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Thank you to the DPW, and Water/Sewer for getting us through the worst of the winter. The ice from the mouth of the creek is gone and we should get through without flooding. Thank you to the DPW for keeping the streets open and removal of the snow.

The I&I project is nearing completion.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Thank you to the DPW for keeping streets clear and clearing around the hydrants. Thank you to the residents that cleared the hydrants around their houses as well.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:20 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Organizational Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on February 1st, 2021 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:               Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee Bill Barnes

Absent:             Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:   Clerk Thomas Postle

Anthony Dolce (Observer) – By phone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Swearing in ceremony of Trustee Bill Barnes.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Trustee Barnes. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the January 4th, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings  seconded by Trustee Lindstrom  to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 14, including claims numbered 23050 through 23069  in the amount of $163,701.00, Abstract No. 15, including claims numbered 23070 through 23128 in the amount of $113,579.19, and Abstract No. 10 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 197 in the amount of $7,586.70 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor Hornburg stated the List of Board Assignments will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees. Anyone that would like to view them can stop at the Village Clerk’s Office where they will be on file.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the Board Assignments made by Mayor Hornburg. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one was in attendance.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to table the updated fee schedule effective 2/1/2021. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize GHD to prepare the annual DEC Engineering Report at a cost of $10,000. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to approve the budget transfers recommended by BLB to balance various accounts in the budget through December 31st, 2020. A copy of these will be attached to the minutes as permanent record. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to declare the old land line phones and cell phones as excess equipment to be sold, trashed, or donated. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the Supported Employment Agreement between the Village of Silver Creek and Universal Industries for Brian Thomas.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye.  Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the procurement policy of the Village of Silver Creek as currently in effect and that the Village Board is hereby directed review that procurement policy to make modifications necessary thereto, if any. Trustees Romanik, Cummings,  Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt the Fair Housing Plan for the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to designate the Dunkirk Observer as the official newspaper of the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, circumstances arise that require the Village Board to convene in addition to the scheduled Regular Board Meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in the event of a Special Meeting being called by the Mayor or Trustees, every member of the Village Board shall be informed by telephone, in person or in writing by either the Village Clerk, Mayor or another member of the Board of Trustees of the date, time, location and subject of the Special Meeting; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the meeting shall be given to the Board Members and The Observer and posted at the Village Municipal Building at least 72 hours in advance unless an emergency exists and otherwise as in conformance with the Public Officers Law, and the other laws of the State of New York. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Silver Creek hold regularly scheduled meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the first and third Monday of the month; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in the event that a Regular Meeting date falls on a holiday in which the Village office is closed,  the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the following Tuesday; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Board Workshops will be held in the Municipal Board Room at 172 Central Avenue, Silver Creek NY 14136 as advertised. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Barnes to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that Village Law § 4-412(3)(2) requires the designation of banks or trust companies for the deposit of all village monies;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board designates the following institutions as depository of all moneys received by the village treasurer, clerk, and receiver of taxes: Community Bank, N.A. and Evans Bank. Trustees  Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, there is to be held during the coming official year a) the New York State Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting and Training School; b) the New York State Conference of Mayors and Fall Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerks; c) the New York State Conference of Mayors Public Works School, d) county association meetings; etc.; and

WHEREAS, attendance by certain municipal officials and employees at one or more of these meetings, conferences or schools benefits the municipality; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that officers and employees are authorized to attend these schools and meetings with board approval. Trustees  Romanik, Cummings,  Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage as reimbursement to Village officers and employees who use their personal automobiles while performing their official Village duties; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board will approve reimbursement to such officers and employees at the rate of $0.45 per mile. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to authorize payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges; and

WHEREAS, all such claims must be presented at the next Regular Board Meeting for audit; and

WHEREAS, the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claim are jointly and severally liable for any amount the Village Board disallows. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges.  All such claims must be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claims are jointly and severally liable for any amount the board of trustees disallows. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, Lindstrom, and Barnes voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Buffalo Solar would like to meet with the board to explore the possibility of adding solar panels to some of our buildings to reduce cost and comply with NYS Green Energy Plan.

Eileen Powers of CHRIC has asked if the Village would like to apply for another housing rehab grant to rehab some of the homes on the waiting list.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – The sale of the 2003 ambulance to Chautauqua County  has been finalized and it is stationed at Sheridan Fire Station.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Barnes – Looking forward to working with everyone.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Streets Department Mayor reported: Commend the DPW for snow removal during the last couple of snow events.

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: Contract has not been finalized.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: The repair work on the line on Pleasant View has been completed.

Code Enforcement/Zoning Mayor reported: Dan Hogg and Dwayne Haskins are doing a good job.

Planning Board Mayor reported: Donna Metzger is working on LWRP moving towards having individual committees.

Fire/EMS Mayor reported: Commend the volunteers for the work they do.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on January 4th, 2021 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Trustee William Barnes (Excused)

Also Present:  Village Clerk Thomas Postle

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Trustee Marv Cummings was sworn in by Mayor Hornburg.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Trustee Barnes (Excused),  Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the December 21st, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the December 21st, 2020 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.13, including claims numbered 23021 through 23049 in the amount of $39,568.86, and Abstract No. 9 Capital Project (I&I) claim 196 in the amount of $55,150.89 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye.  Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize NYSEG to install 12 new street lights, change 1 arm, and install 3 new poles, arms, and lights in various areas of the Village.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of November, 2020.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the Village Clerk to sign the renewal of the annual agreement with Key Power Systems for preventative maintenance on the generator. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom that effective January 1, 2021 the Village of Silver Creek Court has been abolished. All active cases and pending tickets will be transferred to the Town of Hanover Court. The Village of Silver Creek will maintain all disposed cases and records for the duration of their retention periods. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to pay the renewal of the Explorers charter at a cost of $812.00 from account 3410.65. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to cancel the January 18th, 2021 Village Board Meeting in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  Commend the DPW for the snow removal over the holiday weekend. The Water/Sewer department worked over the weekend keeping the plant running after a pump failed.

We still intend putting a night shift on for the DPW. With the court being dissolved all of the cases will move to the Town. Judge Pearl has retired and Colleen McKenna will move into the clerk’s office. The new contract with the sheriff will be completed soon.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Romanik – Now that court is dissolved we should remove the phone and fax lines.

Trustee Cummings – The sale of the 2003 ambulance should be complete this week. The explorers need to renew their charter at a cost of $812 and would like it to be paid by the Village.

Trustee Lindstrom – Thank you to Trustee Cummings for stepping up and serving another two years.

Trustee Barnes – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Dan is continuing with his training and trying to catch up on fire and rental inspections.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:25 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 21st, 2020 at 6:50 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:       Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee John Burt

Absent:   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:   Thomas Postle (Clerk)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the December 7th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.12, including claims numbered 22980 through 23020 in the amount of $41,026.62, and Abstract No. 8 Capital Project (I&I) claim 195 in the amount of $1,169.10 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Trustee Burt abstained. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one was in attendance in person, by video, or telephone during this meeting.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Colleen McKenna as part time Deputy Clerk/Deputy Treasurer effective 1/4/2021. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to contract with Team EJP to repair the water leak in the Pleasant View district at a cost not to exceed $10,000. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Thank you to the DPW for the work in the Village Square. We are done with leaves and brush for the season. The I&I project has been delayed while waiting for materials to come in mid January. We have the chair lift picked out for the dining car, and  we should get it on order so it is ready for installation in the spring. The fire department had their annual parade around town with the decorated trucks. It has been a pleasure working with Trustee John Burt over the last 5 years and wish him the best in the future.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt –  There is a water leak in the Pleasant View area that needs to be contracted out to repair. The water is coming up to the road surface and will need to keep the area salted if the temps are freezing. It has no shut off in that location and will have to be repaired under pressure.

Trustee Romanik – We were informed that Lake Shore Hospital is for sale.

Trustee Cummings –  Ambulance 171 has been sold to the County and will be delivered on Wednesday. Welcome to Bill Barnes and look forward to working with him.

Trustee Lindstrom – The Village Square and Ball Park Pavilion both look good. Thank you to John Burt for your years of dedication to the Village and all I have learned from you.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Dept. Mayor reported: The contract has not been signed yet. Waiting for Councilman Feldman or Ashley to sign it.

Court Mayor reported:  Had a meeting with Justice Pearl regarding the transferring of the records and cases to the Town.

Planning Board Trustee Lindstrom reported: Not sure if the planning board will be meeting next week.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:20 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December

7th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg Trustee Steve Romanik Trustee Marv Cummings Trustee Sandra Lindstrom Trustee John Burt

Absent:     Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:      Sandy Hornburg by telephone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the November 16th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.11, including claims numbered 22931 through 22978 in the amount of $200,540.21, and Abstract No. 7 Capital Project (I&I) claim 194 in the amount of $3,277.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Burt, Romanik, Cummings

and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board: No One Spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the application of Austin Wood as a member of the Silver Creek Hook & Ladder Company and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to introduce Proposed Local Law No. 1 of 2020 that would grant tax exemption to the Village of Silver Creek residents pursuant to Section 421-f of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York. Residential buildings reconstructed, altered, or improved subsequent to the effective date of this local law shall be exempt from taxation and special ad valorem levies to the extent provided hereinafter. A public hearing will be held on December 21st, 2020 at 6:45 pm. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the Dog Control Officer Inspection Report completed on 11/10/2020. All of the DCO services were rated as satisfactory. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the fire protection renewal contract between the Town of Hanover and the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom votine aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The Polar Bear Swim has been postponed until January 9th, 2022. Thank you to the water/sewer department for helping out and picking up leaves when the DPW was out on quarantine, and Thank you to the DPW for coming back and finishing their tasks so quickly. The Village Park has been decorated for Christmas. The Ball Park Pavilion garage doors have been installed.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – The forms that are set for concrete on Webster should be taken down if they will not be pouring this year. Tnistee Cummings stated that they are supposed to pour it this week.

Trustee Romanik – If the AUD is done, can we meet with BLB to go over it. When court is done, we need to have the board room painted.

Trustee Cummings – The fire department would lilce to move the explorers away from the Boy Scouts and have them under the Village as a Junior Firefighter organization. The county came to look at the ambulance regarding lettering, so the sale will be moving forward as soon as possible.

Trustee Lindstrom – Has anyone heard how the Christmas in the Park went? Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: The I&I project was delayed due to backorder on supplies. Should complete by mid January. The dam cleaning project at the reservoir has been completed by Kravitz Tree Service, and the water/sewer department did repairs to the spillway.

Sheriff Dept. Mayor reported: We are in negotiations for the upcoming contract renewal. Court Mayor reported: The court will be done at the end of the month.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:25 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 16th, 2020 at 7:03 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:           Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee John Burt

Absent:        Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:

Sandy Hornburg by telephone

Bill Kuppel by telephone

Mary Poissant by telephone

Natasha Matteliano (Observer) by telephone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the November 2nd, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 10, including claims numbered 22900 through 22930 in the amount of $107,711.74, and Abstract No. 6 Capital Project (I&I) claims 192 & 193 in the amount of $22,630.55 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Bill Kuppel: The drainage at Jefferson and Front Street is still a problem. Is there any relief available for the shore line damage after the last storm.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize the clerk to sign the agreement with Young Explosives to secure the date of July 3rd, with a rain date of July 5th, 2020 for the Village Fireworks Display. The contract can be cancelled if we are unable to have the celebration. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize the Mayor to sign the renewal agreement with NOCO for electric service. The current rate is $.00550. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Christmas in the Park on Saturday December 5th, 202 from noon to 3:00 pm in the Village Square. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the months of, September & October 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  Thank you to the water/sewer department for picking up leaves over the weekend with the absence of the DPW. There was some flooding on Front street during the last storm. The plow trucks are ready for snow.  The former Hide Away Bay property has been sold to Adventure Sports and Tundo Construction. The Clerk’s Office will be closed on Tuesday & Wednesday of this week due to illness and Treasurer attending training.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – The Small Business Saturday program is on November 28th.

Trustee Cummings –  Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom –  Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:30 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 2nd, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee John Burt

Absent:    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:  Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Corey Bistoff

Mary Poissant by telephone

Natasha Matteliano (Observer) by telephone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Moment of silence in honor of Village of Fredonia Trustee Roger Pacos.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the October 19th, 2020 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the October 19th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 9, including claims numbered 22871 through 22896 in the amount of $252,711.67  following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No One Spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the vacant lot formerly known as Revere Inn from Chautauqua County. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the budget transfers recommended by BLB to balance various accounts in the budget through September 30th, 2020. A copy of these will be attached to the minutes as permanent record. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the Annual Checklist for Review of Justice Court Records as reviewed by Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  The DPW repaired the drainage at Front Street upon the recommendation of Randy Woodbury (engineer).  Leaves only being picked up as long as weather allows. The last heavy metal pick up for the season will be on November 25th. I had the opportunity to assist the Kiwanis with the trunk or treat program in the Village Square and want to note that just about all of the children were polite and said thank you.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Reminder that overnight parking ban begins November 15th. NYSEG did install the street light at 107 Main Street and trimmed the trees around it.

Trustee Cummings – Thank the Kiwanis for trunk or treat. The DPW is still going to try and get the sidewalk project done on Webster from Dickinson to the football entrance gate.

Trustee Lindstrom – Dan Hogg attended the planning board meeting last week. The children and parents that came to my house for trick or treat were very polite.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused)

DPW Mayor reported: Leaves only as long as weather permits.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: I&I project is on schedule.

Sheriff Department Mayor reported:  Full time car until November 15th.

Fire Department Mayor reported: Thank you to the fire department for bringing the ladder truck out for all to see on Halloween.

Court Mayor reported: The court will be moved to the Town of Hanover in January.

ZBA Clerk Postle reported: The ZBA has a public hearing on Thursday night regarding a variance.

Planning Board Trustee Lindstrom reported: Very positive meeting. Dan Hogg had information to share and will be working with the planning board on updates.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:16 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 19th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee John Burt

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Bill Kuppel

Corey Bistoff

Mary Poissant by telephone

Natasha Matteliano (Observer) by telephone

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the October 5th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Trustee Burt Abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings  to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 8, including claims numbered 22825 through 22870 in the amount of $35,017.29 and Abstract No. 5  Capital Project (I&I) claim number 190  in the amount of $2,499.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No One Spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the application of Layla Bartram as a member of the Silver Creek Hook & Ladder Company and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the application of Brandon Nolan as a member of the Silver Creek Hook & Ladder Company and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the application of Sarah Sheldon as a member of the Silver Creek Hook & Ladder Company and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the Cable Television Franchise Agreement between the Village of Silver Creek and Spectrum Northeast, LLC as discussed at the Public Hearing held prior to this meeting. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept and award the bid from Overhead Door Company of Jamestown for the installation of two new insulated garage doors for the Ball Park Pavilion in the amount of $3200. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  Meeting with Bob and Randy Woodbury from Dunkirk to look at the drainage issue on Front Street. Trick or Treat is from 4:00pm – 7:00pm on Halloween with the Kiwanis parade at 4:30pm from the fire hall to the Village Square. Started last brush pick up for the season, and will start leaves only going forward. The last heavy metal pick up will be the last Wednesday of November.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – We will be getting a few additional street lights on Dickinson Street. Need to consider having trees trimmed that are around the lights. NYSEG will only trim if they interfere with the power lines.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Four trees have been planted in the Village Square purchased from Glen Acres Nursery, Two Variegated Maple, one Sycamore, and one Crimson King Maple. Special thanks to Warren Kelly, Dave Voigt, Bob Bankoski, and Michael Pagano.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused)

DPW Mayor reported: The fountain has been shut down for the year. Bob would like to get the sidewalks completed on Webster Street.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: I&I project is on schedule. There is some additional areas to be repaired or relined that were discovered. Some of the manholes on Main Street need to be repaired.

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: We have our full time car until November 15th. Currently negotiating a new contract for the next year.

Court Mayor reported: Court is being held three times per month with limited capacity.

Code and Zoning Enforcement Mayor reported: Pleased with the progress of Dan Hogg. Dwayne Haskin has several cases to be heard in court.

