Brush, Leaves & Heavy Metal


Brush, Grass, Leaves & Heavy Metal Pick-Up

*You can find the pick up days noted by color on the recycling calendar*



We ask that you do not place items in the street to allow for the unobstructed operation of the Street Sweeper Machine. 

Please refer to the Recycling Schedule calendar for the next pick-up date

BRUSH, LEAVES & GRASS (April – October only)
-Brush is picked up the first and third Monday of each month

Place brush out on Sunday evening to ensure pick up on Monday morning. If it is not placed out on Sunday evening, your brush will not be picked up.  There is no set schedule for when certain streets are picked up, so please make sure it is at your curb no later than 6 am on Monday morning.

Place at curb no more than 24 hours before pick up day. Brush, shrubs and limbs must be cut in lengths not exceeding 4 feet (with all cut ends facing the same direction)

Leaves, grass and small sticks must be place in easy to dump containers weighing less than 40 lbs when full – NO BAG OR BOXES

Leaves are not picked up with the leaf machine until the fall. Place at the curb-NO STICKS IN THE FALL.

NOTE: Brush, grass or leaves that contain paper, metal, garbage, pet waste, or building material will not be picked up.

HEAVY METAL   Last Wednesday of each month  (March – November only)

Large appliances, steel pipes, drain pipes, etc can be placed out on Tuesday evening for pick up on Wednesday morning.

NOTE: Items that contain freon, such as air conditioners, freezers, dehumidifiers or refrigerators must have the Freon removed by a certified refrigeration person.  A certificate will then be placed on the appliance and the Village will pick it up.


*Please note* Large electronic items will not be picked up curbside, regardless of having a Silver Creek bag tied to item. (ex. Computers,Monitors,Televisions..etc) These items can be taken to a transfer station.

These items must be taken to a transfer station for disposal.  The nearest one is located at 3688 Webster Road in Fredonia.

 Contact them at 672-2200 for rates and information.

For a list of transfer stations and rates

TREE REMOVAL– The Contractor or home owner is responsible for all clean up and disposal of debris from the removal of any trees on private property.