ZBA: One application for a variance has been filed, no hearing date set yet.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Next meeting is scheduled for October 26th at 7:00pm.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:20 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 5th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Attorney Peter Clark

Absent:                                   Trustee John Burt

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Bill Kuppel

Janet Harmon

Tom Harmon

Mary Poissant

Corey Bistoff

Natasha Matteliano (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Attorney Clark. Absent: Trustee Burt.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the September 21st, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom  to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 7, including claims numbered 22793 through 22824 in the amount of $40,533.09 and Abstract No. 4 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 189 in the amount of $423,646.04 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Janet Harmon, Tom Harmon, Mary Poissant (representing Kiwanis): Kiwanis requesting Halloween Parade and trunk or treat in the Village Square.

Bill Kuppel: Asked the status of the drainage at Jefferson. Mayor stated that an engineer will be coming down to look at it this week.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to hold a public hearing on October 19th at 6:45pm regarding the Franchise Cable Agreement between the Village of Silver Creek and Spectrum Northeast, LLC. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the setting of Halloween Trick or Treat hours for Saturday October 31st, 2020 from 4:00pm – 7:00pm and allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis to hold their annual parade from the fire hall to the Village Square. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept and approve the bid of Kravitz Tree Service for the Silver Creek Reservoir Dam Vegetation Removal project.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve a notice to Village of Silver Creek Residents concerning water billing and the Covid-19 State of Emergency.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the Collector’s Report of Unpaid Village Taxes as presented by the Village Treasurer Kaitlin Murray in the amount of $113,429.45. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Attorney Clark has drafted a letter advising the residents of Lake Rd that are now on the North County Water District that they do owe their final charges to us. Remind all parents and children to use common sense and be safe during Halloween trick or treating. The County is requesting a certificate of need to assist areas that don’t have an emergency squad.

The final brush pick up will be the week of October 19th, and after that we will then switch over to leaves. We will not pick up leaves with sticks mixed in. Our last metal pick up will be on the last Wednesday of November and not resume until March.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt –  Absent.

Trustee Romanik – Our new code enforcement officer has been doing a good job. Asked Tom Harmon what is the status of the occupancy tax. Tom stated that the county has just began the budget process, but so far not looking as bad as originally thought.

Trustee Cummings – Commended the Fire department for the dedication program for the new ladder truck and ambulance. DPW has completed the paving projects for the season and thank you to Hanover, Dunkirk and Silver Creek DPW’s for the assistance. The Silver Creek/Hanover Garden Club will be holding a basket raffle on Oct. 24th.

Trustee Lindstrom – The Garden Club has done  a great job around the Village and deserve our support. The new trees for the square are here and will be planted mid October.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported:  Couple of leaks have been repaired. The I&I is moving smooth and on schedule.

Sheriff Department Mayor reported:  Have been meeting with the Town regarding the shared contract.

Fire Department Mayor reported: The department will be at the school on Wednesday for fire prevention week.

Court Mayor reported: Will operate until the end of the year as well as they can with the restrictions.

Code and Zoning Enforcement Mayor reported: They are working together and are doing well with what can be done at this time.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Have given some proposals to the attorney for review.

County Legislator Tom Harmon: Thank you for having me at your meeting.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on September 21st, 2020 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:  Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:         Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Village Clerk Thomas Postle

Also Present:Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Bill Kuppel

Caroline Mullen

Natasha Matteliano (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused)

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the September 8th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom  to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 6, including claims numbered 22752 through 22792 in the amount of $57,736.52, and Abstract No. 3 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 182 in the amount of $3,868.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Caroline Mullen: Improvements made to the ball fields in Silver Creek and Forestville, resurfaced the fields, new siding to the buildings on Ward Ave., rebuilt a flower box behind concession stand that the Silver Creek/Hanover Garden Club will take care of.

Bill Kuppel: Issue of the drain same as last meeting. Mayor replied that it is being looked into.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of August, 2020.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to accept the quote from Guarcello’s Plumbing for replacement of the air conditioning unit for the upstairs meeting room of the fire hall at a cost not to exceed $3,700. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to deactivate the water accounts from Lake Road. They are now on the North County Water District. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize and approve the  resolution for issuance of a payment in the amount of $5,200 for the Village’s portion of the cost incurred in the construction of a roof extension of the Village Pavilion with the Town of Hanover. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to approve payment of $4,354.60 as the Village’s portion for the kayak launch and installation obtained through a county grant.   Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the bid of $47,500 from Haworth Volunteer Fire Department for the 1999 Freightliner Engine 172 Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Please complete your census if not already done. It is important that we are counted correctly for the Village to be eligible for Federal money that may be available. Village and Town Sheriff contract is being completed. Would like thoughts regarding trick or treating and remind all that Halloween is on a Saturday this year and bring up next meeting.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Received an offer for the 1999 Freightliner. Thank you for the work done at ball fields.

Trustee Lindstrom –  Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused)

DPW Mayor reported: Paving was started, that includes North Main St., Newton St., Lake Ave. and Lake Ave Ext. with weather permitting there are plans for installation of a sidewalk by the high school.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: I&I project about 60% done and on schedule.

Sheriff Department Mayor reported:

Court Mayor reported: Court is open and backlogged on cases and will take time to catch up.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Hired Dan Hogg for code and he is working with John Good in training. Dan will be taking classes to become certified. Now that court is open again, Dwayne Haskins has a list of zoning violations that will be coming to court.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Webinar for training of members. Working with Peter Clark regarding the proposals on lighting and property maintenance. Next Planning Board Meeting will be on the 28th of September.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:35 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on September 8th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:  Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present: Clerk, Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Bill Kuppel

This is the first meeting with public (in limited capacity) allowed since the beginning of the

Covid-19 pandemic began.

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the August 3rd, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings  to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 4, including claims numbered 22661 through 22682 in the amount of $67,837.78, Abstract No. 5 including claims numbered 22683 through 22751 in the amount of $100,683.22 and Abstract No. 2 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 187 &188 in the amount of $74,747.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Bill Kuppel: The drain at the end of the street is filled up with debris. The situation is worse than it was prior to the work that DPW did. There was a ditch that worked pretty well and that was taken out and filled in. The problem has not been corrected.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the following Budget Transfers:

$192 from A1990.4 Special Items – Contingent, to A3410.4 Fire Protection Contractual.

$900 from A7550.41 Programs for the aged, to A7550.42 Senior Citizens.

$43   from A8760.41 Emergency Disaster – Telephone, to A8760.0 Emergency Disaster Other.

$165 from A1990.0 Contingent, to A3410.4 Fire Protection other.

Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the following budget modification to increase the General Fund 2020-2021 expenditure budget by $25,000 which represents Fire Equipment Reserve monies used for half of the purchase of the 1997 fire truck. This will increase accounts A3410.21 Fire Protection Equipment – other and decrease Fire Equipment Reserve Fund Balance. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of July, 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Festival of Grapes to use the Ball Park Pavilion for a meeting on October 6th, 2020 from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to refund $93.22 to each of the following outside water service charges: Acct. 06-0415 , 1840 Lake Rd. and Acct. 06-0280, 1939 Lake Rd. They were on the North County Water Line prior to the billing cycle. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to hire Daniel Hogg as part time code enforcement officer effective August 18th, 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to financially support Region 9 Construction towards a structural conditions assessment investigation at 60 Main Street (Main Street School).  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: Eileen Powers with CHRIC advised that they are waiting for applications to be returned and should be able to cover between 9 and 12 homes in the Village. She wants to apply for another grant when this one is completed. The DPW is doing a great job in catching up on the work around the Village. The will be paving North Main and Newton Streets, and possibly Lake Ave including the extension.  The kayak launch that is being obtained through a county grant will be installed soon. The Petri project will still be moving forward.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – There will be a dedication of the new ladder truck and ambulance on September 29th at 6:00pm.

Trustee Cummings – The new radio for the ambulance has finally been installed and operational. Working on a pre hospital mutual aid agreement with the Seneca Nation similar to what we have with County EMS.

Trustee Lindstrom – The trees should be planted the last week in September or beginning of October.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: As soon as a clean copy of the proposed cable contract is received, we will have a public hearing on it for adoption.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: We have a bid proposal request out for removal of the overgrowth at the reservoir dam. Before the reservoir can be sold we will need a dam inspection by the DEC. The I&I project is going along strong.

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: We are working on the Village and Town mutual agreement with the Sheriff.

Court Mayor reported: The voted to dissolve the Village Court and no petition was submitted, so the court will be finished December, 31 2020 and all cases will go to the Town of Hanover.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We will be meeting September 28th.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:45 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 3rd, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:    Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:     Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:   Clerk, Thomas Postle

Natasha Matteliano (Observer)

This meeting was held by WebEx video conference.

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom.  Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the July 6th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 2, including claims numbered 22581 through 22596 in the amount of $143,166.85, Abstract No. 3 including claims numbered 22597 through 22659 in the amount of $141,783.52, and Abstract No. 1 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 181 in the amount of $3,100.20 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye, Trustee Burt Abstained. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of June, 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik that Records Retention and Disposition Schedule LGS-1, issued pursuant to Article 57-A of the Arts & Cultural Affairs Law, and containing legal minimum retention periods for local government records, is hereby adopted for use by all officers in legally disposing of valueless records listed therein. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Silver Creek Fire Department to hold a Boot Drive sometime in August, and a Chicken BBQ in September.     Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to renew our CAP membership through Southern Tier West for 2020 in the amount of $150. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to hire Samuel Braidich as a seasonal laborer to replace Sam Mullen who returned to school. This appointment is effective Tuesday August 4th, 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to send letters to the Town of Sheridan and the Town of Dunkirk informing them that the Village of Silver Creek Emergency Squad will no longer respond to calls outside of the territory of its certificate of need. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the water tap application of David Hauser for 1310 Blanding Road. The location for the tap has been approved by Superintendent Dave Voigt. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments: The clerk’s office will reopen tomorrow Tuesday Aug. 4th at 8am. The door will remain locked and entry will be by appointment or knock on the door, with mask required and only one person at a time. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday September 8th due to the Labor Day Holiday on Monday. We can have approximately 11 people total at our meeting and will be scheduled by calling the clerks office on a first come first serve basis.  Will be meeting with the Town of Hanover regarding the enhanced police protection contract. The food program at the school through Chautauqua Opportunities is going well.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Waiting for one part to complete the radio installation in the new ambulance. DPW will be milling and paving Newton St. mid August, and paving Lake Ave.

Trustee Lindstrom – The mobile food pantry by FeedMore WNY was a success.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: The I&I project is ongoing.

DPW Mayor reported: Paving Buffalo and Adams Streets this week.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Interviewed Daniel Hogg for the Code Enforcement position.

Court Mayor reported: Now that the office is open, the court will open soon.

Planning Board: Mayor will contact Donna Metzger to advise they can start meeting again.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:34 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on July 6th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:          Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:            Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:  Clerk, Thomas Postle

Warren Kelly (by Phone)

Sandy Hornburg (by Phone)

Natasha Matteliano (Observer)

Mark Overall Buffalo Solar Solutions (by Phone)

This meeting was held by WebEx video conference.

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom.  Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the June 15th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 1, including claims numbered 22554 through 22579 in the amount of $91,237.57 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Mark Overall – Buffalo Solar Solutions – Presented a proposal for energy saving program with NYSERTA. That would include changing to LED lighting and using solar energy to offset costs. Will contact the Mayor to schedule a date to meet.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the resolution to abolish the Justice Court of the Village of Silver Creek, subject to permissive referendum as required by law.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve payment for a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado purchased on state bid for the DPW in the amount of $40,163.25 as budgeted.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the application of Samantha Lau as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department as approve by the Board of Fire Wardens.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign the Municipal Solutions Inc. contract for an additional 24 months. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to upgrade Theodore Braidich to MEO, effective June 29th, 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to pursue options for the purchase of trees for the Village Park. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  The 24th annual Laurel Run will be a virtual event, with the gazebo being used  for distribution of tee shirts. Feedmore WNY will hold another drive through food pantry on July 27th from 11am to 1pm.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Met with Turnbull Nursery for recommendation on trees for the Village Park. We would like to add four trees, and will have another nursery quote as well for price comparison.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: We will be de-commissioning the lower reservoir, and it will become a creek. Repaired several water leaks, working on manhole repairs. The damn at the upper reservoir  has to be inspected by the DEC, but repairs need to be made prior.

DPW Mayor reported:  Paved the track at the ball park. Fire escapes have been painted, and summer laborers have been keeping the Village properties mowed.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Received two applications for code enforcement office that will  reviewed.

Fire Department Mayor reported: The new ladder truck will be here tonight.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:30 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 15th, 2020 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:              Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:    Clerk, Thomas Postle

Caroline Mullen (by Phone)

Sandy Hornburg (by Phone)

Natasha Matteliano (Observer)

Bill Kuppel (by Phone)

This meeting was held by WebEx video conference.

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom.  Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the June 1st, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment   of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 21, including claims numbered 22483 through 22553 with the exception of claim number22490 in the amount of $211,661.99, and Abstract No. 11 Capital Project (I&I) claims 185 & 186 in the amount of $3,102.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Caroline Mullen President of Hanover Little League: Advised the board that people have been letting their dogs run unleashed at the little league field on Ward Ave. Wants to know what can be done to stop it, and could the Village look into creating a dog park. The idea of locking the gates or signs was discussed. The board will discuss and come up with a solution.

Bill Kuppel: Asked if the work on the beach at Borrello Park was complete. Mayor Hornburg advised that it was. Bill Kuppel: Advised that the planning board did review the possibility of having a dog park and at this time it has been set aside.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the hiring of Michael Pagano, Noah Restivo, and Samuel Mullen as summer laborers in the water/sewer, and DPW.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of May, 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to cancel the July 20th, and August 17th, 2020 regular board meetings.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor’s Comments:  There will be a virtual pre construction meeting for the I&I priority 4  project on Thursday June 18th at 8:30 am. FeedMore of WNY will be holding a mobile food pantry on Monday June 22, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Village  Hall parking lot.

The kayak launch will be installed by the end of July, which was obtained through a grant.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Trustee Cummings and myself went to the County Emergency Services and picked up hand sanitizer, masks, gloves, and face shields to distribute to the local businesses as they prepare for reopening. Any Village business can contact the clerk’s office to request these supplies.

Trustee Cummings –  The rip rap beach project is complete and the cost came in under budget. The total cost $40,333.49, included 33 loads of rock, and repaired 395 ft of frontage. The Borrello Park area had 222 ft. repaired and the Firehouse had 173 ft. repaired. The project could not have been done without the assistance of the County DPF, Silver Creek DPW, Dave Span of County Water & Soil, and the DEC issuing the permits to allow the work to be done.

The radio for the new ambulance has arrived and will be installed

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Working on the lower reservoir along with the County Soil &Water department and S. Tabone through a grant. They are decommissioning it and will also install elevators so the fish can make it up stream. They will be removing the damn, and all structures on the property, installed a bridge and an access road with the assistance of the Silver Creek DPW. They are also making repairs to the spillway at the upper reservoir.

DPW Mayor reported: Painted the fire escapes, working in the ball park touching up light poles. Brush pick up is this week. Repairs being made in the playground area. The tennis and pickle ball courts are set up.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:32 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 1st, 2020 at 7:03 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:          Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:          Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present: Clerk, Thomas Postle

Jim Tytka Jr. (by Phone)

Sandy Hornburg (by Phone)

Natasha Matteliano (Observer)

Warren Kelly (by Phone)

This meeting was held by WebEx video conference.

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom.  Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the May 18th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the May 18th, 2020 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment   of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 20, including claims numbered 22464 through 22482  in the amount of $13,682.66, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke at this teleconference  meeting.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to postpone the Youth Recreation Program for this summer of 2020.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the bid for a street sweeper from CYNCON of Rush, NY of $65,000, contingent upon approval by the DPW Superintendent Bob Bankoski, and Trustee John Burt, and after the demonstration. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the proposals from Roger Gloss and Joey K’s Landscaping for mowing zombie properties in the Village. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the purchase of a used 1998 Simon Duplex ladder truck from Woodlawn Volunteer Fire Company, in the amount of $50,000 with the understanding that the truck must be stored on Village Property. Payment of $25,000 upon delivery and $25,000 next year. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to authorize transfers from un-appropriated fund balance to various reserve account in the amount of $240,604.89. Detail of the transfers will be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the Silver Creek Court Reports for the months of March and April, 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to declare Engine E-172 as surplus equipment and authorize the fire department to advertise it for sale after board approval. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to contact Turnbull Nursery and request the service of their arborist to recommend tress for our Village Square and Ball Park area. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow FeedMore of WNY to hold a mobile food pantry in the Village parking lot at a date and time to be determined. The DPW will supply traffic cones to assist in the distribution. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve hiring one summer laborer for the water/sewer department and two for the DPW. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the purchase of a John Deere loader that has been  quoted with trade in of our current loader. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments:  FeedMore of WNY would like to have a free food pantry. Advertised for a Code Enforcement Officer. Will be hiring summer laborers for the water/sewer and DPW departments.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt –  Checked out the building at 271 Central Ave. (Spencer Alley), and the wall looks bowed and the upstairs is open and not secured. The area needs to be cleaned up.

Trustee Romanik –  Wondered what the status of 25 Park Place is. Mayor stated that he spoke to John Good to send a citation notice to the owner. The town has a new fuel system and the Village Sheriff car will have their own key so we will be billed for what we use instead of splitting it with the town.

Trustee Cummings –  What is the status of the new pick up truck for the DPW? Discussion between board regarding concluding that the loader is more of a priority than the truck at this time. The beach project is done and we would like to have a photo done on Thursday. Thank you to the County, the DPW, the DEC for permits. The radio for the ambulance should be delivered soon to the clerks office. Joe Hamlet is going to only allow the Village to dump on the property and gates will be installed.

Trustee Lindstrom – Been watching the work at the beach and it looks nice. Discussion regarding the completion of the windows for upstairs of the municipal building. Is there any word regarding the Laurel Run.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer:  Working on raising and sealing manholes in preparation of the I&I Project.

DPW: Is back at full staff. Will be painting fire escapes soon.

Sheriff: 24/7 Village car until November 15th.

Court Mayor reported: Judge Pearl was advised that the Village Court may not open until late July at earliest.

Fire Department: Jim Tytka Jr. Thank the Village Board for working with the fire department on the purchase of the ladder truck. We will be starting the annual fund drive in June.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:50 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 18th, 2020 at 7:10 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:             Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:            Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:  Clerk, Thomas Postle

Brandyn Griewisch (by Phone)

Sandy Hornburg (by Phone)

This meeting was held by zoom video conference.

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom.  Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the May 4th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment   of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 19, including claims numbered 22431 through 22463  in the amount of $26,217.69, and Abstract No. 10 Capital Project (I&I) claims 183 &184 in the amount of $6,428.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke at this teleconference  meeting.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt a resolution of authorization to submit a grant application to the NYS Office of Community Renewal for Community Development Block Grant Funding. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to cancel the Silver Creek Fireworks display that is scheduled for July 3rd, due to the ongoing pandemic and erosion of the beach. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to accept the application of Jordan Naudasher as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Silver Creek Fire Department to conduct their annual letter campaign in the month’s of June and July. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: We have opened for phase 1, and have written a policy for Covid 19. It is great news regarding the return of Petri’s.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt –  Nothing other than great news to hear Petri will be back.

Trustee Romanik – Anything the board can do to assist in the Petri return.

Trustee Cummings – Welcome Petri back. The rip rap project at the lake front is about 50% complete. Thank you to the County highway department, and the Silver Creek DPW for all of the work they have been putting into the project. It is National EMS week and I would like to thank the Silver Creek Emergency Squad  for all they do.

Trustee Lindstrom –  Exciting news the hear the Petri is coming back to Silver Creek.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Water/Sewer:  Working on manholes and drops for the I&I project.

Sheriff:  Started on the 15th with our full time car.

Court: The court is still closed, but Colleen will be working in a minimal capacity.

Code Enforcement: Permit activity has been increasing.

Zoning: Notices are going out for property maintenance, unlicensed vehicles, and other violations.

Fire Department Chief Brandyn Griewisch: We have been offered a deal on a 1998 ladder truck for $50K. They will take $25K on delivery and the balance of $25K next year. It has 15,000 miles.  The fire department has looked it over and would like to purchase it. Discussion between Brandyn, Mayor Hornburg and Trustees regarding the storage of it, and the possible sale of E172.

E172 is worth $50 to $60K, due to the fact that it is stainless steel, but it only seats two. So we don’t use it as often. The fire department has acquired the former American Massage building and would be able to store it there. At some point this would be a good place to have a new fire hall built. Mayor Hornburg will have to research the insurance coverage to store it in a non Village owned building. It would be possible to store it at the DPW building and move some equipment from there to the fire hall or squad building. The main concern of the entire board would be the storage of the truck.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 8:11pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 4th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:      Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee John Burt by Phone

Absent:    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:   No one was allowed to attend in person due to the COVID-19 virus.

Note: his meeting was held by teleconference.

Natasha Matteliano – Observer by ph

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Burt, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the April 20th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the April 30th, 2020 Special Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings,

and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment   of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 18, including claims numbered 22413 through 22428  in the amount of $178,470.21, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke at this teleconference  meeting.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve a resolution fixing date and notice for the public hearing for Community Development Block Grant Application.   Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments:   Silver Creek Kiwanis Club has postponed Children’s Fair until October 3rd, 2020. The Grape Festival has been cancelled for this year. The Garden Faire has been cancelled for this year. I was contacted by Virginia Miller of Lake Shore Child Care advising that there will be a parade on Friday beginning in the south towns and ending in Irving at Lake Shore Child Care. The parade is to bring awareness of child care centers in the area.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – The progress at Borrello Park is making good progress. I was contacted by Mike Pagano regarding an electrical pole in the ball park that is in danger of falling because of the erosion of the creek bank.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Noting at this time. Commented that the project at Borrello Park is off to a good start.

Trustee Lindstrom –  Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused)

Water/Sewer: Fixing the drops in preparation of the I&I Project Priority 4.

DPW: Brush pick up this week.

Sheriff: Will have our dedicated car effective May 15th.

Fire Department: Mayor Hornburg stated we appreciate all of the work the volunteers do for us.

Code Enforcement: Has been a little slow.

Zoning: Has been sending notices out regarding mowing, trash and other violations.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:20pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Special Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 30th, 2020  in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                  Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt (By Phone)

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:              Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:   Thomas Postle, Clerk

Natasha Matteliano – Observer (By Phone)

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Prsent: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the current tentative budget as the operating budget for fiscal year June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021.

Total budget: $2,664,242 broken down as:

General Fund amount to be raised by taxes: $1,123,240

Water Fund: $827,421

Sewer Fund: $713,581

There is no increase to Village Board Salaries.

Tax Rate: 14.030553 per Thousand. Which is a decrease of 2.47%.

Roll Call Vote: Trustees  Burt, Romanik, and Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor Hornburg thanked the Board for all of the work and effort they all put in to the budget.

Trustee Romanik:  Very good effort between the Board and Mayor and we were able to reduce the tax rate without using reserve funds.

Trustee Lindstrom: I concur with Trustee Romanik.

Trustee Cummings: Would like to thank Trustee Romanik and Mayor Hornburg for the guidance through the budget process.

Trustee Burt: I would echo all comments, it was a good effort by all involved.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned  at 3:40 pm  T

Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 20th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee John Burt by Phone

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:   No one was allowed to attend in person due to the COVID-19 virus.

Note:               This meeting was held by teleconference.

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Burt, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the April 6th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the payment   of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 17, including claims numbered 22371 through 22408  in the amount of $49,674.23, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No public comment was allowed at this meeting.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to award the Sanitary Sewer Repairs Priority 4 Project bid to National Water Main Cleaning Co. in the amount of $919,180.00 contingent upon availability of project funding and review by Village Counsel, per the recommendation of GHD Engineers. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the budget transfers & modifications recommended by BLB to balance various accounts in the budget through March, 2020. A copy of the these will be attached to the minutes as permanent record. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments:  Received the notice for bids on the sweeper from Peter Clark. We need to decide on a due date. The due date will be May 6th, and we will read them on May 7th. I also received the letters of intent for the Silverado and John Deere. Spoke with a construction firm regarding flood mitigation which  is a preliminary step.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom –  Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused)

Sheriff: Will have two cars effective May 15th.

DPW: Brush pick up this week.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:20pm

___Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 6th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Trustee John Burt by Phone

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:   No one was allowed to attend in person due to the COVID-19 virus.

Note:               This meeting was held by teleconference.

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Trustee Burt, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the minutes of the March 16th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment   of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 16, including claims numbered 22335 through 22369  in the amount of $44,742.96, and Abstract No. 9 Capital Project (I&I) claims numbered 179 & 180 in the amount of $52,482.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No public comment was allowed at this meeting.

New Business:

Bid Opening for Sewer Repairs Priority 4:

The Engineer’s estimate for the project Base Contract $1,160,000 – Alternate items $380,000.

Bids as follows:

United Survey Base Bid $892,120. Alternate items $126,200

Arold Base Bid $1,087,150, Alternate items $232,000

Insituform Base Bid $1,009,278, Alternate items $125,722

NWMCC Base Bid $803,600, Alternate items $115,580

Kenyon Pipeline Base Bid $923,740, Alternate items $141,900

Green Mountain Pipeline Base Bid $1,036,462, Alternate items $125,700

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to table the bids until they can be reviewed by the Village Board and GHD Engineers. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of February, 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Lindstrom  to accept the New York State Community Development Block Grant that was awarded to the Village of Silver Creek in the amount of $493,000. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to declare the 2004 Volvo dump truck and the 2006 Chevrolet pick up truck as surplus equipment to be sold at municipal auction. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the mayor to sign a letter of intent to purchase a 2005 Johnston Street Sweeper at the quoted price when the current pandemic has been declared over. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the mayor to sign a letter of intent to purchase a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Pick Up Truck with plow package from Basil Chevrolet at the current state bid when the current pandemic has been declared over. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye, Trustee Burt and Mayor Hornburg voting no. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the mayor to sign a letter of intent to purchase a 2020 John Deere Loader at the current state bid when the current pandemic has been declared over. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye, Trustee Burt and Mayor Hornburg voting no. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Nothing at this time. I agree with the letter of intent for the sweeper is a good idea, but the loader and pick up are under state bid and that should not change.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time. Question why the sweeper had large amount of dust coming out of it while testing. Mayor Hornburg stated that Ted Braidich ran it out of water.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time. I would support the authorization for a letter of intent because we don’t know how long this pandemic will last and our pricing would be locked in.

Trustee Cummings –  I would like to ask that the board authorize the Mayor to sign letters of intent to purchase  a street sweeper, new loader, and a new pick up truck as discussed at our work shop last week Thursday. The letter will lock us into the prices we have been quoted and be available after the current pandemic is over. The issue would be the trade in value, and if it would hold with the letter of intent.

Trustee Lindstrom – Discussion on street sweeper. Trustee Cummings stated that there are numerous repairs that will be made that are already included in the quoted price.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused)

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:29 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 16th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                    Trustee John Burt (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Bill Kuppel

Corey Bistoff

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent: Trustee Burt, Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the March 2nd, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 15, including claims numbered 22303 through 22333 in the amount of $99,104.34, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Discussion between Mayor and Bill Kuppel regarding the code and rental property inspections. Mayor stated that the board will be discussing it with code enforcement we will move money around in the budget to cover it.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize an upgrade of QuickBooks to Premier 2020 version at a cost of $849.95. The current 2016 version will no longer be supported as of April 30th, 2020. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the application of Olivia Boothe to the Silver Creek Fire Department Hook and Ladder Company as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the application of Mark Dietzen to the Silver Creek Fire Department Hook and Ladder Company as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens.  Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the purchase of a radio and accessories for the new ambulance from FM Communications, Inc. at a cost of $3,602.97. Trustees Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: The Village Clerk has presented the 2020-2021 Tentative Budget to the Village Board pursuant to Village Law 5-508(1). The board will review the budget and make necessary changes and revisions. We will hold a public hearing on the tentative budget as revised on April 6th, 2020 at 6:45pm. Received my 2020 Census notice and it was easy to do on line. The new ambulance is in and is being equipped with a radio and accessories. The new dump truck is in and ready to go.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Absent (Excused)

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused)

Streets Department Mayor reported: Bob Bankoski is doing a good job. We are picking up brush this week.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported:  Ben is back to work.

Court: Received notice that court system has been closed for the next 50 days.

Planning Board: Bill Kuppel stated that they are looking into the code regarding rental properties. Corey Bistoff stated that the planning board will meet next Monday at 7:00pm.

Code/Zoning Enforcement have been active with the mild winter we are having.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Lindstrom.

Adjourned at 7:15 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 2nd, 2020 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Bill Kuppel

Donna Metzger

Sharon Burt

Corey Bistoff

Louis Pelletter

Ed Schintzius

Natasha Matteliano

Mads Smith

Leif Meyer

Josh Woods

Mark Jones

Anthony Somers

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the February 18th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 14, including claims numbered 22269 through 22300 in the amount of $236,765.07, and Abstract No. 8 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 178 in the amount of $2,500.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Mayor welcomed Ed Schintzius Town Councilman.

Bill Kuppel the last storm took much more of the Borrello Park. Is the Village doing anything to protect it? Mayor stated we do not currently have a permit to do anything at the shore, we can only do ice jam prevention at this time.

Ed Schintzius asked for permission to put the snowmen from around the Village and Town at the DPW building, and looking for a couple of volunteers to assist.

Louis Pelletter: Basketball started tonight, seems to be well attended. Youth recreation is interested in a flag football league in the ball park. Received suggestions for concerts in the park with the school band. Will be proceeding with the work to the ball park pavilion. Ed Schintzius provided overview of the work to be done at the boat launch and pavilion. Youth recreation is interested in a water park, will be looking into location and funding options. Applied for a grant for two historic markers, one for the first settlement of Feyette, and the other for the burning of the Washington. Would like to create a veterans park with the assistance of the planning board. Would like to start a historic preservation fund to be used to replace some of the historic buildings, such as the Hideaway Bay, and Revere Inn.

Spoke to the legislature and asked that they would be proactive in the use of the TLC buildings. We need to make an effort to get the buildings out of the hands of the board of the hospital and find interested parties to put them into use.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to approve the budget transfers & modifications recommended by BLB to balance various accounts in the budget through February, 2020.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Municipal Shelter Inspection Report as submitted by the Animal Health Inspector with a satisfactory rating.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the Mayor to sign the pricing renewal agreement with NOCO for natural gas. The current fixed rate is $.466/ccf, and the new rate will be $.39/ccf. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Silver Creek Hanover garden Club to hold their annual Garden Faire on Saturday May 16th, 2020 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm in the Village Park and Gazebo. There will be some set up on Friday night and take down on Saturday night. They also request the Village to hang their Garden Faire banner, and provide picnic tables, traffic cones, trash barrels, and access to water and electric as in previous years. They are also requesting permission to have the vendors park their vehicles in the ball park along the bank behind the post office. This will allow attendees to park in the Village Square. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Chamber of Commerce approached the board for assistance in forming a committee for economic development. Received the new truck for the DPW, and the new ambulance will be delivered on Thursday. Thank you to the Boy Scouts for attending the meeting. Question was asked if the Village would consider a camporee possibly  in the ball park area.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik –  Street lights are supposed to be installed this week.

Trustee Cummings – DPW has been taking advantage of the mild winter and placed a number of items on auction. The Volvo will be going on auction next month. The ambulance will be equipped with new radios. The Silver Creek boys and girls basketball teams are in the playoffs, the unified bowling team is doing well, and the unified basketball team will be beginning soon. We wish all of them good luck.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Streets Department Mayor reported: New truck is in.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported:  Still one man short. Should be back in a week or two.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Theme for this year is to clean up Silver Creek. All members were asked to go into their areas and bring back properties that need to be cleaned up. Suggestion of a Village wide clean up and allow residents to put items out for pickup.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:56 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on February 18th, 2020 at 5:30 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Bill Kuppel

Donna Metzger

Sharon Burt

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, Absent Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the February 3rd, 2020 Organizational Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 13, including claims numbered 22221 through 22267 in the amount of $50,085.93, and Abstract No. 7 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 177 in the amount of $12,500.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Bill Kuppel: Heard there were some interested parties in the Hide Away Bay property. Mayor Hornburg stated that there are some parties interested, but no more information at this time. Will look for additional information. Bill Kuppel: What is the status of the street light change over. Trustee Romanik stated that there a still some to be installed and a few have turned and are not shining down.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the Enhanced Police Protection Agreement between Chautauqua County and the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Burt, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Trustee Romanik Abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the resolution Requesting Amendments to New York State’s Criminal Justice Reforms. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of January, 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to allow the Hanover Chamber of Commerce to hold their 28th annual 14136 area wide yard sale on August 1st, 2020 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. All sales within the Village are required to purchase a $10.00 permit as a fund raiser to the Chamber with any profits to be invested back into the community. Also request the rest rooms in the ball park pavilion be available during the sale hours. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize North Eastern Rescue Vehicles to install a front push bar and drive light on the new 2019 Road Rescue Ford Ambulance at a cost not to exceed $1,567.45. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments:  New business in town, Creekside Cafe & Bakery opened Sunday, good to see new business in the Village, I encourage everyone to support. Attended Hanover Chamber of Commerce meeting. Now that the contract with the Sheriff is approved, Trustee Burt and myself will be meeting with the Town to work on the Village and Town agreement. The department heads have filled out their budget requests and the board will be meeting with them to discuss for the upcoming budget year. We will also be negotiating a contract renewal with the CSEA in the spring.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – The new truck may be done by the end of next week.

Trustee Romanik – The new business hours are Monday through Saturday 8-4 for breakfast and lunch. Thank you for supporting the bail reform the amendments are needed.

Trustee Cummings – Been working with the emergency squad regarding the EMS billing. A news release will be out soon.

Trustee Lindstrom – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused)

Streets Department Mayor reported: Winter has been light, and has allowed us to have a full crew during the day to get a lot of the inside work done. We are not scheduling a night shift as of now.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Department still short one man.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We will meet next week. Our theme for this year is clean up Silver Creek.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 6:07 pm                                               ________________________________

Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Organizational Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on February 3rd, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:                       Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Bill Kuppel

Pastor Rob Sheldon

Brandyn Griewisch

Adam Graff

John Quinn

Jim Tytka

Janet Harmon

Tom Harmon

Colleen Griewisch

Jeff Griewisch

Timothy Bertino

Louis Pelletter

Natasha Matteliano (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Organizational Meeting Prayer given by Pastor Rob Sheldon.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the January 6th, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the January 17th, 2020 Special Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No 11, including claims numbered 22166 through 22174 in the amount of $10,486.65, Abstract No. 12, including claims numbered 22175 through 22219 in the amount of $88,256.65, and Abstract No. 6 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 176 in the amount of $3,023.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayor Hornburg stated the List of Appointments and Board Assignments have been reviewed by the Board of Trustees. Anyone that would like to view them can stop at the Village Clerk’s Office where they will be on file.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the appointments made by Mayor Hornburg. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: Would like a copy of the appointments and board assignments for the historical files. Would like permission to apply for a grant to order 2 historic plaques, one on the burning of the steam ship Washington, and one on the first settlement on Feyette. Youth recreation basketball will begin soon and the summer recreation program is being finalized and will be in the Village Ball Park. Discussion regarding the closing of Lake Shore Hospital.  The hospital was built as a community hospital and should belong to the people of the community. We all need to do whatever we can and continue to push to have our hospital. What will we do for volunteers, when the closest hospitals are close to an hour away and who is going to want to volunteer that much time away from family and their lives.

County Legislator Tom Harmon stated he would do whatever he could to get our voice into the legislature.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the months of November and December, 2019. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the application of Pamela Dye as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department Hook & Ladder Company as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign the Court Security Agreement between Chautauqua County and the Village of Silver Creek effective January 1, 2020. Trustees Burt, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye, Trustee Romanik Abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize the Mayor to sign the two year renewal contract between Municipal Solutions, Inc. and the Village of Silver Creek effective February 5, 2020. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the letter of resignation of Sandra Lindstrom from the Silver Creek Planning Board. Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Lindstrom abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the resolution establishing the Village Emergency Medical Services Department. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the Village of Silver Creek Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Hardship Payment Policy. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to adopt the procurement policy of the Village of Silver Creek as currently in effect and that the Village Board is hereby directed review that procurement policy to make modifications necessary thereto, if any. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Cummings to designate the Dunkirk Observer as the official newspaper of the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, circumstances arise that require the Village Board to convene in addition to the scheduled Regular Board Meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in the event of a Special Meeting being called by the Mayor or Trustees, every member of the Village Board shall be informed by telephone, in person or in writing by either the Village Clerk, Mayor or another member of the Board of Trustees of the date, time, location and subject of the Special Meeting; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the meeting shall be given to the Board Members and The Observer and posted at the Village Municipal Building at least 72 hours in advance unless an emergency exists and otherwise as in conformance with the Public Officers Law, and the other laws of the State of New York. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Silver Creek hold regularly scheduled meetings NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the first and third Monday of the month; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in the event that a Regular Meeting date falls on a holiday in which the Village office is closed,  the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the following Tuesday; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Board Workshops will be held in the Municipal Board Room at 172 Central Avenue, Silver Creek NY 14136 as advertised. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that Village Law § 4-412(3)(2) requires the designation of banks or trust companies for the deposit of all village monies;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board designates the following institutions as depository of all moneys received by the village treasurer, clerk, and receiver of taxes: Community Bank, N.A. and Evans Bank. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Romanik to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, there is to be held during the coming official year a) the New York State Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting and Training School; b) the New York State Conference of Mayors and Fall Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerks; c) the New York State Conference of Mayors Public Works School, d) county association meetings; etc.; and

WHEREAS, attendance by certain municipal officials and employees at one or more of these meetings, conferences or schools benefits the municipality; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that officers and employees are authorized to attend these schools and meetings with board approval. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage as reimbursement to Village officers and employees who use their personal automobiles while performing their official Village duties;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board will approve reimbursement to such officers and employees at the rate of $0.45 per mile. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to authorize payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges; and

WHEREAS, all such claims must be presented at the next Regular Board Meeting for audit; and

WHEREAS, the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claim are jointly and severally liable for any amount the Village Board disallows. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges.  All such claims must be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claims are jointly and severally liable for any amount the board of trustees disallows. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the application of Zachary Bartlett Dye as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the application of Sarah Boothe as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the application of Brandon Erick as a member of the Silver Creek Fire Department as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Lindstrom seconded by Trustee Burt to move the next Village Board Meeting to February 18th, 2020 at 5:30 pm due to the President’s Day holiday on the 17th. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Spoke with Andy Johnson of Eco Strategies who is continuing work on our permit with the DEC and Army Corp of Engineers, along with assisting in the preparation of an application for a Bed Tax grant to use for the erosion along the creek bank near the mouth. One of the large trees at Borrello Park needed to be taken down due to the erosion around the roots.

Waiting for installation of some of the LED lights.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Spoke with Valley Fab and they are working on the truck and hopefully will be completed by end of February.

Trustee Romanik – Thank you for the support of the EMS.

Trustee Cummings – Thank you to first responders for their service. The EMS department we created tonight is much needed and will allow us to bill for services.

Trustee Lindstrom – The loss of the hospital goes beyond the loss of medical service, but is also a loss of identity and community.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Streets Department Mayor reported: Commend Bob Bankoski.

Sheriff Department Mayor reported: Received the new contract from the County for police protection. We will be working with the Town on the contract portion between the Town and Village. The contract did not increase this year.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: One man out on disability.

Fire Department Chief Brandyn Griewisch: Thank you for the mutual aid at the Hide Away Bay fire. In regards to the hospital closing, there are many times that the ER has saved lives because the hospital was so close, and without it lives will be lost, volunteers will have more time away from their lives. We will still do our jobs, but it will become more difficult as time goes on and we are always looking for more members.

Code Enforcement/Zoning Mayor reported: I am very pleased with the progress that Dwayne Haskins and John Good have made. We are learning the proper way to create the necessary file for court appearances.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: The planning board submitted a Property Development Plan for review. Mayor Hornburg stated that a copy was sent to Attorney Clark for review.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:50 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Special Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on January 17th, 2020  in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandy Hornburg

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

New Business:

Brief explanation for the reason for the  resolution below was given by Trustee Cummings.

Because the set up for EMS billing takes some time to get set up, the resolution below allows the process to keep moving forward.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize the Mayor to sign a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement and a Billing Service Agreement between Professional Ambulance Billing LLC, and the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

The Mayor read a proclamation for Silver Creek Central School Choice Week from January 26th through February 1st, 2020.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned  at 4:30 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on January 6th, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee Sandra Lindstrom

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present: Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Kara Kawski

Macy Kawski

Morgan Kuras

Kim Kuras

Tyler Kuras

Sharon Burt

Louis Pelletter

Corey Bistoff

Natasha Matteliano (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Swearing in ceremony of Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg, Trustee Stephen Romanik, Trustee Sandra Lindstrom by Justice Anthony Pearl.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Lindstrom, and Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the December 16th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Lindstrom abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 10, including claims numbered 22101 through 22143 in the amount of $218,597.12, and Abstract No. 5 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 175 in the amount of $13,600.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: Submitting an annual report for the historian. Would like to start the roof over the pad at the pavilion if that is what the board would like to do. Would like to talk about Lake Shore Hospital and what should be done as a community about keeping it.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Lindstrom to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their 4th Annual Chiavetta’s Chicken BBQ in the Village Square on Sunday January 26th, 2020 from noon to 2:30 pm. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to hire Andy Johnson of ECO Strategies to assist the Village in obtaining a permit for dredging to occur at the mouth of Silver Creek from the DEC and Army Corp of Engineers in the amount of $3,000. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to hire Andy Johnson of Eco Strategies to assist the Village in obtaining a Bed Tax grant through Chautauqua County, at a cost not to exceed $3,000. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to move the January 20th, meeting to Tuesday January 21st, 2020, due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Lindstrom voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: We received word that we were denied the grant for Borrello Park. We will resubmit it for the next grant period. Will meet with GHD regarding the bid process for Priority 4 of the I & I project. The annual Polar Swim is this coming Sunday at noon with the swim at 1:00 pm. The DPW will remove some of the debris caused by the wind storms. Read a letter regarding the interest in forming a flag football league in the ball park area. Our next board meeting will be the Organizational meeting.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Burt – Spoke with the project manager at the school regarding a few issues with the project site. The issues have been addressed.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Will be meeting with an attorney regarding the EMS issues.

Trustee Lindstrom – Different perspective from here. Excited and looking forward to working with the board.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Streets Department Mayor reported: We have hired Bob Bankoski as Street Superintendent due to the retirement of Steve D’Angelo.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Department short one man as Ben’s father is ill.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We will meet on the forth Monday of the month.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:35 pm


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 16, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee John Burt

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Sandra Lindstrom

Sharon Burt

Louis Pelletter

Bill Kuppel

Natasha Matteliano (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, and Trustee Cummings. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the December 2, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Burt abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 9, including claims numbered 22051 through 22099 in the amount of $141,282.66, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Trustee Burt abstained. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Bill Kuppel: Appreciate the Village removing the debris from Front St. Has the Village taken a position on the wind turbine proposal for Lake Erie. Mayor Hornburg: We have not taken a position as of yet, and have not had a proposal presented to the Village. Mayor Hornburg will research the issue and reply.

Sandra Lindstrom: Thank you to Warren for dedication and contribution to the Village.

Louis Pelletter: Youth recreation program will begin in March. Would like to proceed with the roof to cover the concrete area at the pavilion if the board would like to have it done. Will get quotes for the work. Would like the diner elevator done in the spring so it can be opened. Will be attending a meeting with the CEO of the hospital along with Mayor Hornburg, Supervisor Johnson. There will be a rally at TLC at 11:00 am tomorrow anyone that can, should attend in support. We need to do whatever it takes to keep our community hospital open.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the resignation of Steven D’Angelo effective December 20th, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to hire Robert Bankoski as part time Street Superintendent effective December 23, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to transfer $94,750 from reserve account 912.2 Street Department Truck to account 5110.2 Equipment to pay for the new Kenworth cab & chassis. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to transfer $6,944 from account 912.7 Fountain Restoration Reserve to account A7110.2 Parks Equipment to cover the work done on the fountain. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the budget modifications recommended by BLB to balance various accounts in the budget through November, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the proposal for Priority 4 Sewer Repairs and authorize the Mayor to sign the scope of services and agreement with GHD. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Kelly to allow the Annual Polar Bear Swim for Charity to be held on January 12th, 2020. The swim will once again be held at the Firehouse on the Lake at 23 Jackson St and surrounding area of the Village. The non-swimming events begin at noon, with the swim at 1:00 PM. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments:  We are moving youth recreation back to the Village Ball Park. Reminder of the rally at Lake Shore Hospital at 11 am tomorrow. Time to start talking about night shift. Met with Andy Johnson to discuss our permit with DEC, and Army Corp. and he will be submitting proposals to the Village for different phases for correcting the erosion issue. Thank you to Warren for his six plus years of service to the Village. We have had problems with vandalism around the Village.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – With tonight being my last meeting I would like to mention a couple things to look into in the future. With the North County Water district being activated, it may be an option for the Village to look at if costs are comparable. Some of the projects that I have worked on while I was here are the Sheriff contract, dissolving our Village Police , renovation of the board room, sewer plant renovations, Village Fountain was one of my favorites. I have learned that anything can be accomplished when you work together. Welcome to Sandy Lindstrom to the board in January.

Trustee Burt – Thank you to Warren for his time on the board.

Trustee Romanik – Updated status on the LED street light project. Thank you to Warren for service.

Trustee Cummings –  Happy to hear Louis talk about improving the ball park and thank him for his interest in the youth. I would be interested in working on the basketball program. Welcome to Bob Bankosky, and Sandy Lindstrom. Thank you to Warren for service to Village and Board.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Streets Department Mayor reported: Welcome to Bob Bankoski, and appreciate all of the work Steve D’Angelo did for the last 3 years.

Fire Dept. Mayor reported: The department will have their annual parade around the Village and surrounding area with Santa and decorated fire trucks.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We will not meet until the end of January.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:45 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on December 2, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Attorney Peter Clark

Absent:                                    Trustee John Burt (Excused)

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Sandra Lindstrom

Corey Bistoff

Bill Kuppel

Natasha Matteliano (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, and Attorney Clark. Absent: Trustee Burt (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 8, including claims numbered 22030 through 22049 in the amount of $159,924.08, and Abstract No. 4 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 174 in the amount of  $19,599.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Bill Kuppel:  Asked if the debris left from the last couple of wind storms could be removed, so that it will not cause damage to property in the event of future storms.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to remove $556.54 from water/sewer account 20-0940, 44 Babcock Ave. and $556.54 from water/sewer account 10-0400, 26 Buffalo Street. The properties were obtained by the Chautauqua Co. Land Bank from the County through foreclosure. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve hiring Mark C. Butler of the Law Offices of Mark C. Butler, PLLC 5166 Main St. Williamsville, NY to assist the Village with EMS related contracts. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Kelly to table the hiring of Andy Johnson of EcoStrategies Engineering and Surveying, PLLC, 1890 East Main St. Falconer, NY to assist the Village in upgrading and applying for a renewal of our current DEC and US Army Corp of Engineers permit to maintain the mouth of Silver Creek at the discharge into Lake Erie.  Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: CHRIC applications are due by 12/9. Christmas in the park will be on Saturday from noon to 3:00pm. Youth basketball program will begin in March. The no overnight parking rules will be enforced now until April 1st.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – Will we be putting up Christmas decorations.

Trustee Burt – Absent (Excused)

Trustee Romanik – Updated status of LED conversion.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: No comments at this time.

Streets Department Mayor reported: Picking up the left over debris from the previous storms. Still picking up leaves.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: There was a water break at Blanding Road.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Won’t meet again until the end of January. Will be losing 2 members.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Kelly

Adjourned at 7:30 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 18, 2019 at 7:01 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee John Burt

Absent:   Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:

Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Sandra Lindstrom

Sharon Burt

Corey Bistoff

Bill Kuppel

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, and Trustee Cummings, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the November 4, 2019 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the minutes of the November 4, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 7,  including claims numbered 21983 through 22028 in the amount of $93,874.66 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Bill Kuppel: The new street lights are looking good, much brighter than the old ones. The general maintenance of the streets is excellent.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of October, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize the Mayor to sign the renewal agreement with NOCO for the Village’s electric service with a variable rate currently at $.0035/kwh. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to contract with ESO Solutions for the Silver Creek Emergency Squad PCR (Pre-Hospital Care Report) reporting. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to close the regular meeting and enter into executive session. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romaink, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings to close the executive session and re-open the regular meeting. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: We will have one more brush pick up to get the left over from the last wind storm. Leaf pick up will continue as weather permits. November 15th begins no parking on streets between 2am – 6 am through April 1st. CHRIC applications are still available and need to be turned in by December 8th. Discussed the installation of the lift for the dining car with Michael Pagano. He recommends we pour a concrete pad in order to protect from flooding.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Burt – The cab & chassis of the new dump truck are in.

Trustee Romanik – Thank you for the compliment on the street lights. When the project is complete we will survey the Village for additional lights where needed.

Trustee Cummings – Thank you to Trustee Romanik and Burt for the extra work they did on the LED light project.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported: We have changed to one car for the winter months. Want to commend Deputy Tyler Pett for his efforts in regards to the damages in the Village Park and Ball Park area with positive results.

Streets Department Mayor reported: Commend the employees for the clearing of the snow we had last week.

Fire Department Mayor reported: The chief said that the new ambulance is on the way.

Zoning Department Mayor reported: Commend Dwayne Haskins for the work he has been doing.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Dwayne asked for a liaison to the planning board and that will be Corey Bistoff. Is there a final cost for the fountain project.

Mayor reported: That the fountain project included additional work that needed to be done.

The fountain had to be cut, trenched, re-plumbed, new concrete basin, sealed and applied the spray on pool liner material, new ring, new railings, re-pointed and sealed center stone area.  Total for fountain itself was $41,502. Donations totaled $18,500, and the Village expense was $23,002. Commend the entire board for the work done on the project. We will be putting the fence up around the fountain for the winter and again hang some of the Christmas decorations on it.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on November 4, 2019 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee John Burt

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Sandra Lindstrom

Sharon Burt

Corey Bistoff

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, and Trustee Cummings, and Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the October 21st, 2019 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the minutes of the October 21st, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 6, including claims numbered 21961 through 21982 in the amount of $31,357.81, and Abstract No. 3 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 173 in the amount of $1,188.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

No one spoke.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to hire Theodore Braidich as a Utility Worker 2 in the DPW, effective November 14, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to apply for Community Development Block Grant funding for an owner-occupied home repair program in the Village through CHRIC.  Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize the purchase of 100,000 Village Trash Bags from WasteZero. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Winter overnight parking regulations begin on November 15th. Regular brush pick up is over and the DPW is into picking up leaves. Due to the weather events we will try to pick up brush from these at some point. We will notify the date if we can fit it in. Met with the DEC and Army Corp. regarding our permit for the creek. Met with zoning and code enforcement regarding the run down properties and how we can handle. They will be attending the next planning board meeting to discuss. Remind everyone to vote tomorrow.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – Want to follow up on payment to Southpaw Signs for the plaques at the fountain.

Trustee Burt – Dave Edwards wanted to thank Steve D’Angelo for taking care of the shoulder area in front of the church that he brought up at last meeting.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Our next meeting is on the 25th.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:25 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on October 21, 2019 at 6:45 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee John Burt

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excuse

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Dave Edwards

Sharon Burt

Bob Johnson

Bill Kuppel

Louis Pelletter

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, and Trustee Cummings, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to close the regular board meeting and enter into executive session. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to close the executive session and with no action taken re-open the regular meeting. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the October 7th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 5, including claims numbered 21922 through 21960 in the amount of $47,227.28, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Dave Edwards: Asked if anything could be done to repair the shoulder of the street at the Trinity Lutheran Church on the corner of Adams & Porter. There is a handicap ramp that has access from this section. Mayor Hornburg will get in touch with Steve D’Angelo to look at the area and will advise findings.

Bob Johnson: Would like to borrow snow removal equipment to clear the sidewalks during heavy snow on weekends. Mayor Hornburg stated that a private citizen can’t use the Village equipment to clear the sidewalks because they are not employed by the Village and it would be a liability for the Village. Mr. Johnson insisted that the equipment belongs to all of us as tax payers and if he wanted to volunteer his time why would he not be allowed. The mayor will research the issue and get back to Mr. Johnson.

Louis Pelletter: The roll of honor is completed with the exception of a few names to be added. Would like to present to VFW on Veterans Day if possible and need payment approval to move forward. Would also like to have approval to purchase the replacement sign for the dinning car.  The LED project is expected to be done by near year end

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the purchase of a wheelchair lift from My-Mobility for the dining car at a cost of $3,687.00. This is to replace the handicap ramp that was destroyed in the 2009 flood. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Halloween Parade starting at the fire hall and ending at the Backline on Thursday October 31st at 5:30 pm with Trick or Treat hours from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm. The insurance certificate is on file in the clerk’s office. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to hold their annual Christmas in the Park on Saturday December 7th, 2019 from noon to 3:00 pm in the Village Square. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt Local Law #3 of 2019 revising the entire Chapter 60 of the Village Code, as proposed and amended to include: from May 1st through October 31st to the end of section 60-2 at the public hearing held prior to this meeting. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Bahgat & Laurito-Bahgat for accounting services being provided to the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize the Village Clerk to sign the contract with Young Explosives to secure the date of July 3rd, 2020 and rain date of July 5th, 2020 for the Village Fireworks Display. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the purchase of a replacement sign for the dining car and the replacement of the roll of honor at a total cost of $1,275.00.  Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to replace the Municipal Office entrance awning from Jamestown Awning at a cost of $1988.00. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments:  Discussion regarding options to replace the roof on the pavilion at Borrello Park. It was decided to wait for status of the grant application submitted for the upgrades to the park. Trick or Treat hours are from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm on October 31st.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – The plaques for the fountain have been put up in the display case in the square. The fountain project is now complete.

Trustee Burt – The cab and chassis for the new dump truck will be completed next week, but we will have to wait for the dump body.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Happy to see the new law go through. We are meeting next week.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 8:00pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

  Click this link to open minutes from  10-7-19. bd mtg minutes 10-7-19 Regular mtg_

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on September  16, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Trustee John Burt

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:

Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Sandra Lindstrom

Sharon Burt

Jo Ward, Observer

Corey Bistoff

Louis Pelletter

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Trustee Burt, and Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the minutes of the August 19th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Burt abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 2, including claims numbered 21793 through 21806 in the amount of $36,527.32, Abstract No. 3 including claims numbered 21807 through 21870 in the amount of $139,185.98, and Abstract No. 1 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 171 in the amount of $4,862.75 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Donna Metzger: Old furniture around the Village. Can something be done to remove it. Mayor stated that we can notify the property owner to remove it.

Sandra Lindstrom: We did put a bag on the sofa near the creek and someone took the bag. The sofa has since been removed.

Louis Pelletter: The fountain looks very good. Thursday evening at 7:00 pm there will be a dedication at the skew arch marking the 150th anniversary. Instead of a walking tour this year, I will have historical items available for viewing. Friday evening at 5:00 pm we will rededicate the fountain. Would like to change the light in the bandstand to LED. When Grape Festival is over, I will be organizing the joint community development meeting.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Silver Creek Animal Control Report for the month of August, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to accept the following as members of the Silver Creek Fire Department and approved by the Board of Fire Wardens: Nathaniel Dougan: Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romaink, and Cummings voting aye. Weston Lobecc: Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Dave Burkhart Jr.: Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye, Trustees Romanik and Cummings voting no. Phillip Erick Jr.: Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of August, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to remove the $15.69 penalty from water/sewer account 02-0190, 35 Parkway, the payment was postmarked on time. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to remove the current bill from water/sewer account 03-0090, Hawk Haven Trailer Court, the meter was reading gallons in thousands rather than hundreds causing a bill to be generated of $20,000. Re-billing with the corrected meter reading of 296,500 gallons totaling $7,283.27. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Kelly to accept the Sheriffs Report for the months of June, July, and August, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Romanik abstained. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Meeting with GHD to discuss the preliminary findings for Priority 4. FSC diagnosed our camera system and found one of the hard drives was not working properly and ordered a replacement. Contacted Jeff Feinen regarding the county paving program and will meet with him on Wednesday to discuss. Fountain dedication will be at 5:00 pm on Friday evening.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – On August 26th there was a vehicle fire that was close to several homes on Hickory Street. Ben Wassell and Bill Ferneza put a chain on the burning vehicle and pulled it away with a Village vehicle.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

DPW Mayor reported: Short handed right now with one on vacation and one out on comp. They will be busy do things to assist with the set up for Grape Festival. Brush will be delayed somewhat and will get picked up as soon as possible.

Water/sewer Mayor reported: Repaired a large leak on Hickory St.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We have not met this month but will meet on the 23rd.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:30 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 19, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Attorney Peter Clark

Absent:                                    Trustee John Burt (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Donna Metzger

Sandra Lindstrom

Bill Kuppel

Cheryl Kuppel

Jake Lesinski – Observer

Corey Bistoff

Louis Pelletter

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, and Attorney Clark. Absent: Trustee Burt (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the minutes of the August 5th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 1, including claims numbered 21760 through21792 in the amount of $34,237.19 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: Attended a lecture regarding the war of 1812. Also attended a face book class. There should be a dedication of the skew arch and the fountain, and usually do during Grape Festival, but up to the board to decide. Set up an account at Smith’s under historic preservation. Need paint for the dining car along with the handicap ramp. Youth recreation program has completed. The committee likes having the program in the ball park. The town will put in half of the money for a canopy over the concrete pad at the pavilion, with a quote and design to follow. Would like to present the idea of a joint town, and village community wide meeting to talk about community development planning.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Municipal Shelter Inspection Report as submitted by the Animal Health Inspector with a satisfactory rating in all categories. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Silver Creek Planning Board to move their meetings to the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00pm. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Kelly to declare millings as surplus material and advertise for sale. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to transfer $3,313.00 from account 912.7 Fountain Restoration reserve to account 7110.2 Parks Equipment to pay RingTru for the fountain equipment. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to issue a property tax refund in the amount of $1,553.67 to the owners of 48 Main Street apartments. The assessment value of the property has been reduced. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romaink seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Annual Silver Creek Court Audit for the 2018 – 2019 Year. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to make the following budget modification to increase the water fund 2019-2020 expenditure budget by $47,591.00 due to the purchase of an excavator and trailer. This will increase account F8320.2 Equipment-Other and decrease the un-appropriated fund balance. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Animal Control Report for the month of July, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of July, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the purchase of a dump body and snow plow package from Valley Fab and Equipment at a cost of $71,559.60. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the purchase of an additional plow wing from Valley Fab Equipment at a cost of $2,324.15. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to cancel the September 2nd Village Board meeting. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Monroe Street paving is completed. Front Street has been milled and being prepped for paving. We will camera the storm drains to make sure they are in good condition before we pave. Mark Stifter of NYSEG advised that the LED street lights may be installed before the winter. There is still ongoing interest in the Main St. School, and Region Nine Housing visited again with an engineer and architect. Would like the board to discuss our next meeting, which falls on Labor Day. Do we want to move it or cancel it?

Trustee Reports:

rustee Kelly – The fountain project is coming to an end very soon.

Trustee Burt – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Romanik – Met with Steve D’Angelo and suggested that the DPW remove the weeds along the sidewalks down town and around the parks.

Trustee Cummings – Accomplished a lot at a meeting with Superintendent D’Angelo.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: I have the local law for the tax relief dictated and ready if we are to pass it. The property maintenance local law will be ready to be introduced at the next meeting and hold the public hearing at the first meeting in October. The cable television agreement is still being worked on.

Water/sewer Mayor reported: They will be flushing hydrants during the day and evening beginning tomorrow.

Planning Board Donna Metzger:  We have invited John Good and Dwayne Haskins to the meeting to talk about their duties. Have not heard back from them yet.

ZBA Clerk Postle reported: We have an application for an appeal but do not have a hearing date set yet. Waiting for reply from code officer with details.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Kelly.

Adjourned at 7:43 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on August 5, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Absent:                                    Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                           Sandy Hornburg

Sharon Burt

Donna Metzger

Sandra Lindstrom

Bill Kuppel

Jake Lesinski – Observer

Corey Bistoff

Robert Dentice

Jeff DeYoung

Tim Ippolitto

Susana Prince-Rivera

Roger Prince-Rivera

Daniel Drozdiel

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, and Trustee Cummings. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the July 15th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 25, including claims numbered 21686 through 21758 in the amount of $287,959.05 and Abstract No. 49, Capital Project (I&I) claims numbered 169 & 170 in the amount of $45,104.54 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Daniel Drozdiel: Commend the board for having both a code enforcement, and zoning officers. Asked for information regarding the Northern Chautauqua County Water project, and connecting to the Village. Mayor Hornburg said that it will be looked into as our contract with Erie County nears expiration.

Sandra Lindstrom: Asked the status of the NYSEG sub station project.

Tim Ippolitto: Asked the status of Monroe St. paving project.

Susana Prince-Rivera: Complained that her car is bottoming out going into her driveway and no notice was given prior to closing the street.

Roger Prince-Rivera: Complained that the binder at the apron area was uneven and had no notice that they were milling.

Robert Dentice: Complained that the bottom of the driveway was left with no material and it was an eight to nine inch lip.

Jeff DeYoung: Complained that the binder coat is uneven. Afraid there will be issues later on.

Bill Kuppel: Questioned the correction of the drainage on Front Street before repaving.

Corey Bistoff: Asked if a sign to notify of the crossing at Central and Parkway can be placed in the street.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to increase the 2019-2020 expenditure budget by $1,250 which represents monies from donations for fireworks. This will increase accounts A2705 Gifts and Donations and A7550.44 Community Fund Programs (Fourth of July). Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to table the purchase of a dump body and snow plow package from Valley Fab and Equipment at a cost of $71,559.60.  Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Burt voting no. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to table the purchase of an       additional plow wing from  Valley Fab and Equipment at a cost of $2,324.15. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Burt voting no. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to table the purchase of a bucket for a John Deere loader at a cost of $13,500. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Burt voting no. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the corrected Village Tax Roll for 26 Ward Ave. This will remove the unpaid water/sewer bill and administration fee that was re-levied which equals $1,511.19. This property was sold by the county through foreclosure. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to remove water/sewer charges of $212.20 from account 04-0220, 26 Ward Ave. The property was sold through count foreclosure auction. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to remove $218.00 from water/sewer account 19-0050, 5 Maple Place. The account was not credited for previous payment made on May billing. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Will be milling Front St. tomorrow. DPW removed two trees that fell across the creek with permission from DEC. Peter Clark will be here next meeting to address the items proposed by the planning board.  We have Brianna out on comp and waiting for ok to return. John Munch will be out for a few days on disability for a non work related injury.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – Update on fountain, the ring was installed today, the LED lights will be installed tomorrow, approximately two weeks for the railing to be in. The Monroe Street project should be taking this long and I will look into it.

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Ask that the summer laborers to clean up the salt debris and weeds between the sidewalk and curb, and in front of the driveways in the down town area.

Trustee Cummings – Tell the residents of Monroe Street that we appreciate them taking the time to come to a meeting to let us know what is going on. Upset that the residents of Front Street don’t know that milling is beginning tomorrow.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Our next meeting is next week Monday. I am inviting John Good (Code Enforcement) and Dwayne Haskins (Zoning Officer) to the meeting to explain their individual duties. I would also like to move our meetings from the second Monday to the fourth Monday of each month. Do we have a total cost that the village will have to pick up for the fountain project? Trustee Kelly will report next meeting.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on July 15, 2019 at 7:02 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                    Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Absent:                         Attorney Peter Clark(Excused)

Also Present:                            Sandy Hornburg

Sharon Burt

Donna Metzger

Sandra Lindstrom

Louis Pelletter

Jake Lesinski – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, and Trustee Cummings. Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the July 1st, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Burt abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 24, including claims numbered 21661 through 21685 in the amount of $17,426.44 and Abstract No. 48, Capital Project (I&I) claim number 168 in the amount of $2,557.59 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: Thank the Little League for the donation of drinks and snacks to youth recreation. Met with Frank Pagano regarding the dining car roof. Youth recreation is going well in the ball park and seems to be a better place to hold it. Spoke with Frank Pagano about adding a roof over the concrete pad at the pavilion and suggest a 50/50 split between the Town and Village. The track needs some repair.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Silver Creek Animal Control Report for the month of June, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Austin Wood as a temporary seasonal laborer for the DPW. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the purchase of a     2020 Kenworth T370 Cab/Chassis for a Dump Body at a cost of $94,750. from Street Department Truck Reserve account 912.2. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of June, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Kelly to authorize the purchase of a 2019 Road Rescue “Ultramedic” Ambulance at a cost of $176,400 from Ambulance Reserve account 911.1. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Village of Silver Creek is a municipal partner of the Northern Chautauqua Intermunicipal Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP); and

WHEREAS, the Village owns and operates a waterfront park, George Borrello Park, within the LWRP boundary and this park is an important asset to residents and visitors to the Village and the Region; and

WHEREAS, improvements to the park are consistent with the LWRP and efforts to and to grow and leverage the water sports and recreation economy; and

WHEREAS, The Village of Silver Creek intends to submit a Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) to the Western New York Regional Economic Development Council for funding through the Department of State (DOS) LWRP and/or the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) through the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP); therefore be it

RESOLVED that Village of Silver Creek is in full support of the submission of a CFA to the New York State; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that if awarded, the Village will commit up to 25% of the total project cost as local match; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Board authorizes the Mayor to execute all necessary documents with NYS DOS and/or the OPRHP should the Village be successful in securing said funding. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: The binder layer has been put down on Monroe St. Will be a  couple of weeks until the top coat is  completed. Will be milling and top coating Front St. next. Youth recreation is going well in the ball park. The Laurel Run is this coming Saturday.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – We are applying for funding for two buildings, new electric, new grills, benches, tables, for Borrello Park in the amount of $165,000. Thank you to Nate Aldrich for all of the work he is doing to assist with this project.

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Appreciate the support for the purchase of the ambulance.

Trustee Cummings – The county highway department has replaced the fencing behind the Main St. School.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Zoning and Code: They are doing a good job.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Disappointed that Peter Clark has not finalized the lawn maintenance proposal.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on July 1, 2019 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                   Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:                           Clerk Thomas Postle

Wayne Hotelling

Sandy Hornburg

Sharon Burt

Donna Metzger

Sandra Lindstrom

Louis Pelletter

Corey Bistoff

Jake Lesinski – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, and Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the June 17th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Burt abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 23, including claims numbered 21606 through 21659 in the amount of $112,845.93, and Abstract No. 47, Capital Project (I&I) claim number 166 and 167 in the amount of $33,142.42 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Wayne Hotelling:  Asked permission to use the Village Park, and Ball Park for the 23rd Annual Laurel Run on July 20th.

Louis Pelletter: Youth Recreation starts on Monday. Working on a separate swim program. Asked the status of the roof for the dining car in order to be ready for the Grape Festival.

Sandy Lindstrom: Offered information on the court clerk probationary period as in past practice.

Mayor Hornburg: Appointed Colleen McKenna as part time Court Clerk as recommend by Justice Anthony Pearl effective June 17th.

Tyler Pupenbroke: Read an apology letter for vandalism he did at the pavilion.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to remove $1,355.57 from water/sewer account 06-0150, 12182 Old Main Rd. The property was acquired by the Chautauqua Land Bank and re-sold. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to amend a motion from last meeting to purchase a spray ring from RingTru Fountain Spray Rings from $1500. to $1700. with the addition of a second spray ring. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the purchase of a lighting system and waterproof junction box along with all installation hardware from RingTru Fountain Spray Rings at a cost of $1,379. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Laurel Run to use the Village Park and Ball Park on July 20th for the annual Laurel Run. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: DPW started black top around the manholes and drops on Monroe St. Brush pick up will be tomorrow. The Village fireworks display will be July 3rd at dusk.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – We had a fountain meeting this morning to discuss progress and schedule.

Trustee Burt – The skew arch bridge on Jackson St. is 150 years old this year. It was suggested that we should do something to recognize it. Louis Pelletter suggested we do it at the Grape Festival.

Trustee Romanik – The side gate of the tennis court is missing the lock. Can we schedule a meeting with the fire chief and squad to discuss the ambulance proposal. The roof of 25 Park Place is falling down. What is the status of the mowing proposal from the planning board recommendation. Attorney Clark stated he should have it finalized soon.

Trustee Cummings – Contacted Ken France about the fence behind the Main St. School. The TAP grant application date has been pushed back o January, 2020.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Water/Sewer Department Mayor Reported: Assisted with the work at the fountain that will make water more accessible for the Grape Festival.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned at 7:35 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 17, 2019 at 7:04 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                    Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Absent:                         Trustee John Burt (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:                            Clerk Thomas Postle

Bill Kuppel

Sandy Hornburg

Tony Szal

Donna Metzger

Sandra Lindstrom

Louis Pelletter

Corey Bistoff

Jake Lesinski – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Absent: Trustee Burt (Excused) and Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the June 3rd, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye,  Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 22, including claims numbered 21576 through 21605 in the amount of $111,378.97, and Abstract No. 46, Capital Project (I&I) claim number 164 in the amount of $1,571.50 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Sandy Lindstrom: Stated the lawn at 4 Alpine needs mowing. The Mayor advised that they have been notified by the zoning officer and with no reply, the Village will mow and issue a court appearance ticket. Sandy Lindstrom: When are the benches received from the grant going to be installed. Discussion about placing one of them at the end of Madison Street at the right of way in honor of Don Wells. The planning board has approved one for this purpose.

Louis Pelletter: Located the lake water revitalization colored drawings, and plans from the 1990’s, and presented to the board for display in the Village Hall. Waiting for a price for the roof on the dining car.

Bill Kuppel: The work on the beach at Borrello Park looks good.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to table the Mayor’s appointment of Colleen McKenna as part time Silver Creek Court Clerk for further discussion and review. Trustees Kelly, and Mayor Hornburg voting no, Trustees Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Dead.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to remove the penalty of $28.56 from water/sewer account 17-0090, 17 Oak St. The payment was post marked on the due date.    Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the purchase of a new spray ring for the Village Fountain from RingTru Fountain Spray Rings at a cost not to exceed $1500.00. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Would like to discuss the hiring of an additional 2 laborers for the summer. Monroe Street is taking more work than expected and is continuing. The new truck for the DPW will be not be delivered for about nine months. Trustee Burt is going to check with another company to see if we could get sooner. Fireworks will be on July 3rd at dusk and no one will be allowed on the Hideaway side of the beach. Use the beach in front of the Firehouse on the Lake.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – Update of the fountain: New water lines, electric lines, have been installed, the concrete will be started. There will be new LED lights installed, and the lining will be installed by Colley Pools when the concrete is cured.

Trustee Burt –  Absent (Excused).

Trustee Romanik –  Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Contacted Ken France regarding the fence at the Main St. School and he will look into it.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported: Received report for the month of May. We are asking for enforcement of the no left turn into the banks.

Streets Department Mayor Reported: Work continuing on Monroe Street, more than expected.

Water/Sewer Department Mayor Reported: They were involved in the fountain project.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: No meeting in July. Will resume in August.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Kelly.

Adjourned at 7:40 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on June 3, 2019 at 7:04 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                    Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Attorney Peter Clark

Absent:                         Trustee John Burt (Excused)

Also Present:                            Clerk Thomas Postle

Dave Clark

Sandy Hornburg

Janet Harmon

Tom Harmon

Jeff DeYoung

Sara DeYoung

Timothy Ippolito

Sandra Lindstrom

Jake Lesinski – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Attorney Clark, Absent: Trustee Burt (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the May 20th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye,  Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No. 21, including claims numbered 21537 through 21573 in the amount of $203,450.29, and Abstract No. 45, Capital Project (I&I) claim number 163 in the amount of $8,135.00 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Timothy Ippolito: Asked what the status of Monroe St. paving project. Mayor Hornburg explained that more work needs to be done before it can be paved.

Dave Clark: Asked if anything can be done with 33 Buffalo St. Mayor Hornburg explained that he will follow up with code enforcement and zoning.

Dave Clark: The guys that mowed 26 Buffalo did an excellent job.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of April, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the application for use of the Ball Park Pavilion for Jacqueline Wassell on June 29, 2019 from noon to 7:00 pm. The security deposit and waiver have been filed in the clerk’s office. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Dwayne Haskins as part time Village Zoning Officer effective May 23rd, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to close the regular meeting and enter into executive session to discuss and employee title issue. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to close the executive session and re-open the regular meeting. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cumming to approve the Mayor’s appointment of John Munch as a full time DPW MEO effective June 3rd, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Romanik and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Kaitlin Murray as Village Treasurer effective June 3rd, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Silver Creek Animal Control Report for the month of May, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to hire Bahgat & Laurito-Bahgat to perform accounting functions for the Village of Silver Creek effective June 1st, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with NYSEG and change order to upgrade the proposed additional lighting. Trustees Kelly, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Our treasurer Janet Harmon has retired and I wanted to publically thank her for her eighteen years of service to the Village. We are scheduled to get concrete tomorrow for the sidewalk in front of China King. The wooden fence around the back of the Main St. School is in poor shape. Trustee Cummings stated that he had a conversation with George Borrello and will follow up. Spoke with Gina Paradis and the Revere Inn property will be transferred to the Village soon. Was contacted by the Chamber of Commerce regarding Valvo Candies will be celebrating 100 years of business on June 15th. We received a bench from Partners in Kind and placed it in the ball park. Met with Steve D’Angelo and Trustee Burt to discuss the new dump truck.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly –  Fountain project was delayed until June 10th due to scheduling.

Trustee Burt –  Absent (Excused).

Trustee Romanik – We need to sign the agreement with NYSEG for the street light upgrade.

Trustee Cummings – Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: The cable TV franchise agreement expired 10 years ago. I have a proposal from Charter Communications and will need some revisions. I have been looking at the proposal of the planning board for exemptions for property maintenance.

Sheriff Mayor reported: Since the 15th of May we have a dedicated 24/7 car in the Village.

Streets Department Mayor Reported: We have hired some laborers to assist with the mowing for the summer.

Planning Board Sandy Lindstrom: Nothing at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Cummings.

Adjourned at 7:45 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 20th, 2019 at 7:04 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were

Present:                                    Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Absent:                         Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:                            Clerk Thomas Postle

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Corey Bistoff

Dave Edwards

Sharon Burt

Sandra Lindstrom

Jake Lesinski – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle: Present: Mayor Hornburg, Trustee Kelly, Trustee Burt, Trustee Romanik, Trustee Cummings, Absent: Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the minutes of the May 6th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye,  Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.20, including claims numbered 21486 through 21535 in the amount of $42,739.74 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Dave Edwards: Asked if the Village could put a memorial sign at the right of way that Don Wells used to maintain. It was suggested to put something on a bench. Dave also asked if the gas company will be returning to repair the lawn damage. There has been a light out at 14 Porter for quite a while.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to accept the application of Robert Sheldon for membership in the Silver Creek Hook & Ladder Company as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to award the bid for collection and disposal of waste and recyclables for a 5 year period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024 to Bestway Container Service, LLC. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to allow the Silver Creek Fire Department to hold their annual boot drive on Memorial Day weekend Sunday May 26th with a rain date of Monday May 27th, and conduct a door to door letter campaign in the month’s of June and July. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the application of Austin Wood as a junior fire fighter with the Silver Creek Fire Department, as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve issuing a purchase order for Colley’s Pools & Spas to install AquaBright over the existing surface of the Village Fountain at a cost of $9,485. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the application of Donald Lindow for membership in the Silver Creek Huntley Hose Company as approved by the Board of Fire Wardens.  Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to allow Trina West from the Silver Creek Central School to use the Village Ball Park Pavilion for the 5th graders from 9:00am – 2:00pm on June 19th, with a rain date of June 20th. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to transfer the following into reserve accounts:

Municipal Building – $30,000

Fire Equipment – $20,000

Ambulance – $40,000

Fountain & Park – $70,000

Street – $90,000

Camera – $2,500

Dining Car – $2,000

Sidewalks – $20,000

Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments:  The sidewalk at the corner of Main and Central will be repaired in two pours on Tuesday and Thursday with weather permitting. We have permission to use the Hideaway Bay property for the fireworks shooting on July 3rd.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – Work on the fountain will begin next week by Franklin Pagano.

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Nice to see new membership to the fire department. We were denied a grant from the Ralph Wilson Foundation for the spray pool and basketball courts. They told us to apply again next year. Donna Metzger said that we had a request from the Chautauqua County Health Network to apply for another grant. Maybe it can be used for benches in those areas.

Trustee Cummings – This week is National EMT week and wanted to publically thank the fire department and emergency squad for the work they do. They are very much appreciated.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported:  We received February through April reports. Town contract has been authorized and will be coming shortly. The county contract has been signed and we have our seconded car for the Village until November 15th.

Streets Department Mayor Reported: Monroe has been milled, and will take several weeks before it is paved. There are 3 other streets that are scheduled to be done also this season.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: They had a few breaks that were repaired. The I&I testing is ongoing.

Court Mayor reported: We will be looking for a new court clerk.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: We are looking for a zoning officer.

Planning Board Donna Metzger:  Have we had a response from the union regarding the lawn maintenance. Mayor: We have not.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt

Adjourned at 7:35 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on May 6th, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present: 

Clerk Thomas Postle

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Corey Bistoff

William Kuppel

Louis Pelletter

Sharon Burt

Sandra Lindstrom

Tim Ippolito

Jeff DeYoung

Lisa Rohloff

Todd Crandall

Jake Lesinski – Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle:


Mayor Hornburg,

Trustee Kelly,

Trustee Burt,

Trustee Romanik,

Trustee Cummings,

Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the April 15th, 2019 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye,  Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the April 15th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye, Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the April 29th, 2019 Special Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.19, including claims numbered 21441 through 21485 in the amount of $60,716.74, following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Bid Opening for refuse/recycling and disposal results:

Only one bid was received from Bestway Container Service, LLC and read by Clerk Postle:

Year 1: July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 – $99,649.00

Year 2: July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 – $101,128.00

Year 3: July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 – $101,980.00

Year 4: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 – $102,990.00

Year 5: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024 – $104,534.00

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to table the bid for review by the Village Board. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Tim Ippolitto: Asked if there could be parking restrictions on Monroe St. during the construction. The mayor will speak with Steve D’Angelo and will advise.

Louis Pelletter: Working on the roll of honor and it will be displayed inside the VFW. Would like to have the roof and the ramp for the dining car done as soon as possible. The youth recreation committee is advertising for counselors. The next meeting is May 3rd. I would like to use the money for historic markers for the roll of honor. In the future, would like to have the planning board to assist with placement historic markers on Main St.

Jeff DeYoung: Complaint about neighbors that continue to leave their property a mess with tires and trash. They have been sited in the past, but continue to return the property to the same mess. Mayor will speak with John Good regarding the status of the complaint.

Bill Kuppel: Noticed the fence along Borrello Park has been removed, but the shed is still there. Mayor and attorney Clark responded that we are working on the issue.

School Superintendent Todd Crandall and Business Manager Lisa Rohloff presented the Silver Creek School budget for the upcoming vote on May 21st. Mr. Crandall commented on the relationship between the Village, Town, and School and the status of the capital project that is ongoing.

New Business: 

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of March, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Kelly to allow the Foundation for Prader-Willi Syndrome to hold a fund raising kickball tournament in the Village Ball Park on July 21, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the Local Law #2 of 2019 to rescind Local Law #1 of 2019 that authorized a property tax levy in excess of the limit established in General Municipal Law Section 3-c. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the amendment proposal to the Village of Silver Creek for professional engineering services associated with the Consent Order/SSES/Sewer Repairs Priority 4 from GHD Consulting Services, with the exception of the Flow Metering for Oak and Buffalo Streets making the new fee total $187,000. Trustees Kelly, Cummings, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye, Trustees Burt, and Romanik voting no. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to accept the Silver Creek Animal Control Report for the month of April, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of intent between the Village and Colley’s Pools to secure a date for application of AquaBright lining and coating to the Village Fountain. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Tom Hartung has received some inquires on the reservoir property. Attended the Fire Department Installation Dinner and installed the new officers. They responded to approximately 589 calls this past year and they are very much appreciated.

We will be raising sewer rates 10% which is about $.30 per thousand, and raising water rates 2% which is about $.09 per thousand. These are inside amounts, but the percentage increases will be the same for the other districts we serve.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – Had lunch with George Borrello and discussed the progress with the Hideaway Bay property. He would be willing to discuss the status and marketing strategy with the Land Bank and Board.

Trustee Burt– The area that the Village uses to dump brush is full. The contractor that is working at the school  has been putting debris in that space.

Trustee Romanik – Is there an update to when the sidewalk at the corner of Main St. will be repaired? Mayor Hornburg stated that it is scheduled for the end of the week with weather permitting.

Trustee Cummings –  Nothing at this time.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to close the regular meeting and enter into executive session to discuss a legal matter. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings with no action taken, close the executive session and re-open the regular meeting. Carried.

Sheriff Mayor reported:  Spoke with the Undersheriff regarding the upcoming Laurel Run, Grape Festival Parade, and the Black Night Booster Club race.

Streets Department Mayor Reported: Working on Monroe Street, should be milling in the next week. Two other streets scheduled to be done are Steward Ave., and Front Street. If time permits we will address Newton Street.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: We had a leak in the park near the church that was repaired.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: What is the status of the property maintenance section that was proposed by the planning board. Mayor Hornburg stated that it was in the hands of the CSEA, and we are waiting for a memorandum of understanding to allow us to have outside contractors do the mowing. The next meeting is Monday May 13th and Code Enforcement (John Good), and Assessor (Jeanne Ebersole) will be in attendance.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt

Adjourned at 8:15 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Special Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 29th, 2019 in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following Members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings


Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:  

Thomas Postle, Clerk

Sandra Lindstrom

Sandy Hornburg

Jake Lesinski

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle:


Mayor Hornburg,

Trustee Kelly,

Trustee Burt,

Trustee Romanik,

Trustee Cummings.


Attorney Clark (Excused).

New Business: 

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the agreement between the Village of Silver Creek and NYSEG for Light Emitting Diode Cobra Head Street Light Conversion. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the current tentative budget as the operating budget for fiscal year June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020.

Total budget: $2,658,278 broken down as:

General Fund amount to be raised by taxes: $1,147,855

Water Fund: $840,185

Sewer Fund: $670,238

Tax Rate: 14.385811 per Thousand. Which is a decrease of 3.32%.

Mayor Hornburg stated that there will be a water/sewer increase for the next billing cycle which is the August billing. There will be notice of the increase when finalized. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayor Hornburg commended the board on a great job with the budget and proud to have been part of it.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt.

Adjourned  at 7:05 pm.


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 15th, 2019 at 7:05 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings


Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:

Clerk Thomas Postle

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Corey Bistoff

William Kuppel

Louis Pelletter

Sharon Burt

Sandra Lindstrom

Janet Harmon

Tom Harmon

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle:


Mayor Hornburg,

Trustee Kelly,

Trustee Burt,

Trustee Romanik,

Trustee Cummings,


Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the April 1st, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye,  Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.18, including claims numbered 21388 through 21440 in the amount of $28,305.08, following proper audit with the exception of claim number 21397 in the amount of $1,019.17. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Sandy Lindstrom: Thank you to the employee that cleaned out the storm drain at the end of Crandall Ave.

Bill Kuppel: The storm drain that goes from Jefferson to the lake has a large stump blocking the discharge end.

Louis Pelletter: The basketball program has concluded and we will be working on the summer program. We are hoping to have the Back Line as another back up along with the First United Church. Have pricing for the replacement of the Roll of Honor. Spoke to Dave Voigt and he thinks he can replace the roof and ramp on the dining car.

Corey Bistoff: There is a tree that fell across the creek on Parkway that could cause flood issues.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Animal Control Report for the month of March, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to allow the Silver Creek Hanover Garden Club to hold their annual Garden Faire on Saturday May 18th, 2019 from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm in the Village Park and Gazebo. They will have some set up on Friday night and take down on Saturday night. They also request the Village to hang their Garden Faire banner, and provide picnic tables, traffic cones, trash barrels, and access to water and electric as in previous years. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to allow the Festival of Grapes Committee to hold their 52nd annual Festival of Grapes September 16th through 22nd, 2019 in the Village Square, Ballpark, and Pavilion, with a parade being held on Sunday September 22nd.  Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the proposal from Streamline Painting Inc. to do work on the Village’s fountain not to exceed $3,300. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to transfer $505.00 from account A1990 contingent expenses to account 7140.4 to pay for items purchased for the historical room. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to transfer $3,700. from water un-appropriated fund balance to water account F8320.54 equipment repairs. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve  the agreement between the Village of Silver Creek and Hanover Little League for the use of the Ball Park and restrooms for the 2019 season. The league will mow and maintain the inside track area from May 1st – June 30th, pending approval of the CSEA Memorandum of Agreement. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with ECO Strategies Engineering and Surveying to provide a Sewer I&I Study focusing on Jaekle Avenue, Christy Street, Lafayette Street and associated downstream infrastructure, at a cost not to exceed $20,000. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: The budget for fiscal year June 1st, 2019 through May 31st, 2020 was presented at the public hearing that preceded this meeting. We are trying to adhere to the regular schedule for brush and leaves. Announced the retirement of Janet Harmon and thanked for the 18 years of service as Village Treasurer. We are finalizing the paving schedule for the upcoming season with Monroe being the main one.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – We are meeting with BLB at 3:30pm. Congratulations to Janet on retirement and thank you for service. Could we have Gina from the Land Bank come to a meeting to talk about the Hideaway Bay property.

Trustee Burt– Thank you to Janet for your service you will be missed.

Trustee Romanik – Thank you to Janet for your service. I remember when you started. Now that the weather has changed I would like the DPW to start locking the gate again. Have we heard anything from the Army Corp or DEC about a plan for the mouth. Trustee Burt stated that he was told that the Army Corp is working on a plan for the area.

Trustee Cummings – Congratulations to Janet and enjoy your retirement. Follow up on the advertising for seasonal workers. Mayor Hornburg stated that we need to fill the full time position first.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported: The contract is being reviewed by the Town.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: They will be assisting the with the storm sewer cameras. Trustee Romanik asked for a time frame for the repair of the sidewalk on Main St. Mayor stated when the weather breaks David will schedule.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Nothing at this time.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: John and I met with Jeanne Ebersole about some items to improve the assessing of the Village.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt  

Adjourned at 7:42 pm


 Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk 


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on April 1st, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Attorney Peter Clark


Trustee Marv Cummings (Excused)

Also Present:    

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Corey Bistoff

William Kuppel

Louis Pelletter

Sharon Burt

Sandra Lindstrom

Jake Lesinski (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.                                      

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle:


Mayor Hornburg,

Trustee Kelly,

Trustee Burt,

Trustee Romanik,

Attorney Clark,


Trustee Cummings (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the March 18th, 2019 Public Hearing as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye, Trustee Kelly abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the March 18th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye, Trustee Kelly abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.17, including claims numbered 21365 through 21387 in the amount of $37,168.24, and Abstract No. 44 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 162 in the amount of $ 2,498.66 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Romanik, voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Bill Kuppel: Asked what was happening with the fence encroachment at Borrello Park

Mayor and Attorney Clark: We have sent a letter to the property owner with no response.

Louis Pelletter: Met with First United Church as a back up for youth recreation, also asking the Back Line as a back up. In the process of writing a narrative of the historical markers for Silver Creek Harbor, early settlement of Fayette, and the burning of the Washington. The town historian will be having someone paint the signs affiliated with the town. Looking into having the WWII Roll of Honor replaced. Updating the history on face book including the past officials. Would like to have the roof of the dining car replaced and the ramp replaced prior to the Grape Festival. Just a comment to have the Village take the Hideaway Bay property and restore it as it was and rent it out.

Sandra Lindstrom: Asked if Jamie Rocque is still the historian and active. Mayor Hornburg stated that she is and promotes the Village when asked.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to pay the Chadwick Bay Membership Dues of $1600.00 for 2019.  Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Romanik, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to remove the service charge from Luanne Marra at 67 Robinson Street Upper account 21-0490. The home has been converted to a single family and inspected by the assessor. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Romanik, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to table the amendment proposal to the Village of Silver Creek for professional engineering services associated with the Consent Order/SSES/Sewer Repairs Priority 4 from GHD Consulting Services. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Romanik, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve a budget modification to increase expenditure account A1210.4 by $3,050.00 to pay for a sign cover by insurance that was received in the prior fiscal year. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and  Romanik, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik  to close the regular meeting and enter into executive session. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Romanik, voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to close the executive session and re-open the regular meeting. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Romanik and voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve a budget modification to increase revenue account F2680 in the amount of $1,743.10 and increase expenditure account F8320.54 by $1,743.10 to pay for the repair to the water/sewer Ford F350. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Romanik voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded  by Trustee Burt to roll over the $300,000 CD for another 6 months at 1.75% interest rate. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Romanik voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to approve moving forward with the conversion to LED street lighting with the changes that are attached as part of this resolution. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Romanik voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to approve payment for a new stainless steel electrical panel box for the Village Square at a cost of $4,554.00. The money will be transferred from reserve account 911.9 Fountain & Park and will be reimbursed through the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation grant. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Romanik voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments:  Proclaimed the month of April as the Month of the Young Child. Read the proclamation at Lake Shore Family Center along with County Executive George Borrello. The DPW started picking up leaf and brush today. They will be sweeping the streets as well soon.

Trustee Reports:  

Trustee Kelly – Thank the board for all of the time put in for the LED conversion. GHD will be here tomorrow at 9 am to discuss the paving of Monroe St.

Trustee Burt– There is a person that approached me to offer services of digitizing historical records as a volunteer.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – Absent (Excused).

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Fire Department, Mayor reported: Village EMS calls – 20, Fire – 2, MVA – 0, Mutual Aid to Sheridan – 2, Town EMS – 19, Fire – 3, MVA – 6 total of 52 calls for March.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Next meeting is a week from tonight.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt  

Adjourned at 7:50 pm


 Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk                                       


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 18th, 2019 at 6:57 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings


Trustee Warren Kelly (Excused)

Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Corey Bistoff

William Kuppel

Louis Pelletter

Cheryl Kuppel

Sharon Burt

Sandra Lindstrom

Jake Lesinski (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Mayor Hornburg:


Mayor Hornburg,

Trustee Burt,

Trustee Romanik,

Trustee Cummings,


Trustee Kelly (Excused),

Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the March 4th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.16, including claims numbered 21322 through 21364 in the amount of $33,105.38, and Abstract No. 43 Capital Project (I&I) claims numbered 160 & 161 in the amount of $20,769.14 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

William Kuppel: Thanked DPW for filling the pot holes on Front St.

Sandra Lindstrom: Asked what the budget modification on the agenda is for. Mayor replied

that it is to cover the costs for the water main break on Main St.

Louis Pelletter: The face book site is working well, and the next posts will include recent

history for example the lights, benches, and fountain. The dining car roof needs repair and

will need to be done soon. Discussion regarding memorial plaques that could be done.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt Local Law No. 1 of the year 2019 authorizing a property tax levy in excess of the limit established in General Municipal Law Section 3-c.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, Cummings, and Mayor Hornburg voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to increase the Court Clerk, Kaitlin Murray’s pay rate to $16.00 per hour effective March 18th. Justice Pearl has advised that she has completed the six month probationary period as agreed upon at the commencement of her employment. Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to table the amendment proposal to the Village of Silver Creek for professional engineering services associated with the Consent Order/SSES/Sewer Repairs Priority 4 from GHD Consulting Services. Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of February, 2019.  Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to allow the Silver Creek Kiwanis Club to use the Village Park and Ballpark on Saturday June 8th, 2019 for the Annual Children’s Fair. Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve a budget modification to increase expenditure account F8320.54 by $8,866.00 to cover the cost of the water main break at Main and Central. Trustees Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to accept the Mayor’s appointment  of Corey Bistoff to the Silver Creek Planning Board. Trustees Burt, Romanik and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Wish Trustee Kelly a speedy recovery from the surgery he had. The DPW night shift ended and all are back on the day shift. The board will be working on the budget in the next few weeks. Commend the water department for the work they did on the water main break.

Thank you to the DPW for the work they do getting us through the winter. Commend the Fire Department and Emergency Squad for the work they do.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – Absent (Excused).

Trustee Burt– Contacted a representative from Geotextile. Contacted a company to assist with the grinding of our brush.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings –  Reached out to the County to assist in the securing of the Main Street School. Some of the fence in the rear is down and people are getting into the school. The Sheriff has caught a couple of them recently.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Welcome to Corey Bistoff – a new member of the planning board. Next meeting will be April 8th.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: John Good has been active and sending out letters for unlicensed vehicles and trash around the Village.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt

Adjourned at 7:27 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on March 4th, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings


Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present: 

Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Corey Bistoff

William Kuppel

Louis Pelletter

Brandyn Griewisch

Jim Tytka Jr.

Jake Lesinski (Observer)

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle:


Mayor Hornburg,

Trustee Kelly,

Trustee Burt,

Trustee Romanik,

Trustee Cummings,


Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the minutes of the February 19th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.15, including claims numbered 21285 through 21321 in the amount of $52,080.40 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Bill Kuppel: Thanked the Village for keeping the sidewalk clean along Jackson Street.

Louis Pelletter: There are about 10 bags of trash in the historical room that need to go out. The Face book page for the historical center has been created. The minutes and record of Village Officials is needed from 2008 to present. The historical plaques are approximately $1,100 and I would like to get one for the Silver Creek Harbor and the Burning of the ship Washington. The youth recreation basketball program started this evening. With the construction projects at both the Silver Creek and Forestville schools, there are concerns about where we are going to have the summer program. I am sorry to see Cathy Young go, she did a lot for the Town and Village over the years. Discussion regarding youth recreation.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Kelly to remove the service charge from Brian Dilorenzo at 15 Tew Street, account 10-0580. The house has been converted to a single family as inspected and confirmed by the assessor. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Kelly to accept the Municipal Shelter Inspection Report as submitted by the Animal Health Inspector with a satisfactory rating.  Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize the clerk to sign the agreement with Young Explosives to secure the date of July 3rd, with a rain date of July 5th for the Village Fireworks Display. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize the mayor to sign the pricing renewal agreement with NOCO for natural gas. The current fixed rate is $.443/ccf, and the new rate will be $.466/ccf. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Animal Control Report for the month of February, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt  to close the regular meeting and enter into executive session. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to close the executive session and re-open the regular meeting. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romaink to advertise for a full time Utility Worker for the DPW. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Will meet with Corey Bistoff next week regarding the planning board appointment.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – Fountain project meeting is tomorrow at 9am., NYS TAP Grant meeting is Thursday at 3:30pm, reminder to DPW to remove the sign in the ball park that is to be painted.

Trustee Burt– National Fuel damaged a storm sewer on Oak St. during the same time as the water main break and the DPW had to repair it.

Trustee Romanik – Have we heard back from our attorney regarding the lawn maintenance proposal. Mayor responded that attorney Clark did advise that we work with the union first and go from there. Have we scheduled a date to meet with the Army Corp of engineers and the DEC, the mayor responded that he not heard back from the county executive or Dave McCoy. Thank you to Mr. Pelletter for getting the face book page set up.

Trustee Cummings – Commend the DPW for a good job keeping the streets and business district sidewalks clear. We need to keep the residential sidewalks clear as well. The fire department and emergency squad have done an excellent job and we are lucky to have them in our area.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported: Spoke with the undersheriff and seems ready to assist us.

Fire Department Jim Tytka Jr.: Village EMS calls 26, Fire calls 4, Service calls 4. Town EMS calls 19, Fire calls 3, MVA 3 total of 59 calls. Chief Brandyn Griewisch: Thanked the board for the remodel of the chiefs office.

Disaster Brandyn Griewisch: We need to do something with the creek around Oliver and Rix. The residents in that area always get flooded when we have heavy rain. If we are having a meeting with the Army Corp and DEC maybe they can give some ideas.

DPW Mayor reported: Again did a good job in keep the streets clear and assisted with the water main break.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: Commended for the quick response with the water main break on Main St.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: We are meeting next week Monday.

Code Enforcement Mayor reported: Our office John Good has been very busy and has acted accordingly on several complaints.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt

Adjourned at 8:00 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on February 19th, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings


Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:  

Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Corey Bistoff

Sharon Burt

Louis Pelletter

Wayne Ashley

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.       

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle:


Mayor Hornburg,

Trustee Kelly,

Trustee Burt,

Trustee Romanik,

Trustee Cummings,


Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the February 4th, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.14, including claims numbered 21246 through 21284 in the amount of $27,380.66, and Abstract No. 42, Capital Project (I&I) claim number 159 in the amount of $18,565.81 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Louis Pelletter: Would like the board to budget some money to purchase historical markers for the burning of the Washington, and replace the one for the Erie, one for  the mass grave in

the cemetery, and one to dedicate Silver Creek Harbor. Updated board regarding the NYSEG LED light program.

Donna Metzger: Asked Louis if he could find any information on the ship that she and her husband found the anchor from.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to remove the service charge of $173.92 from water/sewer account 17-0091, 17 Oak Street. The property was listed as a two family residence, but should be a single family residence. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Louis Pelletter as co-historian for the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to increase the amount that was approved to purchase shelves for the historical room from $500.00 to $504.25. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the NYS Archives record retention and disposition schedule MU-1 as the Village records management schedule. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of January, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to allow the Hanover Chamber of Commerce to hold the 27th annual 14136 area wide yard sales on August 3rd, 2019 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. All sales within the Village are required to purchase a $10.00 permit as a fund raiser to the Chamber with any profits to be invested back into the community. Also request the rest rooms in the ball park pavilion be available during the sale hours. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement between the Village of Silver Creek and the County of Chautauqua to provide court security for the Village of Silver Creek Court effective January 1, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Cummings voting aye, Trustee Romanik abstained. Carried.

Mayors Comments: There will be a public hearing on February 20th, 4:00 pm at the Silver Creek School Auditorium regarding the Ball Hill Wind Energy facility. The governor had cut the AIM funding, but reinstated it and now proposing to fund it by charging internet sales tax to residents to be paid to the county and returned to the Towns and Villages.  Due to the construction project at the school, we will have to move the recreation program back to the Village for this year and we are looking into using Mt. Carmel Hall if there is in climate weather.

Trustee Reports:  

Trustee Kelly – The fountain meeting is rescheduled to March 5th at 9am.

Trustee Burt- Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Cummings – The Silver Creek Boys and Girls basketball teams start the quarter finals this week. Wish the best of luck to both.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Absent (Excused).

Sheriff Mayor reported: The new contract is in the county law department and should receive soon.

DPW Mayor reported: Again did a good job in keeping the streets clear. They will be on pothole repairs soon.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: When the children at play signs are received, please let me know.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt

Adjourned at 7:45 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on February 4th, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:

Thomas Postle, Clerk

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Sandra Lindstrom

Corey Bistoff

Sharon Burt

Louis Pelletter

William Kuppel

Cheryl Kuppel

Jacob Lesinski, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle:


Mayor Hornburg,

Trustee Kelly,

Trustee Burt,

Trustee Romanik,

Trustee Cummings,

Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the minutes of the January 22nd 2019 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.13, including claims numbered 21221 through 21245 in the amount of $41,382.27 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

William Kuppel: Asked what the policy for plowing sidewalks is. Mayor Hornburg replied that the Village plows the business district sidewalks. The residential areas are the home owners responsibility. Mr. Kuppel stated that people have to walk in the street on Jackson to the fireman’s club area because there are no residents along that portion. -The Village should consider doing that section for public safety.

Louis Pelletter: Wants to organize the historical records to ease research. The naming of Silver Creek may be connected to the family name of Bosworth. Contacted the department of records for assistance. All records have repeated the reference of the silver look of the creeks. Happy that the Village is going to address the erosion problem. We did not really dredge, we remove the ice to open the channel and avoid the ice jam which seems to work. We have a historical list of the floods we have had. There have been meetings over the years with army corp and DEC but there has never been a solution presented. I feel the LWRP is the key to rebuilding the water front.

Donna Metzger: In 1997 we had meetings with the army corp, DEC, and engineers that drew plans for a jetty and the rebuilding of the bay area.

New Business:  

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to authorize Louis Pelletter to spend up to $500.00 to purchase shelving and equipment for the historical room. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Animal Control Report for the month of January, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Spoke with County Executive George Borrello this morning regarding the beach erosion. He will be contacting Dave McCoy, John Griffith, DEC, and Army Corp to set up a meeting to discuss. The sign that was damaged last spring is done and will be installed soon.

Commend the DPW of the Village and the Town for a good job during the snow storm.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly –  Sign in the ball park needs to be taken down to be painted.

Trustee Burt – Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – Want to set a meeting with NY Power to discuss the proposal for LED lighting.

Trustee Cummings – Village residents should sign up for NY Alert so they can be informed of emergency events.

Village Attorney Peter Clark – Nothing at this time.

Water/Sewer Mayor reported: The water department was called in on Saturday to take care of pipes that burst at the Silver Lodge.  The creek rose but did not flood after the thaw.

Fire Department Mayor reported: The month of January – Fire calls 9, EMS 8, MVA 2, EMS outside 27, mutual aid 2, for a total of 48 calls for the month. Does not include the crew on standby at the Polar Bear Swim or the crews helping direct traffic during the power outage.

Planning Board Donna Metzger: Presented proposed changes to the code for yard and property maintenance to the Board and Attorney Clark for review. Next meeting scheduled for February 11th.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt  

Adjourned at 7:35 pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on January 22nd, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings


Attorney Peter Clark (Excused)

Also Present:

Donna Metzger

Sandy Hornburg

Sandra Lindstrom

Corey Bistoff

Mike Dee

Louis Pelletter

Jake Lesinski, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle:


Mayor Hornburg,

Trustee Kelly,

Trustee Burt,

Trustee Romanik,

Trustee Cummings,


Attorney Clark (Excused).

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the January 7th, 2019 Organizational Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.12, including claims numbered 21164 through 21220 in the amount of $60,479.78 and Abstract No. 41 Capital Project (I&I) claim numbers 157 & 158  in the amount of $269,710.29 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Michael Dee: Addressed the Board regarding dredging and the erosion of the beach.

Donna Metzger: Commented that the Army Corp of Engineers was talking with Don Beckstein back in the 90’s regarding a jetty to protect the Hideaway Beach area.

Louis Pelletter: The Village used to dig out the creek and put the gravel on the Village beach there was a complaint made to the DEC that the Village was removing gravel. The DEC made the Village put the gravel on the Hideaway Bay side. I appreciate the clerk II and board for the CD of the minutes for the historical record. In 1911 there was talk of a building being built, but never happened. I have the documentation of the results and can discuss privately if anyone would like. I also received an email regarding the naming of Silver Creek and I will respond to that person. Trustee Romanik found a lift that will work for the dining car, and I found a temporary to permanent solution and waiting for someone to get back to me. I would like to get a couple of book cases for the historical room and set up a library.

New Business:

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Court Report for the month of December, 2018. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Kelly to transfer $2,000 from account A1990 Contingent Expenses to account A7110.21 Equipment-Tennis/pickle ball court. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to renew the $400,000 BAN and $952,700 BAN that are both coming due on February 20, 2019. The Village will issue a $1,352,700 BAN for 9 months with a 3 month call. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the Mayor’s appointment of John Munch as a Temporary Utility Worker and Substitute MEO for the DPW effective January 14th, 2019. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Kelly to authorize the Mayor to post a position opening Working Supervisor for the DPW. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to establish a standard work day for the following titles for reporting to the NYS Retirement System based on their record of activities. Village Trustee Stephen Romanik, Animal Control Officer Tim Christian, and Street Superintendent Steven D’Angelo all have a standard work day of 6 hours. Trustees Kelly, Burt, and Cummings voting aye. Trustee Romanik abstained. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to adopt the following resolution which is made to amend a resolution adopted on January 7, 2019: WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to authorize payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight, and express charges; and WHEREAS, all such claims must be presented at the next Regular Board Meeting for audit; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes payment in advance for audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight, and express charges. All such claims must be presented at the next regular meeting for audit. If the Board of Trustees disallows any such claim, they may take necessary action as needed to rectify the issue. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments:  The Village Board assignments have been completed and a copy will be available for the public review in the clerk’s office. Read a thank you letter from Judy Kelly and Pam Forge of the Polar Bear Swim for helping to raise over $13,000. for charity. Commend the DPW keeping up with the snow over this past weekend. Mark Stifter of NYSEG is ready to discuss the LED lighting for the Village and would like to know if we will stay with NYSEG or change to NY Power. We will be meeting with Joe Crimi of NY Power on Thursday. Reminder that there is no parking from 2:00 am – 6:00 am on all Village Streets. We a looking for two planning board members.

Trustee Reports:  

Trustee Kelly – Met with Jonathan Mayer regarding our options for a TAP Grant. We have a workshop at 3:30 on Thursday. Attended a MLK Luncheon at the Clarion in Dunkirk, the program was beautiful.

Trustee Burt– Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – We have been gathering information on the sidewalks to be replaced for the TAP Grant application.

Trustee Cummings – DPW did an excellent job keeping the streets open. The fire department would like to remind residents to keep fire hydrants open.  The Village received $791.85 from the wheelbarrow of cheer ticket sales for the fountain project.

Planning Board Donna Metzger:

The planning board is working on a proposal to change the code regarding yard up keep. We would like to outsource the work if necessary and bill it to the property owner, or bring to court. Also have a committee looking for a place to put a dog park.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt

Adjourned at 8:05pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk


At the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Silver Creek, NY, on January 7th, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Village Board Meeting Room, the following members were


Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg

Trustee Warren Kelly

Trustee John Burt

Trustee Steve Romanik

Trustee Marv Cummings

Attorney Peter Clark

Also Present:

Sharon Burt

Sandy Hornburg

Sandra Lindstrom

Corey Bistoff

William Kuppel

Louis Pelletter

Justice Anthony Pearl

Pastor Rob Sheldon

Jake Lesinski, Observer

Mayor Jeffrey Hornburg called the meeting to order.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Organizational Meeting Prayer was given by Pastor Rob Sheldon.

Swearing in ceremony of Trustee John Burt, and Marv Cummings was performed by Justice Anthony Pearl.

Roll Call by Clerk Postle:


Mayor Hornburg,

Trustee Kelly,

Trustee Burt,

Trustee Romanik,

Trustee Cummings,

Attorney Clark.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the minutes of the December 17th, 2018 Regular Meeting as presented. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to approve the payment of the bills appearing on Abstract No.11, including claims numbered 21117 through 21163 in the amount of $189,692.41 and Abstract No. 40 Capital Project (I&I) claim number 156 in the amount of $31,854.45 following proper audit with no exceptions. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Floor Opened to the Public for Comments/Concerns of the Village Board:

Sandra Lindstrom: Asked how many employees are in the streets department and has the vacant position been filled.

Mayor: We have four employees in the department now and Monday we are hiring a seasonal part time employee for the winter months.

County Executive George Borrello: Congratulations to Trustees Burt and Cummings. I intend to attend a board meeting at every municipality in the county. We are doing what we can to unite as many of our municipal governments as possible and put forth an economic development alliance. Still working on a strategy for the Main St. School and do have a developer interested in it. Still trying to find a suitable buyer for the old Hideaway Bay property. Look forward to working with all of you.

Louis Pelletter: Working on a basketball program for the youth recreation. The historical room does not have a lot of information from the early 1900’s. Request the minutes of 1911 and 1912 for the historical record. Still trying to put things back to the way they were, and I may need some adjustable shelves. Would like to look into the possibility of an elevator to allow the historical room to open to the public. If that would not be possible, I would like to look into a first floor room somewhere, possibly the Main St. School if it is developed. The dining car is in need of repair and a replacement of the handicap ramp and would like to have it done before the next Grape Festival.

New Business: 

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the  procurement policy of the Village of Silver Creek as currently in effect and that the Village Board is hereby directed to review and make modifications necessary thereto. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt to designate the Dunkirk Observer as the official newspaper of the Village of Silver Creek. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, circumstances arise that require the Village Board to convene in addition to the scheduled Regular Board Meetings

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in the event of a Special Meeting being called by the Mayor or Trustees, every member of the Village Board shall be informed by telephone, in person or in writing by either the Village Clerk, Mayor or another member of the Board of Trustees of the date, time, location and subject of the Special Meeting; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the meeting shall be given to the Board Members and The Observer and posted at the Village Municipal Building at least 72 hours in advance unless an emergency exists and otherwise as in conformance with the Public Officers Law, and the other laws of the State of New York. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Romanik to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Silver Creek hold regularly scheduled meetings

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the first and third Monday of the month; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in the event that a Regular Meeting date falls on a holiday in which the Village office is closed,  the Regular Meeting of the Village Board will be held on the following Tuesday; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Board Workshops will be held in the Municipal Board Room at 172 Central Avenue, Silver Creek NY 14136 as advertised. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Kelly to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that Village Law § 4-412(3)(2) requires the designation of banks or trust companies for the deposit of all village monies;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board designates the following institutions as depository of all moneys received by the village treasurer, clerk, and receiver of taxes: Community Bank, N.A. and Evans Bank. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Kelly to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, there is to be held during the coming official year a) the New York State Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting and Training School; b) the New York State Conference of Mayors and Fall Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerks; c) the New York State Conference of Mayors Public Works School, d) county association meetings; etc.; and

WHEREAS, attendance by certain municipal officials and employees at one or more of these meetings, conferences or schools benefits the municipality;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that officers and employees are authorized to attend these schools and meetings with board approval. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage as reimbursement to Village officers and employees who use their personal automobiles while performing their official Village duties;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board will approve reimbursement to such officers and employees at the rate of $0.45 per mile. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Cummings to adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined to authorize payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges; and

WHEREAS, all such claims must be presented at the next Regular Board Meeting for audit; and

WHEREAS, the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claim are jointly and severally liable for any amount the Village Board disallows.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges.  All such claims must be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant and the officer incurring or approving the claims are jointly and severally liable for any amount the board of trustees disallows. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Cummings seconded by Trustee Burt to transfer $1,507 from account A1990 Contingent expenses to account A1910.4 Unallocated Insurance. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Kelly seconded by Trustee Burt to authorize the mayor to sign Amendment No. 3 between the Village of Silver Creek and GHD Consulting Services Inc. to provide 2018 annual reporting, evaluating the I&I reduction from the previous year as required by the NYSDEC for a lump sum of $10,000. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Romanik seconded by Trustee Burt authorizing the mayor to approve Change Order No. 1 of the Sanitary Sewer Repairs Priority 3 contract between Kenyon Pipeline Inspection LLC and the Village of Silver Creek. The change order is reducing the original contract of $944,050 by $17,347.56 resulting in a new contract price of $926,702.44. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Motion made by Trustee Burt seconded by Trustee Cummings to accept the Silver Creek Animal Control Report for the month of December, 2018. Trustees Kelly, Burt, Romanik, and Cummings voting aye. Carried.

Mayors Comments: Proclaimed January 20-26, 2019 as Silver Creek School Choice Week.(Read Proclamation). We finally got the majority of the leaves picked up around the village and appreciate the work that the DPW did in getting the job done. The Christmas lights around the fountain and park area were donated by Sheila Madden in honor of Dr. Fritz and I wanted to thank her publicly for them.

Trustee Reports:

Trustee Kelly – We talked at the workshop to advertise for a working supervisor and want to get it advertised. Also next Thursday we are having a fountain design meeting at 9:00 am.

Trustee Burt– Nothing at this time.

Trustee Romanik – We have a new business on Howard St. that makes pierogies. They are open to the pubic. I would like to welcome them to the Village.

Trustee Cummings – Thank you to everyone for the kind words over the past few months and I look forward to working with all of you.

Village Attorney Peter Clark: Nothing at this time.

Fire Department Mayor reported: The fire department and emergency squad have been busy.

Court Justice Anthony Pearl: The court clerk works partially for me and partially for the clerk’s office. She has worked out very well. There are new mandates and she will need to be trained. We are going through old files of unpaid fines and sending letters to collect some of the outstanding money. The court security officer is working out well. The court system is changing the way that we do arraignments.

Planning Board Sandra Lindstrom: We have nothing at this time.

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Burt  

Adjourned at 7:45pm


Thomas M. Postle Jr., Village Clerk

**Due to the large amount of text, minutes prior to 2019 are on file in the clerks office and are available upon request.**
